» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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John 14:6 (KJV): “JESUS saith unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME.”




July 22, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is today’s message: Listen carefully children, I come to you in sadness and grief that so many of MY followers would stray away seeking answers from a lost world. They pursue chariots and horses for answers. They look to MY enemy for peace and satisfaction. There will be none. For a time, the world seems to be filled with the right answers and the way seems right, but the enemy who poses as an angel of light is hiding the gateway to hell within all he says and does. There will be no rest for those who go on this path of destruction. To follow the world and MY enemy is to chase after your own demise, yet this is the way most of MY children choose. All is not well with this world. It has chosen against ME and MY Ways. The world is wicked and filled with darkness. Evil has a foot-hold on all corners of the globe and the gates of hell expand daily to take in the lost. Will you choose against ME in this late hour? Horror awaits this world in the hours ahead. This world will see very little light as it tries to snuff ME out. I will allow evil man to have his time, but when I remove MY devoted church, the little flock, the enemy will attempt to destroy even those he has used for his purposes. Children, come out of the darkness while there is still LIGHT to find. The enemy is a cruel task-master who destroys all he uses. If you do not pursue ME and MY Holiness, you will be destroyed by the one you serve. Serve not evil. Evil ways only lead to death and destruction. Sin for a time seems comforting, but it is a high-level trap to snare your eternal soul. Turn from sin and repent! Release your life into MY Hands and MY Care. I will never forsake or leave you. Come into safekeeping. Come to ME. Touch not the evil of this world. Come clean in MY Word by the Power of MY SPIRIT. All can be rectified through MY Blood-bought Payment for your sins. Surrender to the Will of GOD and enter into the peace of right-standing with your CREATOR. Darkness is closing in…wait not to seek your GOD. This is the HOLY ONE…the GOD of LOVE…




July 26, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD has words for you: I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I am a GOD WHO can be trusted. MY “YES” is “YES” and MY “NO” is “NO”. You trust MY enemy if you do not come wholly into MY Will. You put your faith in a world that scorns MY Truth and denies MY Righteousness. You walk with MY enemy who lies at every turn. He is the father of lies. His words are laden with lies. He is looking to remove you from this world and to see you fail spiritually. He means to kill, steal from you, and destroy you. His goal is for your demise. Why do you run toward him so swiftly with so much intent to latch onto him and his vile ways? He will drag you under and laugh when you fall. His goal is to corrupt as many as possible and to lead many to eternal destruction. You must escape his clutches and his plans to destroy you. There is only ONE release from his trap for your life. It is to renew your mind and to surrender to MY Way of thinking. Accept MY highly paid sacrifice for salvation on a cross of true torture. Repent of your old thinking, your own will and ways. Turn and face ME with remorse for a life of evil and focus on the enemy of your soul. What price salvation? The life of your own CREATOR. That is the price and sacrifice made for your salvation. Accept MY Free Gift that cannot be earned or worked for. Come receive MY Love freely. Escape the world that has you locked in sin-chains—sins against your own MAKER, the ONE WHO loves you more than you love yourself. I am telling you to release your grip on your worst enemy and find your way to eternal freedom and the rest of GOD. What does it mean children, to gain the whole world, but to lose your own soul?


Romans 12:2 (KJV): And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, Will of GOD.




July 30, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD is ready to receive you. Anytime you are ready to come and be fed by ME, I am ready to feed you. Come and taste that I am sweet. MY Words are pure gold, spun gold. They offer you life everlasting. I have truth that you can find nowhere else. I bring warmth in a world that waxes cold. I bring fire to cold hearts. MY Words hold promise and hope, hope of eternal life in MY Presence. MY Words are joy-filled and comforting. Yes, I must discipline you also with MY Words, but without correction, you will lose your way. I bring protection through MY Words. They are a shield to the enemy. They ward off evil and help you to resist the enemy and his plans for your demise. MY Words are loving and expressive, full of all that the world cannot offer. MY Words are consistent and reliable, always on time. They come to life, even as you read them because they are MY Words and I am the MASTER of language. I rule over the languages as I gave them to the people. All words are known by ME. Let ME pull the veil off your eyes, remove the scales, and give you MY Holy eye salve so that you might see. Without MY HOLY SPIRIT Oil in your life, MY Book cannot be understood. You must have MY SPIRIT to fully receive the meaning in MY Book. Until HE guides you, the interpretation of men falls short and the enemy will twist MY Words for his own vile plans. You must come into a full surrender to ME, to understand MY Ways and to receive life-giving knowledge beyond your grasp without ME. Let ME be your GUIDE. All else you do will be ineffectual. Come receive the pure water of MY Words, MY Fountain of Truth. I hold the key to unlock the Power of MY Book. Come receive that which I give freely to those who choose ME above all else….


1 Corinthians 2:10-14 (KJV): But GOD hath revealed them unto us by HIS SPIRIT: for the SPIRIT searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of GOD. 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of GOD knoweth no man, but the SPIRIT of GOD. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of GOD; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of GOD. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the HOLY GHOST teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the SPIRIT of GOD: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.



August 4, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


I am ready to give you words for the people, those who will receive them.


Children, your GOD above loves you. MY Love is never-ending. I desire that you be at MY Side for eternity but many of you have chosen for the world believing it holds all your answers. There is no love in a lost world filled with hate and cold hearts. Without MY Presence there can be no true love. Many seek comfort through worldly pursuits. Many dowse the pain of an evil world through sorcery and are greatly deceived. They believe wrongly that evil can relieve their pain through revenge, pursuit of wealth, fame, and fortune of the world. It is a closed loop that can never be escaped from without a full surrender to MY Ways, MY Views, MY Words, and MY Blood-bought Salvation. The mind must be renewed through ME to be at peace and for Spiritual healing to ensue. All other avenues lead to destruction and despair. Stop chasing your own demise. When you chase after worldly pleasures you are chasing your own ending. The path you are on is broad and it looks right and appealing but it is filled with traps and so many never escape. You must allow ME to remove the scales from your eyes. Why continue in the dark, groping for all doors that open to hell? Turn back to the LIGHT, the ONE True Narrow PATH that leads to eternal rest. Your quest for truth is laden with lies if you pursue MY enemy. I have made the way known to Salvation through MY Book and MY Plan for Salvation to accept MY Love Offering paid at a high price for your sin career. All will be without excuse when they face ME and an account of their life is required. This day for you is coming. All will face ME, ready or not. How will I call you? MY Own or will I send you from MY Presence for all eternity? Your moment is assigned to meet ME, but how will I know you? As a traitor to MY Truth or as a loving companion, faithful and forgiven? You must choose. I do not force this choice, you have freewill. I require intimacy in this life to enter into MY Eternal Presence. What price for a man’s soul? A brief affair with evil that leads to eternal loss? What value do you place on your soul? I have paid for your sin, will you receive that which is free in exchange for a life that is priceless? How will you spend these closing moments of your life? Come take from ME what I give freely and live…


Romans 14:12 (KJV): So then every one of us shall give account of himself to GOD.




August 6, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, I have a message for you this day. MY Will is the only Will that matters, today, tomorrow and for all time. If you continue in your own will, your life will be filled with heartache and your end will lead to destruction. No man can escape hell apart from MY Salvation. Only the price I paid on the cross will render freedom from eternal demise. Although I paid a high price, MY children trivialize the cost of this payment. They do not consider that, I, GOD stepped down from MY Position in the Heavenlies to be lowered into a great period of

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