» Religion » Worker, Tyrone Vincent Banks [intellectual books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Worker, Tyrone Vincent Banks [intellectual books to read .txt] 📗». Author Tyrone Vincent Banks

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I found a nice hotel but with my truck filled with supplies and a possible escaped prisoner or prisoners in the area – I didn’t want to leave it.

Mike agreed with me and placed his head on my knee and fell asleep in the truck.

May 13, 2009

I dreamed about my family last night. We were in the bedroom praying before bedtime. I could feel that I was waking up and I told them to hold on to my hand…it felt so real.

I woke up and looked around – I was still alone. Mike looked at me and placed his head back on my knee and we fell asleep again.

I had another interesting dream...I was in a vineyard...bushels and bushels of fat, ripe red grapes were in baskets everywhere. I picked grapes until my hands began to bleed. All that I could see for what seemed like miles were vines heavy with the fruit. I look up at the sun and it’s getting darker, I feel as if the grapes have to be picked before nightfall or the entire harvest will be lost.

I heard something on the scanner…
I fine tuned the scanner and heard another partial message…

“If anyone’s out there…we need help…about 30 to 40 men…escapees…they’re heading for our location.
Help us...please...We're in the mountains in a large warehouse...."

The transmission stopped and I started the truck. I floored it!!!

I headed up a narrow road leading to the top of a large hill.

I prayed to God that I might get there on time! Without traffic laws to obey or a police presence - I drove towards my goal. We passed several warehouses but they didn’t seem right.

I could see a fuel depot up ahead so I pulled over. As I filled my tank, I could see faint puffs of smoke rising into the air.

We drove towards a warehouse and Mike began to bark. We moved to a large overhead door that opened slowly.

As we entered there were several armed men standing there with various weapons - mostly hatchets, shovels and machetes. It was still pretty intense but for some reason I was not afraid.

I exited from the vehicle slowly and Mike lay flat on the seat...I was wondering what he was planning. Two men began to frisk me as we walked towards the back of the warehouse.

I was in Canada...I wondered if they spoke French or English...there was no time for any miscommunication.

One of them asked who I was. I identified myself - all the time stifling the joy that I felt for finding other humans!

I thought; were they friends or enemies?

Some nosey individual decided to check my truck out...Mike didn't like that. As soon as he opened the door Mike was on him. He had him by the front of his pants.

I tried to warn them! I let them know that it was my truck and no one other than Mike or myself was allowed access without permission.

I told them, "one word from me and he will tear it off!"

They immediately lowered their weapons and Mike ran to my side. They began to trust me and introduce themselves.

With that dramatic introduction behind us, we all asked each other the same question...what happened?

It was a group of exactly 15 men, 8 women and 12 children. They were holed up in this warehouse for two days fearing for their lives.

The U.S. Army logo on my truck was the only reason why they let me in!

They witnessed several cars filled with men wearing orange prison uniforms dashing by a few days earlier. However, just this morning one of the escapees began to bang on the door and promised to come back for them later and that's when they called for help.

I pray that those convicts aren’t armed.

They were hungry, thirsty, cold and scared. They would have had the run of the town and the ability to gather supplies if the unwanted visitors hadn't arrived.

I had more than enough to share with the others and the kids enjoyed playing with Mike.

We have God, weapons, supplies and determination. I thank God that I've met others and together we'll find out what happened and defend all those trapped in that warehouse.

One would think that I have no time for this as I search for my wife, kids and other family members. However I'm driven by the thought that my wife and kids could be in a similar situation and if anyone could help them, I would hope that he or she will.

We set up a watch schedule. Four men dispersed on all sides of the warehouse and two at the front door.

They think that I was actually in the Army with my truck and other supplies.

I told them that I am in God's Army and He would want me to help!!

The warehouse was stocked with various tools and garden implements. They have public utilities still and a full stash of gas powered generators.

We separated the supplies into separate piles. Anything that could be used as a weapon was fashioned as such.

