» Religion » Accompanying Commentary on LDS Scriptures, tripmine [best ereader for epub TXT] 📗

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Everything stated within this book which is not quoted is my personal point of view. Any reader is entitled to differ in his opinion.
The reader might consider the author being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which might explain a couple things.

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Part 1 contains:
1. Book of Mormon
2. Doctrine and Covenants/ Pearl of Great Price
3. Others

Part 2 contains:
1. Old Testament
2. New Testament

The Book of Mormon

1. Nephi

1. Nephi 1:4

“… and in that same year there came many prophets, prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed.”
Speaking of many prophets: 2. Kings 17:13-15 – also a good scripture for apostasy of the Jews.
Also --> 2. Chronicles 36:15-16
--> Jeremiah 7:25
--> Jeremiah 26:20

1. Nephi chapter 1

is a great way of introducing the Book of Mormon and God’s pattern. It speaks about Lehi being a prophet teaching repentance and about the Messiah which he saw together with his Twelve in a vision.

1. Nephi 2:15

Lehi’s family went camping before the long ferry trip :)

1. Nephi 2:16

It explains Nephi’s famous obedience to his father and God. First of all he cried unto the Lord and the Lord softened his heart and hence he believed and rebelled not.

1. Nephi 2:20

The first and not the last time this promise is uttered, must be important.

1. Nephi 3:2

Lehi “dreamed a dream.” --> Hebraism

1. Nephi 3:7

Nephi = Mr. “I will go and do” went and did…

1. Nephi 3:15

… and he did not go again until he was done.

1. Nephi 3:19,20

Reason why they needed the plates, that they might preserve language and the words of the prophets.

1. Nephi 4:10-13

Nephi wasn’t caught in the act or recognized by anybody. He could have lied about it, saying that he found Laban dead He could have never mentioned it in his account, but him being an honest man guided by the spirit, teaches us the lesson that God is all-knowing. Not only the consequences for an entire nation, but he also is able to judge people like Laban, which we can’t and that’s why we are forbidden to kill anybody.

1. Nephi 5:2-6

The Book of Mormon gives answers to all situations in life, even for a complaining wife, which Lehi handled with patience, comforting Sariah, bearing his testimony and hope to share with her his optimism.

1. Nephi 5:11-13

The plates of brass contained the five books of Moses and writings of the prophets down to the reign of Zedekiah, even with many prophecies of Jeremiah who was still alive.

1. Nephi 5:14

Lehi, Nephi and the rest of the family were descendents of Joseph. Laban was one likewise.

1. Nephi 6:4,5

Nephi didn’t write anything to please the world, but that he “may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham” for our salvation.

1. Nephi 7:3

Interesting that Laman and Lemuel did not murmur this time, when they had to go back to get the daughters of Ishmael.

1. Nephi 7:14

The casting into prison of Jeremiah must have been a rather recent event.

1. Nephi 7:21

What an amazing example of forgiveness.

1. Nephi 8:23

Merely keeping the path and especially the rod of iron just in sight was not enough. It required active effort and clinging to the rod from the beginning to the end to reach the tree.

1. Nephi 8:37,38

Book of Mormon for Parents:
“With all the feeling of a tender parent.” Lehi exhorted, preached, prophesied and set the rules for his children with them knowing the consequences. Let the natural consequences follow by using their agency. No “I told you so!”

1. Nephi 9:3

What a special purpose it is to have a backup record, when Martin Harris starts losing pages. :)

1. Nephi 9:5

Nephi knew exactly why he was making those plates. “For a wise purpose in him.”

1. Nephi 10:17-19

Lehi and later Nephi through a sincere desire and diligent search witnessed the principle of eternal truth.
God unfolds mysteries in different dispensations to different people, but the truth “is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
--> compare Joseph Smith senior’s dream of the tree of life

1. Nephi 11:16,17

The angel is throwing with big words, but Nephi shows real humility and honesty. “I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.” What more do we need to know?

1. Nephi 11 and 12

describe different ways (2,B) to different destinations (1,A) with different Fruits/Results (3,C).

1. Tree of Life A, Great and Spacious Building
(Love of God) (Pride of the World)
2. Rod of Iron B, Mists of Darkness
(Word of God) (Temptations of the Devil)
3. Fruit of the Tree of Life C,Fountain of Filthy Water
(Eternal Life) (Depths of Hell)

1. Nephi 16:23

Same idea as in 1. Nephi 17:8,9. He is not praying for food but went and got himself a bow and arrow and then recognized the authority of his father and helped him in this way to repent and help his family!

1. Nephi 16:23,24

Children must be able to honour their parents as spiritual leaders. Nephi was a good example despite some imperfections of his parents to recognize his father as the patriarch who in turn resumed his duties.

