» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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I bring joy and laughter in even the darkest hour. I take the scales from the eyes and wax from the ears to see and hear MY Truth. I remove the fetters of long-held sin and generational curses that plague the souls of lost men. Why would you not want to step into MY Eternal Ways and share in the Everlasting Kingdom I have prepared for you? Come be at MY Side and let ME pour down MY affections over you, show you true love, not tainted by evil that leads to great remorse, the love that world embraces: a false love and happiness that is filled with lies leading to hell. Now is the hour of redemption. This door to MY Heart will not always be open to a fallen world. Many will die in their iniquity apart from ME. The path to purity and holiness is narrow and only a few seek to find it. Many enslaved in this lost world will fall away and only MY Kingdom will prevail. Step away from the world that will only lead to your destruction and pursue ME and the Narrow Path to the Kingdom of GOD. Repent! Surrender! Pursue ME in intimacy! This is the only way. I AM JEHOVAH-JIREH…



Genesis 22:13-14 (KJV): And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. 14 And Abraham called the name of that place JEHOVAH-JIREH: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.






October 14, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is the Word for today: Life is short, MY children—time is short. You may think you have many years to look forward to into the future but your hour could be cut short at any moment—even without warning. Many have already faced this reality. Look around you—the lives of many are now being cut short on all shores, all continents, all walks of life. No one is immune to sudden death or sudden destruction outside of MY eternal protection. Life is precious and no one controls it apart from their GOD. I hold the key to all life. I alone control the future. Why take such risks on your eternal whereabouts? Why risk eternal losses by ignoring MY pleas and the warnings I have put out through MY Word and many people both young and old who have dreams, visions, and words of prophecy? Why give yourself over to an unknown future that you believe you have control over? Who has ever controlled their own life to know when they will breathe their last and to choose their eternal destination apart from their CREATOR? All men are born desiring to be their own god, running their own world, right from birth. Soon they learn this is not possible either by death and destruction or by surrendering to ME acknowledging that they need a SAVIOR, a COUNSELOR, a COMFORTER. What will you choose? To be stiff necked and stubborn and willfully rebellious to the ONE WHO gave you life? Or will you desire to be right with your GOD and to choose to walk in MY Truth and to learn of MY Ways? You are able to choose, but your choice holds eternal consequences. Either an outcome of terror or an everlasting haven of rest and joy. Most do not choose the latter because evil fills their hearts. Come to ME, surrender your all and let me clean your blackened heart and fill you with MY SPIRIT and prepare you for the endless Kingdom of GOD. Your MAKER calls. How will you answer?



Psalm 92:8-9 (KJV): 8 But THOU, LORD, art Most High for evermore. 9 For, lo, THINE enemies, O LORD, for, lo, THINE enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.





October 17, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Yes, Susan, Here is MY Word: Children, the hour grows dark. Time is declining, your time to find ME is diminishing. Do not take the hour for granted. Life is short, too short to gamble on it. Too many die in their sin, unready to face their GOD in their godless condition, to face ME without MY Blood Covering to cover your sins and bring you forgiveness is the last thing anyone wants to do. The unrepentant state will bring condemnation and eternal consequences. There are no words to fully describe the penalty for rejecting the Blood-bought Salvation I provide. To reject so great a gift will bring the worst punishment: to be outside the Beautiful Kingdom of GOD for all time. Think this over seriously, because your time to consider this choice could be over sooner than you think. Do not put off this all-important decision. There is nothing more important than choosing for your CREATOR. Wake up to the condition the world is in. it is a world suffering from the rejection of its GOD. Time will continue to see a world spiraling down to darker heights. Run to the ONLY LIGHT, DOOR-WAY, TRUTH! Tomorrow is not promised…I AM THE WAY…THE TRUTH…THE LIFE…


John 14:6 (KJV): JESUS saith unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME.




