» Religion » FIRST GOD … THEN WOMEN, Madelein Mkunu [ereader manga .txt] 📗

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From the beginning, God has strategically positioned women to fulfil his vision for mankind. Some of these strategic positions include:

In the family: Genesis 3:20: Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

In the market place: A business woman (Proverbs 31: 10-31)

In the community at large: Dorcas: A Social entrepreneur (Acts 9: 36-42)

In political sphere: Deborah, the Judge and leaders, Judges 4

In palaces: Ester, An orphan turned queen (Ester)

It is therefore of the utmost importance for women to work alongside men and God in order to their full purpose in life. Men in general are in search for “significance in life”. However, we are witnessing that they are searching for that significance sometimes in places where there is no evidence of finding it. In industrialised world for example, people are so bored with themselves that they are trying to create all kind of programmes not only to entertain themselves, but with the hope that they will discover their purpose. One such TV programmes that fascinate me is “Naked dating”. The game is played as the name says, you have to be naked when dating someone, in the order to find your true love. In this ever changing world, human being in general and women in particular are confused about the real purpose of their existence. But God is not confused about our purpose.

Have you discovered your life’s purpose as a woman?

Day 2: Jesus’s personal development Training Programme for women

Every human being is called to make a spiritual decision in life, sooner or later. Because a man is made up of body, mind and spirit, human beings crave for something powerful than themselves. So, every single person gets to a point of making a spiritual decision before they pass on. Many women in Jesus time were also in the same search. One of them, Mary, the sister Martha and Lazarus, had attended Jesus personal development Training programme and was hooked!

Read: Luke 10:38-42

In the space where I operate we strongly recommend that women receive personal development training to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem in order to face the cruel world out there. The same way, today women are encouraged to gain confidence through awareness of their identity as we live in a very materialistic world with an endless needs and wants. Jesus mission was to teach us our true identity so we can walk with confidence in the world. Mary was a visionary woman who knew that by attending Jesus empowerment class, she would be empowered and gain the much needed confidence to face difficult challenges. This training was offered free of charge, so Mary did not hesitate to spend some of her time to participate in the training. By choosing to sit at Jesus feet during the time when Martha was preparing food, she did not mean to ignore other human’s needs such as foods, dress… this piece of scripture just highlight the fact that, in the midst of busyness of life, one can find time to meet God and hear His instructions and wisdom. Jesus himself commended Mary for choosing the best part. Mary knew that her relationship with Jesus was of utmost importance that she could not afford to neglect it for the benefit of material needs. She has made Jesus, the center of her life. In Good times, Mary abides in Him and sits at His feet to drink from His wisdom. In bad times, when Lazarus died and buried, she fell at Jesus feet. This is still true in our time. Jesus is still expecting women to choose the best part of this world,

Who is empowering you?

Day 3: The “source of life” programme for women

Human beings have different needs and desires in life. Among many of these desires comes a strong need to be loved and to love. Everyone crave for a loving and stable relationship with another person. The Samaritan woman did too. She search for love without success until she met the source of life and love.

Read: John 4:1-42

The Samaritan woman had the same desire like you and I today. The needs to be loved and to love has never changed since the creation of the world. Until there was a companion for Adam, his life was incomplete. Human being is on an unstoppable journey to search for love. Games such as Naked Dating, are proof that people can do anything to find true love. The Samaritan woman was longing for a “happily ever after” kind of life, but it was not working for her. She changed boyfriends in search for love, but nothing worked. She lived together with men that were not hers while hurting her fellow sisters in the process, I am sure. The desire for true meaning of life and love was beyond her, the wanted love at all costs until she met the true source of love, life and happiness. Jesus revealed himself to her as the “source of life”, whoever drinks of the water that he gives, will never thirst again. This is a call for women of this generation too. Life and true is found in no one else but Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Are you ready to discover the true source of life? Have you made Jesus your Lord and savior? If not, let me invite you to make that decision today.

Day 4: Jesus’s “forgiveness” programme for women

Forgiveness is of the most powerful programme Jesus uses to defend the right of women. In adultery case, how come only the woman was publicly exposed? Where was her partner in crime?

Read: John 8:1-11

According to the old laws a woman caught in adultery should be stoned. These practices are still well and alive in some cultures and religions in our today’s world. I am sure Jesus realised that the law was a bit unfair toward women. There was no gender equality in those regulations. Jesus was aware that in case of adultery for example, it always involves two people. If the punishment should be applied than most probably both individuals involved should be punished equally. Jesus therefore introduces a “forgiveness programme” to save women from unfair discrimination. In this piece of scripture, Jesus asks the accusers: “may the one who have never sin” throw the first stone. This question calls for the conscience of each individual present to search deep within him. Indeed, it worked, because no one could confidently answer the question but rather left the scene quietly. This programme is still available today for those who want it and choose to own it. Once you know your rights, you will go out with confidence and that is what Jesus want s from every woman. He asks the woman: ” where are your accusers?... I do not condemn you either, go and sin no more”. And this is the greatest message every woman should know today. Jesus is able to deliver you from the hands of your accusers if you choose to walk in him. He recommends that you walk in sanctification to avoid giving the enemy an upper hand on your life.

Would you like to close all the doors by which the enemy may enter and find an opportunity to accuse you?

Day 5: “Know your rights programme”

Jesus knew the level of inequality that exists in society whether it was based on gender, race or class. In Luc 18, he highlights gender discrimination that existed against women as they had no status and there was no one their rights. But through this scripture, Jesus wants to teach us Persistence despite some regulatory and social constraints.

Read: Luke 18: 1-8

The unthinkable has happened here. My natural mind would think that Jesus would tell us: “you know what, if they do not want to give you justice, don’t worry, I will do it for you”. This is not the case in this parable where Jesus insists that we should always pray and never give up. First of all, this widow knew her rights, secondly she was fearless of the unjust judges, and thirdly she was persistence. Jesus could have referred to a parable of anyone else, but he knew that the nature of this parable could only be real if applied in a case of woman, because women are the ones who are discriminated against most of the times. It is very important though to note that Jesus did not want her to develop a spirit of “victim mentality”. He also did not encourage to form a social club in order to fight the unjust judge. He also did not encourage any form of rebellion against the unjust judge, He was more concerned about the woman standing on her rights until justice has been granted. I am sure many of us have number of unresolved issues in business, at work … where inequality in the order of the day. First you need to establish your rights. Second face confidently the person that owe you justice. Thirdly continue, in orderly manner, to request justice….Surely justice shall be granted to you.

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