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The Word of YHWH












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As the wind blows and the leaves fall, the signs of the times are here signaling the terrible times to come. During these days, knowledge will not be found and wisdom will be like a never-ending drought. Amos 8:11-12 This will only be the beginning of pains.


To this day, the whole world is completely unprepared, not only because of their doing but also, because of the doing of those who never sought to prepare them for the inevitable event. Instead, these overseers have gone out of their way to make sure their faithful would not even think to get started. Some have gone to the point of exchanging words for swords causing the greater part of the world to be the audience reluctant to join the spectacle of this entanglement.


On the sidelines, men from the Academia cannot help to point at the circus Religion has built and the show being made. Several have claimed that even the God of the Hebrews is nothing but a chasing after the wind. Although their doctrine is based on an empty premise a convincing statement from them remains−one ironically adopted from a Hebrew that resonates to this very day, “Religion is the opium of the masses.” This truth has become so befitting that even religions preach that Religion is the harvest of what man has sown.


In spite of this, Religion remains the accepted source of our confusion while, at the same time, the accepted source of Truth. All too often we forget how this has been the plan of the enemy who divided us with the circus before conquering us with the show.


The Puppet Show


To get a glimpse of our predicament, let us picture this circus from heaven’s point of view. Below we see a series of puppet shows in the control of the master puppeteer. Within each puppet show, we see the puppet master hiding behind the curtains running the show. Then, when the music starts, we see the puppets helplessly dancing to the tune of the show. These puppets are the individuals who, due to their unhealthy interest, chose to tether themselves to the one who runs the show and, as a result, are no longer able to control what they say or what they do.


Once we determine the meaning of these strings, we can easily conclude who is working for the puppeteer and for the show. While we do this, let us move in a little closer to see that as the puppets dance to the tune, we also notice who is paying for the show!


Truly, the show they have been selling is the opium we have been buying. Unless we see how we are part of this problem, we cannot be part of the solution. For as long as we are partakers of this reciprocal system, the opium will not subside and our illusion will not end.


Consider this opium similar to rat poison, where the food component is to a truth and the poison component is to a lie, and thus where every different rat poison contains a different type of truth alongside a different type of lie. The irony is that, even though each rat poison is mostly comprised of food, its objective was never intended to feed its victim.


This has gone to the extent where the enemy has manufactured a full-blown menu of opiums to make sure that no one escapes his trap. Of these choices, an individual may be attracted to a particular opium while another, to a different opium. In effect, what is an illusion to one may not be the same illusion to another; nevertheless, both are victims of the same system. But why are these opiums so appealing?


How else is the half-hearted man to share the blame if he were to receive a blatant lie? This way, he can always blame it on the hired hand if what he purchased does not turn out to be true. Inevitably, the time will come when each man will be made aware of the deadly consequences but, similar to rats, it is usually when it is too late.


This is precisely what happened to Adam and Eve despite the blame they sought to share. For this reason, we ought to know that what did not work for our parents will certainly not work for us. Genesis 3:12-24 Instead, by learning from their mistake, we are to remember that, unlike rats, we have the capacity to vomit what we eat and are able to distinguish what is fatal from what is good.


So let us be careful of the apparent truthsofferedby Religion, the place where the deceiver comfortably resides. For we know that if the serpent was allowed to dwell in the Garden of Eden, he is most certainly allowed to dwell in the place where we have enabled the show.


Buy The Truth and Sell it Not


Once the reciprocal system emerged, man sought to buy what the puppets knew they could sell. To date, this vicious system has grown to a countless amount of illusions that carry their respective veils. As a result, where there is more money, there are more illusions that bring about more veils to darken our understanding.


The presence of money is therefore the sign that determines the identity of the puppets and the shows. This is because no one can buy what the children of God will never sell. Proverbs 23:23 Notwithstanding, it behooves us to question everyone who claims to speak The Truth even if they claim to do it free of charge. Job 12:11


Unfortunately, there will always be someone who claims his overseer is the representative of God and Truth. Yet, one thing is certain, if every overseer claims to be different, each cannot speak The Truth. This brings us to deduce one simple conclusion out of all possible claims:


They are all right since all roads lead to God.

They are all wrong and will be judged accordingly.

One is right and the rest are wrong.

