» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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be right with ME denying themselves and carrying their crosses. The great revival of the people will happen after I remove the bride. Then the people will humble themselves and carry their crosses, receive salvation and to adopt the Will of GOD, and to be filled with MY SPIRIT. Avoid what’s coming to those who remain on the earth. Follow ME now and avoid the true terrorism that will blight the world when MY enemy rules men during the hour of tribulation. Do not risk being left to face the worst or to die in your sin through sudden destruction and eternal damnation. This should not be a difficult choice, but few come the way of the cross and the narrow path. Receive MY gift. Come and be freed from the shackles you are weighted with—sin and a destiny in hell. Let ME release you from the prison of a fallen world and replace it with an eternal Kingdom….LOVE HAS MADE A WAY….


Luke 4:18 (KJV): The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE hath anointed ME to preach the gospel to the poor; HE hath sent ME to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,




September 19, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here are MY Words: Little children, you must keep your nose pressed to the windows watching for your LORD. Keep your mind focused on ME—keep your heart clean through MY Word. I am not going to come for a church that knows ME not. How can you know ME? I can be found between the pages of MY Book. MY Words are flawless and bring life. What will you do if you are left behind? Will you then finally choose for ME. Why wait? Why put yourself in a position to be destroyed in sudden destruction or to be chased down by the enemy? To be a Christian during the hour of tribulation will be laden with troubles. Families will be separated, so do not believe that your life will be filled with joy if you turn away from ME toward the world. I cannot have a place in the human heart if I am not fully accepted over the person’s soul and given free reign over the heart. But a heart turned toward ME is a heart with true purpose and available to bring about change—life change. I am the ONE WHO draws, and creates opportunities. If you miss this once-in-a-lifetime hour of change then you may miss it altogether and never be given the chance to eternal life again. Why risk such a great loss? Turn now to MY pleas to surrender through repentance and submission to the Will of GOD from the will of the enemy. Hold tight to MY messages and MY warnings that come through MY Book, MY prophets, and the prophecies of old that have come to pass already and are daily being seen. Study the words on the pages and pray for discernment and truth. This is critical to be able to stand before the LORD and to meet the high standard set before you. Only holiness will prevail. Why fight that which holds the key to you entering into the next life with total confidence. Run to ME, receive MY GOOD news… All is prepared for you to have abundant life now and for ever more. Why wait and waste so much valuable time when you can be in MY presence. Today can be the beginning of your new life in CHRIST. The hour is at hand. Tomorrow is not promised to you. Put your confidence in MY offer today, not the lies of the enemy for an unknown future.


Numbers 23:19 (KJV): GOD is not a man, that HE should lie; neither the son of man, that HE should repent: hath HE said, and shall HE not do it? or hath HE spoken, and shall HE not make it good?


September 21, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is the word for today: Children, I am not coming for a soiled bride. I seek only those whose hearts are broken over their sin: evil thoughts and evil deeds. Your thoughts of evil are counted against you, the same as your deeds when you stand before ME. If you hold anger and bitterness in your heart for a brother, you have committed murder in your heart and your hands have blood on them the same as if you would have carried out the deed. Why is there so much blood-lust in this evil world? Because people have given themselves over to the enemy and he rules over their hearts, their thoughts, their deeds. The heart must be broken over its lust for blood: anger, hatred toward others. A cold heart is a heart held captive to its evil captor. The heart is deceitful. Who can understand it? The only true love in this world is MY Love. I am the ONE WHO possesses true love. All other professed love outside of MY Will is a broken, false love from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I give you the right to eat from the TREE of LIFE, but MY children continue to pick spoiled fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Doing good that is outside of MY Will, believing that a HOLY GOD is not needed to “do good.” This is evil and all good from this tree will burn up and never be remembered. Those who eat from this tree will have their end with the second death in the Lake of Fire if they do not come quickly to repent and to know ME in intimacy. MY bride eats from the TREE of LIFE daily and shows forth the fruits of the SPIRIT. Come eat from MY TREE. Abandon all that the enemy calls good, done in your own will. Wash your gown in MY Flowing Water. Prepare your garment. Time is waning and your hour to face ME could be at any moment. What fruit do you gather? Spoiled, rotten fruit or fruit that is eternal without blemish or spot? Come choose the fruit that leads to everlasting life or the fruit that leads to eternal torment. I am the TREE of LIFE.


Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV): But the fruit of the SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.




September 23, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD has a strong message: your time is dwindling. You feel confident that you have a long life ahead, but this world is passing quickly as it is run by evil men. I cannot allow the world to continue on in its ever-growing depraved condition. Your hour upon this earth may be up today. Stop banking on a long, far-off future that you have no control over. Though you try, all attempts to write your own future will not succeed because I hold the future. Your plans are not MY plans until you surrender to MY Will for your life then MY future will bring you into an everlasting future that cannot be altered. Why run toward evil when evil will not succeed? Choose to be under MY care because I am the only hope for a lost world with this lost generation. Draw close to ME and I will draw close to you. These words seem trivial but as you move closer to ME I will bring you in closer to ME. I cannot deny MY promises. Forego an evil world in place of a relationship with the ONE WHO created it. I put forth much thought about who you would be and what you would like and dislike. You are not an accident or an afterthought. You are precious to ME, well thought-out and you have so much to learn of your CREATOR. By knowing ME you will learn more of yourself and who you are to ME, your GOD and why I created you. When you resist MY pleas and pursue evil, you are laying the groundwork for MY enemy to take you captive. You, as well MY enemy will be put in the Lake of Fire for choosing against ME. But MY desire is for your salvation. So, wait not for more truth—I am the truth and I present it to you. This is the AUTHOR of all knowledge. Take from MY living fountains…


Proverbs 27:1 (KJV): Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.




September 24, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD listens to your prayers when you pursue ME with all your heart. The heart condition is key to answered prayers. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. MY Ears are opened to those whose hearts are open to ME. If MY Book and MY Ways and MY Will is not of interest to you then MY SPIRIT cannot move on your behalf. An unrepentant heart will put a wall between us and drive a wedge between you and your GOD. A distant heart, cool towards ME cannot breakdown the great walls of sin that come against you. MY enemy has you in a vice grip if you refuse to repent and would rather rebel against MY Words and MY Commands. Make no mistake, it is only the broken-hearted hearts, broken from sin performed against their GOD and sadness and remorse for that sin that moves the prayers to receive answers. If you aren’t ready to confess to ME that you are lost without ME and need a SAVIOR, your prayers will fall on deaf ears. I cannot bless the un-bless-able, those who rebel and embrace evil. How could you trust ME and MY Words if I bless rebellion? Wisdom is seeking truth, the saving truth of MY Word and the meaning it has for your life. Knowledge is coming into the truth that will set you free from your sin chains and your captivity to evil. I came to set you free. I died to release you from the curse you have been bound to. Without MY Salvation and the knowledge of its saving grace, you will never be freed from your lust to do evil. You will be convicted in MY court room when you face ME and the punishment is eternal fire. Weigh this truth: freedom from sin cannot be measured. For how can you weigh that which is eternal and freedom that is never-ending? It is the free and priceless gift of Salvation from your SAVIOR. Come receive! Now is the hour of redemption. This is your REDEEMER….


Luke 4:18 (KJV): The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE hath anointed ME to preach the gospel to the poor; HE hath sent ME to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,




September 26, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


This Word is for you children: your world is shifting into darkness, depravity of the soul. Evil lurks at every turn on all avenues of life. Light is a rare sight now. The world cannot tolerate true light, truth, holiness, purity. It has turned its back on all that is good. MY Goodness, MY Truth, MY Way in exchange for lies and violence. This will not end well for those who embrace MY opponent. Their darkness will lead to eternal death if they do not turn back to MY Narrow Path. There will be a day of reckoning for all men. It will conclude at MY Throne, either to go into MY eternal path or the second death of eternal fire. This will be. Doubters of MY Truth will be sentenced as well for ignoring MY pleas in favor of lies from the father of

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