» Religion » FIRST GOD … THEN WOMEN, Madelein Mkunu [ereader manga .txt] 📗

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as ordinary girl. First she was a Jew living in a foreign land. Secondly, she was an orphan, raised by her uncle. Thirdly, as an immigrant, living in an oppressive land, Ester’s family was among the least in the land. But she was God’s Plan B for the salvation of His people.

Read: Ester Chapter 2 and Chapter 5

Queen Vashti never expected that she would lose her place for a simple disobedience to King Ahasuerus. Well, it happened that she was dethroned by Ester. Her simple disobedience costs her marriage, her honor and respect in the Country. From being the least, Ester was now the Queen. King Ahasuerus found a new love. But no one knew what God was up to, not even Ester herself.

Then came the evil plan by Haman, the prime Minister of Ahasuerus Empire, to wipe out God’s people. The decree to call to death all Jews, was issued. Who was God going to use to undertake this seemingly impossible mission? Mordecai, Ester’s uncle, saddened by the news, tore his clothes, put on burlap and ashes and cried. Mordecai knew, that if his niece does not act quickly, a major disaster was going to happen. Maybe it was for times such as this that his niece was made queen? (Ester 4:14).

When Ester understood the plan of God for her people, she laid down her life in order to be used by God. Part of God’s plan for humanity include sometimes doing the unthinkable. After three days of fast, she boldly sent an unthinkable request to meet the king to plea for the salvation of her people and she obtained the King’s favor. Ester made herself available to be part of God’s plan for His people.

We live in a very individualistic world today. But God is continually seeking for men and women who are ready to lay down their lives for others. Are you ready to be Ester for your family and community? Maybe it is for time such as this that you are still alive?

Day 4: Re-building Godly homes

As a mother of two young boys, I am overwhelmed by the amount of information available in today’s world. Television, internet and media provide all kind of messages in the comfort of our homes. How can we escape from stocking destructive information?  

Read:  Joshua 24:15

I always tell other mothers that the most challenging job for me now is raising my kids in this pervasive generation where access to information is overwhelming.  I would encourage them to allow the children to remain children for as long as they can because they will be adults for much longer. My desire is always to be guided by God on how I can pass on good values to my children while exposing them to as much vital information as possible as part of their growth and development in this competitive world.

A Jewish leader of the time, Joshua, in his days, was also overwhelmed by the ways of life of his people. Idols worshipping was invading the people’s hearts. But Joshua understood that each individual has a set of freedoms and one of them is the freedom to choose. Despite the environment in which they lived, an environment full of gods of Amorites and imported gods from Egypt, Joshua was determined to reinforce God’s values in him home.

As a mother, I feel compelled to ensure the spiritual wellbeing of my children as they grow up. I am sure many other women are experiencing the same struggle within them but we are overwhelmed by the number of hats we have to wear and number of balls we have to juggle. The truth is God is with us.

2 Corinthians 9:8 says: “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”. Believe it! Possess it!

Day 5: Leaving a lasting legacy

I always like reminding myself and others of the fact that we will all pass on one day. The question always remains” what would like to be remembered for when you pass on?”

Read: Exodus 2: 1-10

It is obvious that Moses was part of God’s plan for His people, however looking back, it is undeniable that Moses was influenced by a string of women who impacted his life from birth to his adulthood.

The daring spirit of his mother convinced her to attempt to hide her beautiful baby boy. The courage of Moses sister agreed with her mother to be keeper of her baby brother. Her strategic thinking reconnected Moses with his real mother and the family for a while. The compassion of Pharaoh’s daughter compelled her to oppose her father’s order and allow Moses to live in the palace.

As successful leader of Hebrew Nation, Moses owed his life and achievements to these women and many others who have influenced his life.

As you hold that child in your hands, or you feed those street children or you support the schooling of abandoned kids, you might be raising a new generation of men and women that will influence their generation. And they will owe their achievements to you!

God is in the process of raising a new generation of godly men and women of will positively influence our world. His invitation goes out to all of us to be part of this assignment. Join the journey.







I am passionate about women empowerment. Until recently, I did not know that Jesus was a women advocate too. There are many scriptures referring to the actions of Jesus in favour of women in the New Testament. Just by looking at the four gospels, we see Jesus work to defend women’s rights in his time. I believe it is very important for women on this century to realise that God has a plan for women and Jesus has demonstrated it times and times again. He knew that the rights of women need to be protected in order to create balance in the society. Women have a big space in in Jesus’s heart as we can see in the two books we are referring to here. My heart’s desire is to see every woman take up, confidently, her rightful place in her family and community. The knowledge of how Jesus dealt of women’s issues at that time is critical in order to own what is rightfully ours. Some of Jesus advocacy toward women include:

Jesus honoring his mother at the Wedding of Cana, and afterwards going with him to Capernaum (He could choose not to do the miracle, and I am sure Mary would have been embarrassed to have a son that does not listen to her), John 2:1-11 Jesus winning a case of his client, the Adulterous Woman , John 8:1-11 Jesus heals a hemorrhaging woman, he empowered her to regain her womanhood, Luke 8:43-48 In Luke 18, Jesus shares the power of persistent woman, her rights against an unjust judge will be acknowledged Jesus hears the cry of a friend, Mary and brings back her brother to life, John 11 Jesus gives a woman the exclusive rights to be the first to announce his resurrection

These and many other facts are proof that Jesus designed and implemented many women’s empowerment programmes during his time. He has not changed, what he has done back then, he is still doing it today for every woman.

Day 1: God’s strategic plan for women

By deciding to create a woman alongside a man, God had a clear road map for what he expects a woman to achieve in the world. In Genesis2:18 God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Why has God made that move? Ever since, God had been using women and continue to prepare women from all walks of live as part of His divine plan for humanity. He knew that this world needs both the participation of both men and women in order to create a sustainable world before His glorious return.

Read: Genesis 2: 18-24

It is all very well for women to focus on claiming their rights now, to ensure that they have equal standing with their male counterparts, however it is important to do that within God’s plan for women.

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