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secure I feel in Your arms dear Lord Jesus. My mind is at rest and my soul feels protected by Your strong embrace! Thank You for enwrapping me with Your Word, encompassing me with Your Spirit, enclosing me with Abba Father's heart! I feel so complete in You! In Your blessed name Lord Jesus, amen."


Dear bride, do you sense His presence and arms around you by faith? Step out in faith and believe His Word and His promises, then you will feel those loving arms embracing you in all situations. The daughters are there to help and minister to the bride but the Bridegroom wants to make sure she is not disturbed and gets plenty of spiritual rest (Heb. 4:10). He says...


V.7 "I charge you, O ye daughters of Yerushalayim, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he ("she") please."

The Hebrew word "he" in this verse may be translated "she" or "it". The NAS uses "she" referring back to the bride. The NIV uses "it" referring to love itself.

The Bridegroom is teaching us that there must be a time of rest for His bride. We need time to be led by the Good Shepherd beside the still waters in order to have our souls renewed, refreshed and restored! Don't feel guilty about taking a rest. Remember, He wants it for us so that we can be spiritually more effective.

The Bridegroom Jesus tells those who serve her in the court to allow His bride to sleep peacefully. How gentle He is with her. He knows that there is still much for her to experience. Pause and praise Him that He knows the exact amount of progress we need at any given time. There is never, never, a valid reason to become uneasy about the supposed "unknown" future when He is in control of our lives. He has all our future planned (Jer. 29:11; Psa. 139:15,16). Enjoy His presence and leading in this moment! Don't be anxious or speculate about the future (James 4:13-16; Prov. 27:1). Rest in Him, He has it all taken care of! Praise His holy name!

The "roes" are gazelles and "hinds" are deer. Gazelles are known for their swiftness (I Chron. 12:8). Prov. 5:19 speaks of a "loving hind". When our Lord speaks we are to obey His commands and requests with a loving swiftness.

The bride is now resting. The Lord has revealed wondrous things about His love for her. He is preparing her for a deeper work of surrender. With all that her heart has now experienced, surely she will respond with loving swiftness to anything He may request of her!

Dear surrendered saint, how often has the Lord allowed you to experience a deep anointing of His presence? After that, He asked you to go with Him in a work He had prepared for you to do (to visit someone, to sing, to give help, teach, become involved with a specific ministry: nursing home, children's, youth, prison, outreach, one on one discipleship, etc.). Did you respond? Keep these thoughts in mind as we come to the next section.

Time now passes between verses 7 and 8. As she awakens she sees her Beloved coming to her in a marvelous manner. He has been out ministering, blessing, caring, saving and delivering. He cannot wait to see her and invite His bride to go out with Him. What joy it would be for her to be part of His ministry and fellowship with Him in it.



V.8 "The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills."

Understanding this vision is of paramount importance if she is to step out in faith with her Beloved. In just a few moments He will ask her to move out of her comfort zone and go with Him. Great spiritual and emotional pain looms over the horizon if she does not stop and allow this vision to forever be riveted upon her will!


PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Holy Spirit, reveal this important truth to my heart. You are the Spirit of truth and Jesus told me that You would disclose all truth to me (John 16:13). Without Your work in my spirit this will just become biblical knowledge without power. When my Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus, speaks to me about my life or habits I want to respond with loving swiftness! Thank You Father for granting my request. Yours is a throne of grace where I can always find help in time of need. I desire Your revelation knowledge right now. In the name of my Beloved and Your Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!"


There is such a longing in His heart for you to know just what the leaping and skipping mean. Your Bridegroom comes near and explains, "My love, My bride, look at Me, look into My eyes. Listen to My voice! No matter what the enemy will bring against you; no matter how intense the problems and difficulties may be, look My darling bride, I have already conquered them! Every hill and every mountain - I have leaped over them all. My resurrection power is greater than all of them and I have put that power inside of you (the Spirit of God). I have given you all of My precious promises (II Cor. 1:20; II Cor. 7:1; II Pet. 1:3,4)! I have given you My Word! I love you with all of My heart and I'll be there with you when you face the mountains of fear, doubt, depression, failure and loss which will try to rob you of peace, joy and contentment. Just speak to the mountain in faith believing and it will be removed in My timing (Mark 11:23,24)! When you speak to that mountain, stand on My promises and see the miracle of I Corinthians 10:13 fulfilled in you. You will know that I am alive in your heart as never before!"

