» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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MY flock, and they do not seek ME and MY Will as shepherds and leaders of MY churches. The hour is coming to a close. Where will you be when the clock strikes Midnight? Will you be ready for that moment or will you be left or worse will you be lost in sudden destruction that will befall this earth at the removal of MY church? Decisions must be made and even choosing to ignore MY warnings is a decision. Repent of the evil of apathy toward ME and WHO I am. Repent for putting ME at the bottom of your heart’s list of priorities in life. I should be at the top of that list but so many have delegated ME far down the list. Will you have a heart change? Will you fear your GOD and begin to understand the hour you live in? Let ME save you and set you free from a life apart from your GOD. Come to know ME, I can be known, but precious time is running out.



Psalm 2:11 (KJV): Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.




November 30, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


MY children, I am the Ever-Present GOD. The world is MY footstool. I encompass the Universe. Where can you go from MY Presence? MY Truth rises above all other thoughts and ways—MY Ways are higher. I keep the Universe running. There is nothing I cannot do. I am the KEY to all life—everything that breathes has its being through ME. I cast down…I raise up…I bring forth….and I send away…. All will bow at MY Feet and admit I am GOD. All those who have rejected ME and all those who know ME not will each admit I am GOD. It is a frightening moment to face the Living GOD. Will you be ready for that moment or will you depart from ME for eternity? I cannot bring you into MY Eternal home of beauty and peace if your garments are stained and spoiled. Only by MY Blood Covering will you stand ready and able to dwell in MY Presence for eternity. This hour is coming, the moment of truth in which your heart will be found out—either lacking or forgiven and accepted. How will I find you? Ready and waiting OR lost and perishing. These words are true. You must face ME either now and prepare or later and unprepared. Time cannot be altered or turned back for those who face ME unprepared. Waste not a moment on a lost cruel world that will lead you to hell. Let ME save you and set you on the straight path now before it is too late. Death is swift and darkness consuming for those who reject ME. MY patience for evil has limits. Decide today WHOM you will serve. I AM The GOD of Forever More….



Romans 14:12 (KJV): So then every one of us shall give account of himself to GOD.





December 9, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is the Word: Truly, MY children lean in, MY coming is near. So many speak otherwise but these do not KNOW ME. They do not worship ME in righteousness and truth. They have not come near ME, to understand MY Heart, to meet ME in the secret place where we forge intimate connections. Those who profess to know what the future holds do not spend time with ME, they do not study MY Word to see the times how they are conforming to what was spoken thousands of years ago. There are many who only want their own futures, they do not operate in MY Will but their own will apart from truth. So these people direct others to ignore MY Word, MY Will, MY Truth. They cast aside the possibility that MY coming is near for their own evil desires and pursuit of a world that knows ME not. You must not listen to even pastors and others who claim that MY Coming is somehow postponed for a date way into the future. This is a lie. I would never have MY children to be unprepared for MY soon Coming. In preparing for MY Coming all are prepared for their short-term life in this earth. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? If you are ready then you will stand in MY Glory and be received by your GOD. If you find preparing for MY Coming as incongruent with your own plans and desires, then when you stand before ME no matter the day and the hour you will be sent from MY Presence because your garment is lacking…lacking preparation and with its spots and stains will be found unacceptable to come into MY Heavenlies to live with ME for all time. So who will you listen to? Others who know ME not? Your own vain desires that exclude a future with ME? Or will you come in close to hear what MY SPIRIT says through MY Voice which is available in MY Book, through MY messengers, through MY Love in MY daily Presence? I am ready to bring you into truth, but you must desire it. Without MY truth you will not receive the message that MY coming is so close and without the inner desire to be near ME here in this life you will miss being near ME for all time. How sad for those who reject their GOD to spend eternity apart from ME. What is the worth of a man’s soul to gain the whole world but to lose it? Who can calculate the value of the everlasting soul? How will you react to this message? Will you come close to your GOD and pursue ME with all your heart? Tomorrow may be too late. Tarry not for your days are numbered and only I know the number of them. I love you. Do not reject such a Great Love, your Eternal GOD…




