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infallible. Consider yourself a fool and he will open unto you the door of greater wisdom and intelligence.

2. Nephi 9:46

There will be some who know their guilt and transgressed His law, but one group will say: “My transgressions are mine.” And the other group will have made use of the atonement while on earth and through repentance their transgressions will not be theirs anymore.

2. Nephi 9:47,48

A perfect definition of an appointed teacher: If the students (the member) are holy he could speak unto them of holiness. But if they are not holy then he has to give them the “reality check,” harrow up their souls, be plain according to the plainness of truth and teach them the consequences of sin. Quite the responsibility.

2. Nephi 10:3

Out of all the creations of God, Jesus had to be born on this earth. And even here was no other people than the Jews that would crucify their own God (which event was prophesied of).
It still must make this place as such one of the planets with the worst and maybe with the best people of the universe, since from here went that infinite atonement to all creations. It will be interesting how all those other planets stand in relation to this earth and the atonement in spiritual and physical questions.


Jacob 1:17-18

Jacob and his brother were true servants of the Lord. Not only were they consecrated priest and teachers, set apart by Nephi, a prophet of the Lord, but Jacob also first obtained his errand from the Lord. He did not act upon his own devices but he did let his teachings be subjected to the inspiration of the Lord.

Jacob 1:19

The importance to magnify our calling, to take the responsibility of our office, to teach the word of God with all diligence: is that we will have to answer for our efforts or the lack thereof, so that the people’s sins will be upon our head.

Jacob 2:8-9

Sadly enough the pure in heart have to suffer under the carelessness of the unrighteous. One comes to be uplifted, but receives admonition with those who most the times not even care.

Jacob 2:16

Interesting from were our pride can originate, but more important, which effect it can have on our soul.

Jacob 2:17-19

The Lords counsel in financial matters is conclusive.
Seek first the kingdom of God!
When we then will have learned how to handle riches the Lord promised that he would take care of it. But first and foremost should we be charitable in whatever situation we are in because this is to put God first by taking care of our fellow beings.

Jacob 2:30

If the Lord needs to raise up seed unto himself he will command his people through his prophet to live in plural marriage. Without the command from the Lord it is sin.

Jacob 3

is a good example for the justice of God and him considering our circumstances, but also for the responsibilities of parents.

Jacob 4:10

Speaks for itself. Spiritual Thought: What source of inspiration could we get?

Jacob 4:5,13

Somewhere about 500 B.C. Jacob had a very plain understanding of the Atonement and the preparatory aw of Moses as had many other prophets before and after him by the Spirit of truth, which in many instances would speak of truth as presence even though it happened in the past or was still to happen in the future as the ministry of Jesus Christ. Truth is true, was true and will be true in the eternal perspective of the plan of salvation.

Jacob 5:41,47

The Lord tried everything to help us. And still constantly is. Even in the midst of the darkest Apostasy did he never just give up or took a break. He was constantly working, trying to help and preparing for the glorious day of his second coming.

Jacob 5:53,54

The roots of the natural branches, the mother tree, are still alive. The gospel covenants and promises were and always will be there for everybody who will accept the efforts of the Master to be pruned and grafted in to bring forth fruit, namely the fruit of eternal life.

Jacob 5:59

We as part and branches of the House of Jacob (Israel) are here to influence the world for good, to counteract and to finally overcome the evil. If it would not be for a fair share of Saints the entire vineyard would have been burned.

Jacob 5:61,70-72

We are called to help the servant of the vineyard to gather, to prune, to dig, to work with our might to nourish the vineyard of the Master. If we do so and obey God in all things, he will labour at our side together with us.

Jacob 6:5

Sometimes we would do a lot more if only we knew how much effort, patience and love our Heavenly Father extends towards us. He tries to help us as much as he can, for he cleaves unto us and his arm of mercy is extended towards us. Every parent can probably relate to that and the commandments tell us to honour our parents, so also our heavenly ones and to cleave means to be loyal to and to remain devoted towards them.

Jacob 6:12

“O be wise; what more can I say more?”


Omni 1:15-17

The Mulekites came almost at the same time as the Nephites under almost the same circumstances except they had no records of their history or scriptures. The result was a different development. More contentions, corrupted language and declined spiritual and intellectual capabilities to that extend that not eveb the concept of a supreme being survived.


Mosiah 4:3,11

Faith upon the words of Benjamin led them to repentance with the consequence of joy filling their souls and peace of conscience.