1. Nephi 16:29

By "small means" is the faith meant which prepared the great things of the marvellous working of the Liahona.

1. Nephi 17:8,9

The Lord gave Nephi a commandment to built a ship. He used his brain and asked for the means to realize his task. 1. Nephi 17:13

The best survival guide you can get.

1. Nephi 17:19

Nephi’s brothers on their way to spiritual destruction. One sure sign is to be “glad in their hearts” when they saw that Nephi “began to be sorrowful.”

1. Nephi 17:25-35

Nephi shows his brothers what they know about the history of their fathers and what they think they know (suppose). By doing so he shows them their level of responsibility according to their knowledge.

1. Nephi 17:41

“Because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished.” That’s sad and often it doesn’t take more than to do simple things like doing what the prophet says or reading in the scriptures.

1. Nephi 17:45

Laman and Lemuel in the end stage after all their witnesses are they “swift to do iniquity” and even worse: “past feeling.”

1. Nephi 17:53-55

A practical joke, but still, Nephi did not allow his brothers to worship him but only God.

2. Nephi

2. Nephi 1:14

Dying words should always be like this. Poetically, important and much discussed. How could Joseph Smith get it from Shakespeare when Shakespeare got it from the Old Testament anyway?

2. Nephi 1:21

How could his sons (Laman and Lamuel) have risen from the dust? If they would have been “men”, “determined” in “one mind” and “one heart” and “united”.

2. Nephi 1:23-24

How could they have avoided destruction? If they would have “awaken”, “put on the armour of righteousness”, “shook off the chains with which [they] are bound”, “came forth out of obscurity (secret combinations?)” and “stopped to rebel against their brother” (church leaders or family).

2. Nephi 1:26

“… that which ye call anger was the truth… manifesting boldly concerning your iniquities.”

2. Nephi 2:15

Opposition in all things, even in the first two trees. One has sweet fruit and the other bitter fruit. The one without the other would be without use. Eternal Life without Knowledge of Good and Evil would be mere immortal playing harps and Knowledge of Good and Evil without Eternal Life would be without purpose.

2. Nephi 2:24

We should trust God so much that we don’t suppose, that the Garden of Eden was a mistake without God knowing about it.

2. Nephi 2:25

JOY was the biggest blessing of the Fall, especially manifested in Knowledge, Children and Progression.

2. Nephi 2:26

(v.16) Knowledge sets you free. Everything without knowledge is only acted upon (e.g. matter or NEDs)

2. Nephi 2:27

“Men are free.” “All things are given them.” “Through the great mediator of all men.” All those who kept their first estate came to this earth with the potential to pass the test. Heavenly Father would not have sent anybody here without knowing that he or she would be at least able to return to Him.

2. Nephi 2:30

The sole desire of a dying parent: “the everlasting welfare of [his children’s] souls.”

2. Nephi 4:5,6

Book of Mormon for Parents:
“I know that if ye are brought up in the way ye should go ye will not depart from it.”
A great promise and responsibility, if the children should be cursed (and it was the fault of the parents) then “the cursing may be taken from [them] and be answered upon the heads of [their] parents.

2. Nephi 4:15-16

Same here! “My soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them” and maybe this will be for the learning and profit of somebody else, but just for me it is already an invaluable treasure.
The more I study in the scriptures, the more I recognize that the things I delight in are the things of the Lord.

2. Nephi 4:26-35

That is what I’d call inspired poetry! Especially verses 26, 28 and 30 are of value for those who mourn and are in the valley of depression.

2. Nephi 5:27

Nephi is quite the funny guy. It is his way of saying, because they behaved themselves and kept the commandments they were happy. Would have been nice if there would be a bit more detail about the exact “manner of happiness.”

2. Nephi 9:8

A definition of God’s Wisdom = Mercy + Grace

2. Nephi 9:27-29

We are not given the knowledge of the law to condemn us or to make us think we are better than everybody else, but to use this knowledge in the days of our probation. It will profit us when we listen to the counsels of God. Where much is given, not only much is required, but also much is possible!

2. Nephi 9:28,29

“When they are learned they think they are wise.” It is a common mistake in our days as well. Humility and action upon that knowledge for the good make it wisdom.

2. Nephi 9:39

Bible Code --> Book of Mormon Code!
Carnally minded is death
Spiritually minded is life eternal

2. Nephi 9:40

“The words of truth are hard against all uncleanness.”
“[The righteous] love the truth and are not shaken.”
Because if it is the truth they have nothing to fear, it will be on their side and if it is not the truth then it will reveal itself as a lie.
Also going hand in hand with offending and getting offended which also determine in which group you are. The righteous do not offend nor get offended.

2. Nephi 9:42

See commentary on verses 28, 29. The spiritual giant is able to come down in the depths of humility. One of the biggest mistakes the pride have is to consider themselves

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