With great intensity in His voice He continues, "I will be with you on the hills of irritation, mental tiredness, physical weakness, and family difficulties! I will be your Healer in sickness (Psa. 103:3; Isa. 53:5; Matt. 8:14-18). I have broken the power of sin, poverty, disease and lack (Gal. 3:13,14,26,29). I have given you My blessings (Eph. 1:3). I have given you faith (Rom. 12:3), strength (Psa. 27:1), wisdom (I Cor. 1:30; Col. 2:3; James 1:5), everything (Phil. 4:19). My Father and My Spirit, through My word and My power, will bring you out victorious each time. I will always cause you to triumph in Me (II Cor. 2:14)! Just be patient and wait. My Bridegroom’s love will sustain you through the storms."

In this vision she saw Her Beloved leap upon Mt. Calvary! As He came down, both feet sank in the mire of her sin and the sins of the whole world! What greater mountain is there than the eternal mountain of humanity’s sin? Praise God it was but a leap.

He was not on that awful mountain for weeks, months or even years. He was there a few horrible hours. In other words it was a leap. He went down and then rose up triumphantly ascending into heaven seated on the throne of God. Is there any mountain in your life He has not already conquered? Rejoice, dear reader, and lean upon Him by faith as He brings you over your mountains! Bride, get your eyes fixed on the victory. He has triumphed over the little hills as well as the big mountains in your life. These little hills at first seem to be very little trouble. When the "little" hills appear (irritation, disappointment, hurt, etc.) put your hand in His and skip over them. If you are not careful you will get weighed down Oh so very slowly. Don't allow the "little" hills to develop into big mountains. Recognize them and then speak to the hills by faith with a promise from His Word then simply wait.


V.9 "My beloved is like a roe (gazelle) or a young hart (deer or stag)..."

Praise God, dear reader, your Beloved comes to you swiftly (gazelle); He comes to you with great desire and longing for you (deer - Psa. 42:1). He cannot help Himself for He is deeply in love with you. He has never lost His "first love" love for you. It remains intense. How do you respond to this intense, longing love of your Beloved? Is there a responsive "first love" love for His heart to enjoy from you?

She makes all of these wonderful comments about Him. Isn't it amazing how much we can spiritually see and know about our Beloved Lord Jesus? The Bride knows He is like a "gazelle" and "young deer". She knows the intensity of His love for her. Knowing these very special thoughts is one thing but acting on them is a whole different matter. Will she respond to Him?


"...behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice."

He stands just outside the place where they always had sweet fellowship together, anxiously awaiting her response. Instead of opening to her Beloved she just stands there. She hesitates. How strange. There is a partition (lattice) between them. She does not realize that a little hill has just appeared which could become a mountain of separation later.


The Beloved speaks:

V.10 "My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair (beautiful) one, and come away."

With words such as "my love" and "my beautiful one", why does she hesitate? She is being taught the importance of trusting her Beloved and His ways. He does not tell her where they would be going, that is not important. She needs to understand that all will be well no matter where they travel. Why? He has already leaped over the mountains of problems and skipped over the hills of difficulties. He knows the beginning from the ending. May we have the faith of Abraham (Heb. 10:8) and go at His prompting. He will always be guiding your steps because they will be planned by Him (Psa. 143:8). Does He not say that what He plans He will do (Isa. 46:11)? The Bride is filled with love for Him, but now her faith (Rom.12:3) will be tested. She has been passively surrendered in her spirit. But there must come an active submissiveness in her soul to Him (her will, mind, emotions). He wants to lead her on this planned path from " to faith..." (Rom.1:17) and "...glory to glory..." (II Cor. 3:18), so that she may enter into all that belongs to her and the joys awaiting in chapters 6,7 and 8.

The Beloved is asking her to step out in faith! O how this would please Him! Faith says, "I love You so much that I trust You no matter where You are taking me!" The Beloved is not asking her to go it alone. She will be with Him! He will never leave her side (Heb. 13:5)! But alas, she hesitates because she prefers to have fellowship with the Lover of her heart on her own terms. She is

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