December 18, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, listen carefully as I bring you MY Truth and understanding: There is a climate change around the world: not man made but GOD MADE. I have intervened and brought down fire and fury. This is only the beginning. The world will see much bending and shaking in the days ahead. What does the future hold you wonder? I can tell you: it is bleak for the ones who choose to reject ME, MY Truth, MY Salvation, MY Protection. What man can save himself from the horrors to come? Already mankind has turned a corner toward calamity and great evil aimed at each other and inwardly. Men killing men, men killing themselves—the corruption is on all sides. What you see now is only the beginning of woes. Earth has never witnessed the destruction that will come yet to it. It will be tenfold greater then your eyes have seen. Why do you want so badly to cling to a lost world without hope? Why do you look for men to solve problems that grow worse and worse without an end in sight? Famine, pestilence, death will be much more common as the world grows darker and darker. This stems from people who reject GOD—their CREATOR and the LOVER of their souls. Men have written ME out of their hearts. I am not even a thought on their minds. I have become a frequent foul word which evil men use profusely day in and day out. This cannot go unpunished MY children. There will be an outcome for such evil and it will not playout in the favor of evil men with careless hearts. Soon you will either find yourself in the hands of MY enemy or safely protected by MY Great Hands of protection. There are only two ways, two outcomes, two ends. To come to live with ME for eternity in MY REST or to endless darkness bound to the destination of unrepentant sinners, lost on the broadway to hell. MY Warnings are clear. Lay down your life, turn your soul over to your GOD for safekeeping. Submit to the Will of the FATHER through the Blood sacrifice of HIS Son, your SAVIOR—I AM HE. I cancelled your debt with MY Own Life and Blood. Accept MY Salvation and choose life, choose intimacy with GOD. Learn of ME through MY Book. All is written for your benefit. LIFE is yours. Choose for life. Great darkness is coming, Trust in the ONLY True HOPE, The GOD of the LIVING.



Luke 21:11 (KJV): And great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.




December 21, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is today’s Word: The darkness has taken over the earth—it is only a few, a remnant who have not been consumed by utter darkness. The world has a ruthless stronghold on all the people—they are lost in their fallen state: pursuing their own agendas; letting the enemy control them; walking in ways of evil; loving sin and grasping for it at every turn. The innocent have become the guilty while the wicked men roam freely about. The world is commemorating gross evil, awarding wickedness, applauding vile behavior and choosing for darkness. Those that carry the light are held in contempt, ridiculed; reviled, expunged. Daily the people become more depraved and darker—they have lost their way altogether and walk on evil paths. They choose death, hatred, unforgiveness, and their GOD is the last on their minds. What shall I do with such evil and rebellion? It is written: I shall answer their pleas for darkness with MY Wrath and extract MY Protection that the world has formerly benefited from. Already the world is seeing the results of turning its back toward its GOD. There are always penalties for unrepentant sin and the world is swimming in it now. The wage of sin is death and destruction is coming to a world that has chosen evil over its GOD of Holiness. What price rebellion toward a HOLY GOD? This is what the world is about to come into the knowledge of: sudden destruction, tribulation, and the evil of a wicked world leader whose heart has no love. What will you do? Will you choose against your GOD and face the worst as I bring MY wrath down on an evil and deserving world? Or will you submit to your GOD, repent for your sin, and choose the path of righteousness? Let these words sink in—there is no escape for those who embrace evil and who choose to go against GOD. Face up to the darkness crowding out the light in your world and admit you need a SAVIOR. I AM HE. Run under MY Skirt while there is still time. The hour of doom cometh to a lost and dying world. Pray to be found worthy to escape what is now even transpiring, the consequences of sin in a fallen world.



Matthew 24:12 (KJV): And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.




December 28, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here are the Words today: I am a HOLY GOD, pure in all MY Ways. MY Words are HOLY and full

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