» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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them. The sentencing will be swift and excuses will fall to the ground ineffectual without MY Blood-Covering and a true relationship with ME. A relationship does not consist of a mere greeting and acknowledgement of ME as SAVIOR. It is a daily knowing. It is a day-long love relationship that kindles fire between the two, the fire of true love—love for MY Ways and MY Words and WHO I am and what I represent and stand for. Short-term engagements will be accounted as iniquity—coming to ME only when needs arise or for rote worship. This is not love and I will spit this out of MY Mouth when you finally face ME. Come back to your FIRST LOVE. Let ME kindle the flame of true love in your heart. Love that can never be found anywhere else, through any other earthly endeavor. Time is short. Wait not! I am coming for those in hot pursuit of MY Love. The cold-hearted will be left behind. I am GOD over all, but many are called, few are chosen…


Revelation 2:1-4 (KJV): Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith HE that holdeth the seven stars in HIS Right Hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for MY Name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy First LOVE.




September 29, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, you are not safe without ME. You are living in an evil world, consumed with evil doings—evil choices. Please come to your senses and choose for your GOD. I have blazed a trail for you to walk on, to be safe on. Why live such a risky life? You risk losing everything by continuing to look back like Lot’s wife. She did not survive and you won’t either if you can’t keep your eyes off the world. Worldly pleasures are brief and all will lead to hell apart from MY Truth, MY Salvation and MY Will. This dance with evil will only be for a brief time in eternal history then there is eternal hell fire and torment to pay for a brief embrace with the world. Stop chasing death and turn to the Narrow Way. Few find their way to freedom, but I can get you to the Narrow Gate, if you come in close to ME. Many die in their sin now daily, unexpectedly without warning. Will you be ready to face ME at the close of your time in this life? Give ME a full surrender and I will give you confidence of your destination with ME and the future I have created for those who love ME. Come before you are called out of this life. All will face ME and give an account of their life. Will you be ready for that moment or will you be found lacking? MY Hand is extended to lead you out to eternal love and rest. Come receive all I have prepared for you. SALVATION cries out, “CHOOSE THE NARROW WAY…”


Look around you. You cannot take anything with you when you leave the earth through death or rapture. None of the gold on earth you amass is coming out with you. But you can take one kind of gold with you. The gold you fill your vessel with—MY SPIRIT…


Romans 14:12 (KJV): So then every one of us shall give account of himself to GOD.



September 30, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is MY Word today. MY children, there is no one like ME. I am inexpressible. Words cannot truly describe ME and MY Greatness. I am coming to bring you to the home I have prepared for you. It is a place that you cannot fully comprehend or grasp. The body you now inhabit is limited in its eternal perspective. You cannot comprehend the incomprehensible. I have a place prepared that your mind cannot fathom because your physical body has great limitations. You exist in an environment which limits your understanding of the place I have created for you. To grasp the magnitude, you will need to change your physical existence to come into another way of life. The body you will inhabit is eternal and will never be plagued by death, pain, disease, pestilences. You will enter into a world of perfection. All will be restored and the human form will take on immortality. Corruption and decay, aging and illness will not exist. Addictions and sin lust will be cast away. All will be freed of the chains of a fallen, lost world. This is what awaits those who desire MY Ways, MY Salvation, MY Everlasting Will. Life abundant is what I died to give you to bless you with. Sin will be confined to the past. Sinners unrepentant will be trapped in the Lake of Fire forever locked away. These are the two uniquely different outcomes of those living today. Life abundant or eternal death and torment. You choose, but follow ME if you desire life. There is NO other giver of life. Come into repentance. Search ME out. Seek ME and you will find ME. Life is short. Time is short. Run to the narrow path. There is no other means of escape. I AM HE….



John 14:2 (KJV): In MY FATHER's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.


1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV): In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.


1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV): But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD hath prepared for them that love HIM.





October 4, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is MY message: This is a dark hour—filled with evil and malice. People fill their days with evil thoughts morning through night. I do not enter their minds in the course of the day. Thoughts of ME do not enter their thoughts and so evil has consumed their thoughts. MY Will alone is the only true way. All other thoughts and ways lead to death and destruction. I alone carry MY own to freedom because they choose the straight and the narrow paths that few find. What will you do children? Will you walk a crooked path or the narrow one? What way will you choose? To turn your back to ME through blatant rebellion or to turn back to ME for salvation and healing, love and peace? I want you to be ready at all times—waiting on ME with a high level of anticipation—because I have a great plan for your life that I am unfolding the moment you surrender to ME as your Life-long LEADER, COMPASS AND KING. There is NO other way to choose if you seek freedom and love for your outcome. MY enemy only promises death and destruction. His path is wide and filled with many. These have turned their back on knowing ME and instead want to live for themselves, always looking inward and never seeking truth through ME and MY Everlasting Ways.




The hour draws nigh for MY return to retrieve those who desire to be in MY Presence for eternity. I am the PURVEYOR of LIFE and TRUTH. There is no other source of LIGHT. MY enemy gives a form of light that is false and full of untruth. His light only distracts and blinds. Why follow the author of death and dying, when you can live with the GOD of LIFE and LIVING? You may make light of this choice now but many have come before you who made little of MY Offer only to be turned away at MY pearly gates. At this moment it is too late for regrets—all will be lost, burned up and death’s sting will be eternal. Why die in your sins when I hold the key to cleansing your record of evil? I have the way to clear your record and clean your slate. Come be free of all that has come between us and know ME as I desire for us to be eternal companions. Let ME rule over your heart and bring you into truth. This is the hour to KNOW your GOD.



John 10:10 (KJV): The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.







October 8, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is the Word: MY children, you are under a great duress: the stress of evil all around you. MY children are being tested and tried in fire by the evil world that surrounds them on all sides. This is the pressure applied by MY enemy to lure you away. He does not want you to make your way over the threshold into MY Kingdom. You must resist the devil and he will flee. Why allow yourself to be pushed by his restrictive trials? Turn to ME for relief. MY yoke is easy and MY burdens light. It is MY lukewarm who carry heavy weights because they delight in the world. By pursuing ME above all, those closest to ME will be able to overcome the world and endure the heat of MY enemy. I do not ask MY true church to bear the weight of the world alone. This is a great lie of MY enemy who comes to deceive and torment. I come to give you freedom and comfort, rest and peace. First you must release all to ME. I cannot carry that which you refuse to release to ME. Lay the weight of your heavy trials and tribulations on ME. I will bring you through and carry you all the way to MY Kingdom. You must repent of your sins and lay your life down at MY Feet. Admit you need a SAVIOR, a HELPER, a COMFORTER, a GUIDE. I can be all these things and more. Come to ME! Now is the time. I have much to share with those who choose ME above all else. Be prepared to take flight. This is your GOD. I AM A STRONG TOWER.




October 10, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Yes, I have a message for the people: I am the JEHOVAH-JIREH—Strong PROVIDER. I bring abundance to those who pursue ME with all their hearts. Not the abundance of the worldly but the abundance of the Kingdom. I bring forth peace, wholeness of heart, mind, and soul. I bring forth showers of true love and confidence in MY Word. I change the wretched man to a new creation. I rid the blackened heart of lust for evil and replace it for love for all men, even hardened sinners.

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