October 21, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, today is the day to make choices because tomorrow is not promised to you. Life is short. Many find out the hard way with no forewarning that that day is their last in this life. Do not be caught off guard to face ME, your CREATOR, unprepared, forced to give an account of your life without MY Blood-covering forgiveness for sin and full pardoning. What price is your eternal salvation? You cheapen MY Great Sacrifice on your behalf by walking away from it each day. Even MY lukewarm who use MY Name and say they know ME, make MY Salvation gift for naught because they hold tightly to the world, the traditions of men, onto their own self-wills. What does it take for you to come to the end of yourself and admit you need a SAVIOR and to lay it all down at MY Feet? What is your soul worth to you? Will your soul be eternally with ME in Heaven or apart from ME in Hell? All is a choice. The devil offers a cheap alliance with a short-term relationship with sin and the flesh. It may satisfy today, but all your eternal days will be spent in darkness for what you reap today. Is a brief stint with sin worth your eternal soul destined to hell? That is where you are heading apart from turning to ME. There are consequences for wrong choices, but choose for ME today and your past choices of evil can be completely erased and your future can be full of love, peace, joy, and eternal contentment. I have a place prepared for you. It is yours, but you must ask for it, receive it, and die to self. Place all that you have and all yourself in MY Hands. Close the door on your sinful choices and choose for the GOD WHO is flawless and leads with perfection. Your past is a breath, quickly passed away. Do not waste the moments that remain in your brief time remaining. Choose wisely, spend your time well. What time left has eternal consequences. I AM THE LORD OVER ALL TIME…Past…Present….Future…


Hebrews 13:8 (KJV):JESUS CHRIST the same yesterday, and today, and forever.




October 23, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


MY childen, This is your GOD. The world thinks of ME as a far-off, disinterested GOD, but I am the opposite. I know the details of MY children’s lives, all that concerns them. I know their comings and goings. Those who reject ME however will separate themselves from a Doting GOD WHO is always near, always available. You can call out to ME now at any time, pursue ME from a sincere heart and I can be found by those who truly seek ME. This will not always be the case for those who choose against ME and enter the next life apart from ME. Those who turn away from ME in this life will not have ME in the next life. Many would see this as non-consequential now, but later the impact of being apart from their CREATOR for eternity is not what you really ever want to experience although this is the outcome for most people and it is eternal torment, darkness, and separation from LOVE. Do not let these moments of your life remaining end without reconciling with your GOD and preparing to face ME. You must repent and surrender to MY Salvation. Acknowledge MY payment for your sin on a cross of death and suffering, great suffering! Without MY Salvation gift, you will be forever apart from ME and all good that I represent. Instead you will receive endless suffering and loss for rejection and rebellion in this life. The hour has come for decisions. Choices must be made. How will you choose? What will be the outcome of your brief existence in this life? Declare your love for ME and live! Devote your life to ME and love will be yours for all eternity. I am coming back. Will you be ready?


Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV): I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:




October 28, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


These are the Words to give to the people:


MY children, MY creation. You are coming closer to the close of this age. It is the age of grace given to MY ardent followers, for them alone. Grace is not bestowed on those who reject MY message and keep their hands on the world. MY children, you cannot serve ME and mammon. You must choose between the world, its ways and ME and MY Ways. Time is of the essence and your life is in the balance. Who knows the time of their last breath in this life and the time that they will give an account of their life to ME? Who knows when they will be sent from MY Presence or received into MY Kingdom? Who determines such information? Only I am the ONE to call MY Own home or to cast the evil away from MY Presence. Only I know the moment for each person’s life to be completed in this world. This is why you need to surrender to MY Ways, because you do not know what this day, even this day, will bring. Will you be ready to stand before MY throne and give an account of your life? What will be the outcome of your moment in MY Presence? Will you be known by ME or cast away for eternity? This is too important to waste your time in this life on trivial pursuits. Many have cast down their opportunities to make things right with ME in exchange for a brief time of pleasure in an evil world. So their brief stay in this earth produced an eternity of destruction, torment, and hell-fire. What will your stay in this earth bring you for eternity? Will you use the remaining time you possess wisely or will you throw it all away for a short-lived thrill? Be careful because I will not be mocked. Your lust for an evil world will back fire without MY Blood-bought Salvation. When you face your GOD without MY Covering of Salvation and forgiveness you will have eternal regrets and find yourself outside MY Everlasting Kingdom. Choose now, choose wisely and live. This is the hour of choices. “I AM” Warns




Matthew 6:24 (KJV): No man can serve two masters:

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