While we consider the right answer, it is important to make clear that I am not an overseer of any kind and consequently not tethered behind. I stand-alone ─ I do not answer-to or consult any man. What I am is an individual just like you. This affords me no title while it does reveal a relationship. As your brother, I am called to warn you of the weekly dose and its deadly consequences. Ezekiel 3:11


Although my objective is not to offend you, the warning must be loud enough to shake you back to your senses. Then it will be up to you to get ready or suffer the consequences. Ezekiel 3:16-19 Given the premises aforementioned, is it possible to find out which religion is right?


Consider the Jews


The Jews claim the Nazarene is not The Messiah to come-even less, The Son of God. They simply see the Gentiles choosing a new god with a Hebrew name. Thus, by rejecting what seems obvious to them, the Jews claim a covenant unchanged. As their hope continues, they wait for The Messiah to be the vanguard of the promise given to them by God. In all, they seek The Messiah to be the ruler for the people of Israel and to rule the nations around them with an iron scepter. Psalms 2:6-12


If the Jews are right, how do we harmonize the passages that allude to The Messiah as arriving with an awe-inspiring power? Hosea 1:7, Isaiah 53:2-12, Zechariah 9:9, Psalms 16:10, 22:16-18, Micah 5:2 Does The Messiah’s return have anything to do with the striking of the rock at Horeb twice? Exodus 17:6, Numbers 20:10-12 Reason the severity of this action: Why was Moses, the most important figure of the Torah, not permitted to enter the Promised Land for a seemingly insignificant disobedience? 1Corinthians 10:3-4


If we insist the Covenant has not changed, then we must be true to ourselves by accepting that nothing else has also changed. So if nothing else has changed, why is the temple surprisingly absent two thousand years? A good Jew knows that, without the temple, nothing can be cleansed and consequently, nothing can be forgiven. Hebrews 9:18-22


So then, if the Covenant remains unchanged or unfulfilled and the temple is amiss, all sins remain even as they accumulate. Now, if for some reason we claim the temple is no longer required then we agree that something has changed; and if we agree that something has changed, why are we trying to rebuild the temple all over again?


Perhaps the absence of the temple is a sign that something is terribly wrong or that something has changed. Either God is more than disillusioned with the House of Judah or the inefficiencies of the First Covenant have been superseded by the efficiencies of the New.


Notwithstanding, if the First Covenant remains unchanged or unfulfilled, why should we care? After all, is it not true that under this premise, the God of the Hebrews remains exclusively for the Hebrews?

Well, not necessarily so. You see, Scripture records a promise given to the Hebrews for the benefit of many outside Israel, a promise that comes alive for those who believe in the Promise that has arrived. Psalms 117:1-2, Isaiah 42:6-9, 49:6, Galatians 3:28-29, Ephesians 2:12-14 So then, we too have the right to cry for such hope and the right to claim such promise.


In fact, because the promise has been fulfilled, with foreign lips and a strange tongue, God has chosen to speak to His people. Isaiah 28:11-12, Romans 11:11-12 Thankfully, not in a manner that is too strange and too foreign so that you may be grafted back to The Tree that you belong to. Romans 11:23-24


For now, let us agree that you are correct in your assessment to build the temple of God due to its dilapidated condition; but not the temple that you have in mind, rather the temple that God has in mind. This is very important for you and for us given that Salvation is of the Jews; but not the Jews that you had in mind, rather the Jews that God has in mind. John 4:22, Ephesians 4:17-18, Romans 15:8-10


Consider the Muslims


Similar to the Jews, the Muslims claim Jesus of Nazareth is not the begotten Son of God. However, they do claim The Nazarene was a prophet but that Muhammad was God’s last prophet.


But what exactly does this mean? If Muhammad was the last prophet, then it implies that he is the continuity of the prophets. How is this possible without any continuity, of the prophets, from Abraham to Muhammad? Genesis 21:12 Even if God had chosen someone from an Ishmaelite tribe, that prophet would point to the prophets of God who point to The Promise of God. Isaiah 11:1-3, Matthew 5:17 The dilemma gets more complicated once we recall that Muhammad claimed The Nazarene was, at least, a prophet.


If we know that a prophet is one who speaks The Truth, then one thing is certain: the prophet that Muhammad credited also discredits Muhammad. John 14:6 By Muhammad’s own admission, this religion stands without a foundation. Sure, it begins with our father Abraham but, then again, Abraham is the father of many nations. Matthew 3:9Therefore, absent of Scripture, this religion has nothing to do with any promise.


Aside from this, Christians and Jews do not recognize Muhammad as one who has gone to Heaven. In fact, the fairytale about people dying and immediately going to heaven is just another veil that we need to remove to

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