This was the Alamo and failure was not an option.

Mike is having a great time playing with the children - he's good for them and they're good for him.

I had a crazy idea but I think that it’s a good consists of lumber, concrete and circular saw blades.

It's been a long day, my watch starts at 2 am - I need to sleep.

Let's just say that if our visitors returned it would be very difficult to get close to the building...

May 14, 2009

I read my bible during my watch. I paid particular attention to Revelations...the worse is yet to come and then a great victory.

I am afraid that my family will get caught up in all of the mayhem, bloodshed and violence that's yet to come...I want to be there to protect them.

But something's telling me that they are safe wherever they are.

I'm not feeling like myself lately...and I have reasons to...

My family is gone, my life is gone, and all that I ever knew is gone.

But, I'm at peace! It's hard to explain but I know that everything will be alright.

It's like I know what's going on and what I am doing is what I am supposed to do.

I think of Luke 10:2 these were His instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.

Perhaps I am in that field and I am a worker. There's a harvest of souls out here and I am to bring them home!

My body is tingling...maybe I'm on to something...Mike is staring at me again...he knows something...

It's 3:00 AM, I hear something outside...

Its 7:00 AM, mission accomplished - for now...

Our "concrete moat" worked out well. It took them 3 police cruisers and 2 trucks to get through the front door...they ran over the tops of the cars towards us...they were so fierce and so angry. They were bloodthirsty and relentless.

The police cars and various pieces of police equipment tell me that they raided the police station. They had guns, teargas, shotguns and riot gear.

We had several large fans blowing the teargas out of the warehouse, lawn tractors fitted with sheet metal and various protruding pieces of metal charging towards our enemies and Mike out there kicking some behinds.

Strangely, I remember hearing and feeling bullets that were fired amidst the chaos, but no one was harmed. The attackers were dazed and confused but unharmed. They had to retreat and at first I felt that the problem was crushed!

But, in retrospect, I think that they were feeling us out...getting to know our capabilities and our weaknesses.

The next attack will not be the same and I'm sure that there will be another attack.

These criminals had the whole country at their disposal, but yet, they chose to wage battle against us!

It is my guess that they are out there preparing and after about a day or so to lick their wounds, they'll be back.

It's 3:00 PM; we're moving the women, children, Mike and three of our men into a cave in the mountains. It turns out that one of the guys here has some experience with that neck of the woods.

It's only about 2 miles from here and we've sent almost 75% of our supplies up there.

We have the 2 ATV’s ready to get us away from this building quickly!

Another one of the guys is a pilot! He has two large choppers stashed in that area - that'll be our rendezvous point should our plans fail.

I've reluctantly wired explosives in the warehouse, using a military textbook believe it or not...

We're using garage door components to set up an infrared trip wire in the center of the building.

If they make it in, they won't make it out...

10:00 pm...I'm exhausted, have a shift at 2:00 am...

May 15, 2009

They did come back...explosives detonated...building destroyed. I realize that they were burned, maimed and mutilated, but still they walk...

We have a few injuries reported but, thank God - no fatalities....I had a fight with one of them...he was STRONG...not like a normal human!!

I told the other men to go, set off charges and was thrown several meters out of the building. I shouldn't be alive - but I am!


It's 4pm...I've been out of it all day...they say that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord...

I was asleep, I saw my family again and I know the truth!

This body and these hands will soon loose the ability to write and record this journey.

I thought that I was left behind - but I was not! I have a place in heaven and a place here on earth.

I am a worker, I am in the vineyard and I have been sent to pluck those that have been chosen out of the hand of the enemy.

As it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 3 for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;

5 Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

These weapons that I have used so far, will not work. I will go to those who need me and take them Home to the Father.

When this mission is complete I will go wherever I am needed and reap the harvest and bring my brothers and sisters home.

I thought that I had lost it all...but now I know that I have gained so much.
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