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of The Light (birth to Righteousness)

Step 6 Work of The Spirit: The journey with The Light (Righteousness leading to holiness)

Step 7 Salvation: The moment where The Father reaches for us (Death to all sin/birth to holiness)


The Ladder is YHWH is Salvation: first when The Savior (The Son) saves us from Sin, and then when The Savior (The Father) saves us from all sin. Mark 12:32


To understand the premise of the Ladder, we need to recall the premise of a ladder. That is, if a sensible person knows that once he moves up a ladder he ought not to look back, why would he even think to take a step back? Luke 9:62, 17:32





Analogy of the Tree


The analogy of the Tree complements the analogy of the Ladder in a very special way. This analogy comes from the parable of The Sower. This parable regards the Seed to be like the word of God, and The Sower to be like The Word of God. The parable goes on to show that only the good soil, which corresponds to the good heart, accepts the good Seed. Matthew 13:3-23, 13:37


Brothers, the only reason a soil is considered to be, “good” is because it chose to accept the good Seed. Luke 8:15 Otherwise, the same analogy reminds us that as long as the soil does not accept the good Seed, it remains only as good as dead.


The process of the soil accepting the good Seed from The Sower brings the Seed to life. In essence, the presence of the Seed is the evidence of our calling where the soil coming to life is the evidence of our acceptance. Mark 4:20 Consider the following narrative that explains the full process of our refinement, from the moment The Sower plants the good Seed to the point when the Harvest takes place. Notice the correlation to the seven steps of the Ladder:


The process begins when 1 The Sower of the field plants the good 1 Seed on various patches of soil. After some time, He returns to find that certain patches of 2Soil have come to life as evidenced by the 3Shoot. With great joy, He tends the Soil for the proper growth and before leaving, He provides the Tree with His own 4Water. In due time, the good 5Light fortifies this growth to yield the eagerly awaited good 6Fruit. At the appointed time, The Sower returns to collect the Fruits that have ripened early and sets them apart as His first 7Harvest.


Let us take a closer look at the two analogies side by side:


The Fruit Tree The Ladder


1. Sower and the Seed 1. Truthgiver and the Truth

2. Soil come to life 2. Faith

3. Shoot 3. Repentance

4. Water 4. Baptism of Water (death to Sin)

5. Light 5. Baptism of The Spirit (birth to Righteousness)

6. Fruit 6. Work of The Spirit

7. Harvest 7. Salvation from all sin (birth to holiness)


This is how The Ladder leads us to God and how the Tree bears Fruit to remain a branch of The Tree of Life. When these analogies are integrated, we find how they complement each other:





The Fruit Tree The Ladder


1. The Sower plants the Seed, which is the message of……….…..................... Truth

2. The Soil is the heart that accepts The Sower and the Seed to sprout…........... Faith

3. The Shoot is the evidence of………………………………………......Repentance

4. The Water is the cleansing of Sin through...………....the Baptism of Repentance

5. The Light is birth to Righteousness through……….......the seal of The Holy Spirit

6. The Fruit is the phase of holiness through….......................the Work of The Spirit

7. The Harvest of the Firstfruits is……..………………….......Salvation from all sin


By design, the blending of The Tree and The Ladder point to The Lampstand of God, the precursor and continuity of the golden model that shed light to the temple of God. Numbers 8:4 Just as the temple of God was a copy of the Kingdom of God above, the golden model was a copy of The Lampstand that sheds light to the Kingdom above. Hebrews 8:5, Revelation 2:1 The golden model, by design, is therefore the blueprint to the foundation of Righteousness as well as the blueprint to the structure of holiness. How so?


The golden model is a tree that has exclusively seven branches. Exodus 25:31-40 These branches are designed in pairs to emphasize that everything of importance comes in a duality. Yes, everything comes in pairs and is to be accepted as one. John 10:30, 1John 2:23 This principle was applied to the design of the golden model to show us how to move forward with The Ladder. In other words, inasmuch as The Ladder describes the process, The Lampstand describes how we are to move forward through the process.


