» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve GOD and mammon.




November 5, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children: I am your GOD, beyond your scope of imagination. You cannot fully comprehend ME and MY Eternal Ways. Too lofty are the ways of your GOD for you to take in and grasp in your limited understanding. With this in mind, you must trust…trust that I am all I say I am. Trust that I will do all I say I will do and trust in a future you cannot see and even understand or comprehend. This is called faith. Commit your life to ME and I will reveal deeper things to you. Search ME out and I can be found. Chase ME down and I can be part of your daily living. Why spend this life alone and without your own CREATOR? This is the choosing of the majority of MY creation—to go it alone. It is a lonely, empty existence. I never meant for my creation to live in such a way but they have fallen away and sadly walk outside of knowing ME in the way I want them to know ME. The human spirit was never meant to go solo apart from MY HOLY SPIRIT companionship. The soul was never meant to be empty without the filling of MY SPIRIT. I created man to be MY temple to host MY SPIRIT, to be filled with MY daily Presence and to keep company with each other. Now man has striven with its GOD and rejected MY companionship and has instead encountered MY enemy. A soul without MY SPIRIT in all HIS fullness is wide open to be filled by MY enemy to host evil spirits that fill the soul with torment, fear, addictions, anger, bitterness, deceit. There is no rest for the weary who have allowed evil spirits in to molest them. You can choose to be released of these tormenting spirits. Turn your life over to your GOD. Surrender by the power of MY HOLY SPIRIT, receive salvation by the Power of MY Blood, MY Crucifixion and Resurrection. Walk away from an empty life and come back to the way I meant for you to live. I will adjoin to you and we will be together for eternity as I have always desired and planned for your life. Choose life and reject death. This is MY plea. Come know ME…share life with your GOD.


Matthew 7:23 (KJV): And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from ME, ye that work iniquity.





November 8, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is MY Word today: This is the hour to sit up and pay attention. Much is happening in the spiritual realm. Darkness invades the earth, evil is taking over because the love of men waxes cold. Their hearts are filled with evil thoughts continuously and people continue to strive with their MAKER and their Only HOPE. The world holds very little truth and very few pursue ME as I want to be pursued. I require full surrenders and total commitment. I want to be held high above all other earthly things and the distractions all about. When I come for MY church will I find any faith in the world? Few choose for ME, few value MY Words, MY Truth, MY Ways. Most chase after the world and MY enemy fulfilling the desires of their flesh. Only those who look to ME as their only True Love in a lost world will meet ME in the air when I call them out. How can you know if you will be among them you may ask? You must choose to be among them. You may choose if you will join ME on that glorious day when I meet MY bride in the air. Surrender your all to ME. Lay your life at MY Feet and give ME a full submission. Repent of past sin and forgive all who have sinned against you. Pray to be Baptized in MY HOLY SPIRIT and seek to find ME in the secret place throughout the day. Spend time with ME all through the day and learn to know ME through the words of MY Book. Let MY SPIRIT lead you. Acknowledge the price I paid for you on a wooden cross, sacrificed for your sin, you life run apart from the Will of GOD—a life choosing against your GOD. I want to teach you MY truths and I can if you give ME your full attention, love and devotion. I will put you on the safe path and you can know that you are ready by the change of your heart. This life is leading to death until you come to ME as your Only HOPE. I will never forsake you. MY Words are true and MY Love for you will never falter. This is the GOD of Kindness and Everlasting Peace.


Luke 18:8 (KJV): I tell you that HE will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the SON of Man cometh, shall HE find faith on the earth?