Mosiah 4:12

Living a life according to those requirements listed by king Benjamin enabled joy and love to enter their lives, but with that came also the Spirit of God who lets us grow in knowledge of our creator and eternal truth.

Mosiah 4:13

Filled with the love of God (charity) there is no room for the adversary and with that will leave all our carnal intentions opposite to the nature of God.

Mosiah 8:13

As mystical and symbolical the power of God appears, it is a matter of fact that it is very often more tangible and closely linked to reality than we might be able to understand. In instances like the Ark of the Covenant or the Urim and Thummim are Physics and Powers (for that matter Priesthood) involved of which we grasp or even could imagine very little. Those interpreters extended the perception of a seer to see the things of God, but without instructions would reveal things whether spiritual or physical that have devastating consequences.

Mosiah 12:27

In order for us to teach anybody else, we must apply our to understanding. In this there will be wisdom.

Mosiah 12:33

Theoretically, if someone would have ever lived to all the commandments in the law of Moses he would have been saved. But since no one ever accomplished this (human beings) there was a need for the Atonement.

Mosiah 13:28-32

And yet the Law of Moses was necessary for the children of Israel, not ready to live the higher law, quick to do iniquity and slow to remember the Lord their God, they needed something very much spelled out for every possible situation in daily life. And hopefully it would point them into the right direction.

Mosiah 13:30

Every prophet ever since the creation of men being inspired from God spoke concerning the true nature of the Gospel and prophesied concerning the Messiah, Saviour or the Lamb of God. All things were a type of things to come. Any teaching would be void would it not speak more or less concerning these things.

Mosiah 16:9

He lived a life and carries a light making a way through a territory where there was no trespassing before; to invite all to follow him through this newly smoothed trail he pioneered.

Mosiah 18:21

To become members of the Church of Christ not only means to show empathy at times (verses 8-10) and to profess his name, but also to be a unity of saints having their hearts knit together by the binding power of the mutual covenant of our baptisms. This unique faith has the power to let every eye focus on the glory of God, that there might be no contentions, but love, empathy and charity.

Mosiah 18:22

We are all the children of God due to our origin, but at this very moment many of us are far from our pre-mortal identity in character and spirituality. What qualified us there to be the children of God was our obedience to him and according knowledge and action that came with this Father/Children or Supreme Intelligence/acknowledging intelligences relationship (See King Follett Discourse). But right now not a lot of his children behave this way anymore. In order to qualify ourselves to reach our pre-earth status, there are a few things that are to be done as, for example, outlined in this chapter. Heavenly Father purposely put us into a situation different to anything we experienced before, to see and test us whether we choose to rise again to our level of potential we reached before with the certain promise to those who are obedient to succeed and even to exceed this prior level.

“We are not human beings, having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.”
Chardin de Tielhard

Mosiah 26:21-24

The Lord gives the requirements under which we are to allow those who are willing to join his church. Whosoever comes, believes, repents and is baptized the Lord will receive and forgive. We might think differently about people, but the final test wil be the shepherd calling his sheep in and those who truly took upon them his name will recognize his voice.

Mosiah 26:29-31

The Lord forgives those who sincerely repent and as often as they repent. But for us, we are also supposed to forgive one another, unless we heap upon ourselves their condemnation.


Alma 40:8

“… time only is measured unto men.”

Alma 41:7

“… they are their own judges.”

Alma 43:9,45

The one and only “design” for a war: to preserve lands, houses, wives, children, rights, privileges and liberty to worship God.

Alma 43:19,20

Moroni’s people had armour, Lamanites were naked. (In time, the Lamanites adopted more and more the warfare and strategies from the Nephites) ->Alma 49:6

Alma 48:11-13,17,19

Moroni, chief captain and role model.

Alma 48:23

The sad part about a war: many die “unprepared to meet their God.”

Alma 50:1-4


= You
Heaps of Earth

= Service, Obedience, Prayer, Study

= Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, Temple, Sacrament

= Faith, Fasting, Blessings of the Priesthood, Missionary Work

= Bishop, Teachers, Prophet, Apostles

Attacking Lamanites

= Satan's fiery darts

Alma 61:14

“Let us resist evil!” “Whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words, let us resist them with our swords.”!


Helaman 10:4,5

Spiritual thought for missionary work. Great blessings come when we are not ashamed of the Gospel.

Helaman 11:16

The Lord will always “Try again if [we] will serve [him].” His love is unconditional but he can only bless us, when we do his will.

3. Nephi

3. Nephi 2:1

“…people began to forget those signs and wonders … and began to be less astonished at a sign

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