For instance, those that are called understand the difference between The Truthgiver and the Truth. However, when they are to move forward, to end what they started, they are to accept The Truth as one. John 8:32-36, Galatians 5:7, 1Peter 1:22


This is the reason Faith comes when we hear the word of God from The Word of God. Step 1 and 2 This is also why we enter unto Repentance as we enter the Baptism of Repentance. Step 3 and 4 As a result, we are given the calling to the Work of The Spirit when we are given the gift of The Spirit. Step 5 and 6 Even the seventh step comes in a duality once we understand that, although it is a branch, it is also the main body and symbolic of The Son representing The Father. Galatians 3:20


Notwithstanding, the whole process is inherently one. For this reason, the unit was fashioned out of one solid piece of pure gold to emphasize that, while the Ladder is one, the golden Tree is incorruptible. Exodus 25:36, 40, Matthew 7:18, 2Corinthians 6:14


By having to express a singularity as a seven-step process, we will invariably need the help of at least one-step to explain another throughout. The degree of difficulty applies more so to the first step than the others, as we are reminded that a straight path heavily relies on its point of origin. The good news is that once we get a good hold on the first step, The Ladder will have a stronghold on us. Proverbs 4:10-13, 1Peter 1:3-5 Truly brothers, once we get a hold of the first step, the rest is a formality that nonetheless the heart, now willing, wishes to fulfill. With this careful assessment, let us begin with The Truth.

Step 1 The Truth

(The Truthgiver and the Truth)

(The Sower and the Seed)


The Truth is what we have to understand in our minds to conceive in our hearts. John 18:38 Those who accept The Truth have Faith, and those who have Faith believe in the Gospel that saves. Colossians 1:5-6, Ephesians 1:13


The Truth is what has long been distorted, suppressed, and exchanged at the request of the masses. Acts 20:30, Romans 1:18, 1:25 Because of this, we have been ever learning without coming to the knowledge of The Truth. 2Timothy 3:7 For this explicit reason, we need to rely on the basic meaning of Faith to arrive to the meaning of The Truth. Let us recall the basic meaning of Faith: Romans 10:17 “So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”


This passage reminds us of the parable of The Sower, which describes the word of God to be the Seed and The Word of God to be The Sower. This also remind us of The Truth that, when it comes by hearing, brings forth the Faith. That is, when Faith arrives, the promised Seed (The Sower and the Seed) arrives. Galatians 3:19 Certainly, although the Seed may perish when accepted, The Seed will never perish once accepted. 1Peter 1:23, 1John 3:9


The Seed is therefore The Truth that comes to life when it is accepted as one, inasmuch as Faith is The Truth that comes to life when The Truthgiver and the Truth are accepted as one. As simple as this was meant to be, The Truth began to be distorted once the enemy planted another seed. This is precisely what The Messiah foretold: Matthew 13:24 “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares? 28  He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”


Brothers, it is impossible to understand this passage from the Weeds that stand between the soil and The Seed. You see, this passage actually speaks about the vast difference between those who accepted The Seed of Truth (the Wheats) and those who, thereafter, accepted the seed of the enemy (the Weeds). Matthew 13:38 The Messiah goes on to reveal the meaning of the Weeds as follows: Matthew 15:12 “Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? 13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. 14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”


The Weeds are therefore those who through some form of distortion, suppression or exchange, have been preaching anything at the request of the masses. To the untrained eye, some Weeds look similar to the Wheats even as some of the soothsayers, to the untrained ear, sound similar to the Truthsayers. But now the time has come to separate the Weeds from the Wheats for the upcoming Harvest. Matthew 13:49-50, 2Corinthians 11:12-15, Ephesians 5:13-17


To make sure none of the children of God are missing, the Gospel that saves is coming to us with a very loud trumpet. John 10:27-29, Revelation 4:1 Thankfully, it is also coming with more than enough understanding to help us be ready for the upcoming Harvest. John 15:16, James 1:18 This greater understanding requires that we enhance the meaning of Faith in a manner long recorded but never revealed before, until now. Matthew 24:14


When we do this, we notice that within the identity of the Truth, there is an inherent purpose. We also see that within the identity of The Truthgiver, there must be His inherent purpose. Romans 8:3-4, 1John 3:8 Let us see the identities with their respective purposes in the order Faith is acquired:


level 1. The faith in the identity of The Truthgiver

level 2. The faith in the identity of the Truth

level 3. The faith in the purpose of the Truth

level 4. The faith in the purpose of The Truthgiver


These levels are the enhancement of The Truth found in step one and, for this reason, similar to the golden model, they also come in pairs. How so?


Those who accept the identity of The Truthgiver and the identity of the Truth receive enough understanding to get started; this is how man is called. level 1 and 2 Those who accept the purpose of the Truth get started; this is how man enters the discipline of his Repentance. Whereas only those who accept the purpose of the Truth with the purpose of The Truthgiver end what they started; this is how man is chosen. level 3 and 4 This, to a magnified

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