» Religion » FIRST GOD … THEN WOMEN, Madelein Mkunu [ereader manga .txt] 📗

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A Special message!



This is a life-changing daily inspirational guide for busy women


As I am preparing to enter the next step of my leadership journey, I was taking time to learn, be empowered and be equipped for my next chapter. I digested books, inspirational messages, motivational talks, daily devotional materials and the bible as part of my empowerment process.

I have never received so many confirmations before about my next move. The Lord has spoken to me with such a succinct clarity about many things He plans to do with me and provided me with clear pointers.

Two years ago I started contributing in Closer to God, a reflective daily devotional guide published by Scripture Union. One of many exciting revelations I received during my recent encounter with God is a reminder about the power of the devotions I have written for Closer to God in 2015 and 2016. I could hear Him telling me that these inspirations will become an anchor of hope and confidence for many women across the globe as the world is entering a new wave where women are becoming more active in all spheres of the society with the aim to make the world a better place for all.

So, I was encouraged to compile this free booklet as an inspirational daily guide for busy women like me.

I have a promise for you! By the time you finish reading this 2-week inspirational guide, your life as a woman will change for eternity. You will:

Understand God’s plan for women in this world

Recognise your role in the marriage, family and society

Receive powerful tools for successful entrepreneurship

Obtain keys for a thriving professional career

Above all, I am convinced beyond every shadow of doubt that you will discover your eternal purpose and you will choose the live by it!

Enjoy the reading!

Madelein Mkunu






Throughout history, God had been using women and continue to prepare women from all walks of live as part of His divine plan for humanity. Some of these women include:

Deborah: a Judge (Judges 4)

Virtuous woman: A business woman (Proverbs 31: 10-31)

Ester: An orphan turned queen (Ester)

Sarah: Stay at home mum (Genesis 17:15)

Dorcas: A Social entrepreneur (Acts 9: 36-42)

These women, in the market-place, in the pulpit or at home, were at God’s command to fulfil His plans for their family, community or Country. In their “busyness”, they offered themselves to fulfil God’s purpose for their lives.

Today, despite the complexity of life in this century, God continues and will continue to use women from all backgrounds and classes for His Glory.

For a mid-wife: He uses her to safely assist to bring new change makers in the world

For an entrepreneur: He uses her to create jobs and alleviate poverty

For a woman on pulpit: He uses her to share the Good News of his soon coming

For a lawyer: He uses her to bring justice to the world

As a judge, Deborah was ready to follow God’s Command despite her demanding job (Judges 4: 5) and her role as a wife (Judges 4: 4). She could have all reasons not to undertake a new assignment of going to fight Sisera; after all, she was a woman. But when Barak was overwhelmed by her message, with boldness and courage, she was ready to volunteer to the Mission, knowing that she was part of God’s successful mission. She trusted God despite the long history of Sisera oppression on Israel.

How about you?

Day 1: Are you a feminist?

In this ever changing world, human beings are fascinated by their own innovative ideologies, beliefs and freedom of choices. Some dictionaries define feminism as: “the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. In our ever changing world, it might mean different things to different people and one has to be very careful when dealing with these types of questions.

Read: Proverbs 31: 10-31

I was puzzled when I was asked if I was a feminist by an online Lifestyle Magazine during an interview. I posed for a while, taking a deep breath before even attempting to answer, knowing the diverse views around this issue. As I reflected on the question, I was soon delighted to answer with a big “YES”.

Looking at the lifestyle of the virtuous woman, she actually never even think of claiming her own rights in her family and community. Her rights were acknowledged to her, not by herself, but by the people surrounding her, including her husband and children. Nobody had the desire to fight her, oppress her and silence her. She was publicly acknowledged as a virtuous woman for what she has done and for her status, leadership style and dress code:

Her Status:

Full-time wife

Full-time mother

Full-time Businesswoman

Her Dress code:

She is clothed with strength and dignity (proverbs 31:25)

Her Leadership Style (Proverbs 31:26-27):

She is confident about the future

She speaks wisely

She instructs with kindness

She carefully looks after her household

She is not lazy

Everyone speaks highly of her, starting by her own husband and children. She never complained for numerous responsibilities she had to accomplish in her 24-hour day. She did not entertain self-pity. She was ready to be used by God as part of His divine plan for her family and her community. The news about her strength was all over the traditional media of the time. She was most probably on headlines on City Gate news where her husband was well known. In all these, men were not intimidated by her success and did not refrain from praising her publicly.

So, I came up with my own definition and ideology of “feminism”. If feminism means to use my status and leadership qualities for the benefit of my family and my community and as a result be acknowledged for my genuine leadership, then, I would like to be called a feminist.

How about you?

Day 2: Born to influence

After the death of King Ehud, Israelites went back to their old lifestyle of sin. So much so that God was very angry and turned against them, Jabin, King of Hazor who oppressed them for 25 years. The suffering was too much that they remembered the Lord. Who would champion for their cause?

Read: Judges 4

I was recently challenged by a group of religious guys who were attending the same Investment conference at which I was speaking. “Aren’t you women, trying to run away from your responsibility of rearing children?” they asked. After a short pause I carefully answered: “as far as I am concerned, women I work with are not trying to run away from our domestic responsibilities. We have just come to realize that on top of our traditional roles, we still have leftover energy that can be used to improve the quality of life of our children and our communities”. They seemed satisfied with my answer.

Deborah was not an extraordinary woman. In her time, she assumed the same traditional responsibilities as the modern woman: I guess she started by going to a “Law School” of her time, she got married, most probably had kids (thus the bible is silent about her motherhood), she had a consulting office outside her home like in today’s world. I am sure in evening, she would come home and look after the domestic affairs. Leading such a busy schedule did not stop Deborah from undertaking a seemingly impossible mission from God. Deborah was ready to fulfil her purpose by leading a victorious battle on behalf of her people. She gladly accepted to be God’s plan B during those challenging times in Israel.

A song was sung for Deborah selfish less leadership: “In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, and in the days of Jael, people avoided the main roads and travelers stayed on winding pathways. There were few people left in the villages of Israel, until Deborah arose like a mother for Israel” Judges 5: 6-7.

Every person is born for a purpose and with a purpose and within the scope of this purpose, God wants you to influence your generation. Are you ready to step up and leave a lasting legacy?

Day 3: do the unthinkable

Ester was less than what can be considered

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