November 12, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Daughter, take these Words down: This letter is for those who doubt MY Coming. I am coming even if you do not believe, even if I am not in the forefront of your mind. MY plans will playout even as I have written them many years in advance. The world is looking for a savior through its own planning, devices and bad choices. I am its only One True SAVIOUR, but few find ME, few look for ME. I have been replaced in their hearts by many other choices, distractions, beliefs, and plans. There will be an ending to all the madness in the world—it will be MY ending written so long ago. I wrote the way the world is cut off from evil and where the wicked ones go. I alone hold the future in MY Hand. All other routes and paths only lead to death and destruction for those who choose them. Run apart from evil—take the high road—follow ME! Why choose evil, wrong-doing, and rebellion to GOD? What is the price of your soul? Do you know? Do you even care? So rush to find ME, hurry to seek ME, run to surrender. Repent before it’s too late to your One True Saviour, I AM HE, JESUS of Nazareth


John 4:42 (KJV): 42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard HIM ourselves, and know that this is indeed the CHRIST, the Saviour of the world.


November 16, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, these Words are important: life apart from ME will never bring you true joy. There is pleasure in sin for a time, but then sin leads to death. You can never survive as a sinner. The path you take as an unrepentant sinner is a dismal, foreboding path of no return. Sin caresses your mind for a time, then it will turn on you and deliver a death blow. Many have been stung by sin and never recovered. They died in their sin and were found lacking before MY HOLY FACE. Without MY Blood Covering all are lost. Many believe they can take many different roads to heaven only to find out otherwise when it is too late to change their course. Why choose to die in your sin when you can live through a full surrender to ME and MY Truth. I do not take pleasure in men who reject ME and find themselves outside MY Kingdom. I would rather they turn to ME before they chose to die in their sin apart from MY Blood Covering. Only MY Covering can wipe out a lifetime of evil and bring joy, love, peace and comfort to a broken, dying world. There is no time left to play with your salvation and tempt fate. Men are dying now daily either to find ME through love or to face ME in unforgiven sin. This world plays with MY Heart. It uses MY Name in trite and evil ways. It resists truth but loves lies that my enemy produces through false prophets; false teachings; false churches. The people want their ears tickled and the world loves to deceive. Choose this day WHO you will follow. Time has no favorites. Learn of ME, MY GREAT LOVE, MY EXCLUSIVE SALVATION…I AM GOD.

 James 1:15 (KJV): Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.




November 20, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD is approachable. Most see ME as far-off, distant, un-caring—remote… This is the absolute opposite of WHO I am. I am a Doting GOD, ready to intervene on MY children’s behalves at all times. Those who pursue ME with all their hearts enjoy the pleasure of MY Intimate Company and I make MYSELF known to them. Come close to ME and I cannot resist from being close to you. It is MY Nature to dote and be caring. I love MY creation and want so to express MYSELF. How else but to intervene in the lives of those who cry out to ME. But I want so much more than an occasional greeting, song or prayer. For those who look for ME, I will be found. Look MY children, look! Seek and you will find! There is no greater pursuit though men continue to look under every rock for answers to their questions of life but to their MAKER, CREATOR. What must I do to have you focus on ME? Do not be caught up outside of MY Perfect LOVE. You will never recover from denying MY Cross of Salvation and the filling of MY HOLY SPIRIT. Come find ME now before it’s too late. This is a serious warning and a true Word. I AM your SAVIOR….


2 Corinthians 13:14 (KJV): The grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the communion of the HOLY GHOST, be with you all. Amen.




November 23, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is the message today: This is your GOD and I hold you close in MY Heart, MY children. Those who pursue ME with all their heart, soul, mind and strength are watched over with great love and care. I am an Eternal GOD and all MY plans are eternal with eternal outcomes. This is not the hour to be outside of MY Great Love and MY HOLY Will. Many have tried and tested ME only to come up short and to find that you cannot tempt the LORD GOD. I will not be mocked and those who believe different will have eternal sorrow without repentance, MY Salvation and a solid footing on the fear of GOD. Most of MY children do not know fear of ME, MY Holiness and WHO I AM…I AM to be feared, respected, and revered. Few understand this because they choose to use MY Name in vain, they carry MY Name about and work for the devil, they mislead

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