» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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and personal loss. All can be rectified in MY Arms. I AM the FATHER WHO leaves the 99 to rescue the one lost sheep. Come be made whole in MY Presence through MY Book, and through repentance and surrender to ME. Mental Wholeness, and peace with your GOD is within your grasp. Turn your life over to ME. All of it. I will clean you up and set you free. I have paid your debt. Come receive MY Priceless Gift for free. All can be forgiven and peace and love can be restored. Come to ME. Lay your broken life at MY Feet and let ME restore you. I AM the PEACEMAKER…I AM the GOD of Restoration. I AM LOVES like no other…


Revelation 21:5 (KJV): And HE that sat upon the Throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And HE said unto me, Write: for these Words are True and Faithful.




June 25, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, this is your GOD. Rest easy, I am on MY Throne. The world is filled with evil, but if you know ME in intimacy, you are loved and cared for…if you live in turmoil and your life is a raging sea, you can have the peace that passes all understanding. I can bring you this peace from above. Turn your heart, even your life over to ME. I want it all. A partial commitment will leave you outside in the cold with no covering. Come into MY Truth, all Truth. Dispense with a lukewarm love for your GOD. I want all or nothing. I have paid a high price for MY children. So when I receive a commitment that is only half-way, I find it putrid and those who face ME in this condition will ultimately be spewed out of MY Mouth. This will not stand up in MY Court. It is blasphemy against MY Holy Sacrifice on a cruel cross. I bled out, was tormented and tortured and I deserve more than a partial surrender, a rote religion, empty prayers, and a church that uses MY Name but knows ME not. This lukewarm church will be banished from MY Sight for all eternity. Will you be among them? Do not doubt MY Word. I cannot accept half-way submission. If you choose not to know ME in this life, you will not have ME in the next life. I have made a way for you, but MY Requirements are clear, read MY Book, seek all truth. The church of the lukewarm is an abomination and will not have a place in MY Heavens. It cannot be. Repent for your love of the world, while using MY Name. Come to ME and show remorse over your love affair with the devil while claiming to be part of ME. You can not drink of the cup of devils and from MY Cup at the same time. MY Word stands. Come to know ME fully. Come be set apart from a world captivated by MY enemy. You must decide who you will serve…I AM the Narrow PATH…



Revelation 3:15-18 (KJV): I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of MY Mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of ME gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see.



June 27, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


This is your GOD, children I have Words for you: The hour is closing down. I have given many warnings: in MY Word…through MY people…in dreams and visions…messages through old and young alike…signs in the skies in abundance…mountains falling down…rivers overflowing…the winds are wreaking havoc on land and sea alike…men’s hearts waxing colder and colder with each passing day. The weather is erratic…animals are dying on all parts: in ocean salt water and inland fresh water. Pestilences are increasing…wars and rumors of wars are increasing. Talk of peace and safety is on the tongues of the leaders around the world. Abominations against ME are rising. The people are corrupting themselves with evil. They are embracing MY enemy in grotesque ways. They are engaging in unnatural affections just as I said they would. The days of Lot are here and those who love their sins are filling the streets. GOD haters are rising up in abundance, lifting their banners on high against MY Holy Ways. Children are being used as pawns in evil struggles between parents and each other. The beauty of the earth is being stripped by man’s insatiable greed. MY Holy Name is abused constantly. Most of mankind uses MY Name as slang and for cursing. Apostate churches are rising up and forming alliances with each other. Evil abounds and large numbers of MY children are intoxicated by their love for an evil world, their members burn with lust and their pursuit of wanton relationships. They laugh and say: “Who can see us?” as they carry on behind closed doors. All will know as nothing will remain hidden. Evil will be exposed. I will pull the covers off evil in due time.


MY little flock prepare yourselves. Come clean your garments in MY Blood-bought Salvation. Come clean in the pages of MY Book. Surrender to ME and take on MY SPIRIT in all HIS Fullness. Empty the heart and life of your “self” will and make room for the Will of GOD. I will clean your heart and take up residence in your soul. Repent for your sin-filled past and I will hear in Heaven your plea and make MY Home within you. We will walk hand-in-hand together in a fallen land. I will bring peace to your troubled soul. Lift up your eyes to ME. Seek ME now and I can be found. This is not the hour to look away from your GOD. Truth will prevail, I AM TRUTH…




June 29, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Here is today’s letter: This is the LORD GOD, RULER of the Heavens and the Earth. I am preparing a place for MY children. It is a shining city filled with light and love. MY Work will take your breath away. It has you in mind…all you desire, because I am your DELIGHT. MY Plans are coming to fruition and soon those who choose for ME, will be with ME. I am pleading with MY lost children. Awaken from your slumber. Come to know the truth. Come to ME. Get to know ME and MY Holy Ways. All MY Ways are loving. Even MY Wrath is because I love and MY Truth cannot be altered for anyone. That is love! If I changed and altered MY Ways that would make ME unreliable and then you could not trust ME or count on ME to be unchanging and reliable. So, I must warn and plead to follow MY Ways, surrender your all, repent of past sins, and seek ME daily, even hourly, because I will bring MY Wrath to an evil world. Even now, MY Wrath is visible over a world that challenges MY Ways. I do not bend or sway from MY Truth. I cannot make exceptions to MY Commands. If you choose to continue with MY enemy, you will know the consequence of your choices. Those who rebel against MY Ways do evil and sin. And they will be punished unless they repent with true remorse and surrender their all and pursue ME for a clean heart through MY Word and a desire to be filled with MY SPIRIT. I have been clear in MY Word what MY children must do to alter their courses. All will be without excuse if they do not accept MY Blood-bought payment for their sin-debts. What will you do? Will you choose for the Way of Love or for eternal death? The answer lies in your hands. I am calling, but few are chosen… Time has no favorites. Don’t gamble your life away believing you have all the time in the world to come to ME. This is a lie from the devil. LOVE changes not. I AM Unchanging LOVE…


1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV): But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD hath prepared for them that love HIM.


JULY 2018


July 2, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, listen closely, I am coming for a pure church, one that values MY Words, MY SPIRIT, and possessing MY Will. I am coming for a Holy church who follows closely after ME, who values MY Sacrifice and death on a humbling cross. I am coming for a righteous church that understands the hour it lives in and keeps its nose pressed to the window, always watching, anticipating MY Arrival. I am coming for a blessed church that has found favor, received unmerited grace and pursues intimacy in the secret place. I am coming for a wanting church, always needing more access to its GOD, never satisfied, always longing to be in MY Presence all day. I am coming for a loving church, willing to go after lost sheep, to leave the 99 to find the one lost. I am coming for a worshipful church, always on fire, a church that blesses ME through its love for ME and affection. Are you part of MY little flock? The few? This church on fire for its GOD? Come and walk away from the churches who know ME not, who have lukewarm faith and greater desires for a world gone mad. Why is this choice so hard? Why do you long for the ways of MY enemy? Cast your cares on ME. Let ME release you from the weight of a heavy world, a world full of lies, evil, wickedness, worries, pain, sorrow. Come away with the GOD of Peace that passes all understanding. I await. Why waste another moment on a lost world when you can have eternal joy with ME? I stand at the door and knock...will you answer?


Philippians 4:7 (KJV): And the peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.




July 4, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


This is today's message: Children, you believe this world will go on indefinitely. This is because you embrace your own plans. Your plans are like a sacred cow you worship with no regard to ME and MY Divine Plans. You believe you have all the time in the world to get right with your GOD and that time is on your side. This is a dangerous assumption and the enemy has sold you a false bill of goods. He has you believing that time is your close friend and you can focus on everything but your GOD. Time plays favorites with no one. MY enemy uses it to

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