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level, is The Truth that sets us free, the Faith that saves, and The Seed that gives us birth to Righteousness. John 16:25 Let us look at the four wonderful levels in detail.


Level 1 Identity of The Truthgiver

The Sower


The Truthgiver is The Son of God, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, The Messiah prophesized to be the lasting Atonement for the Sins that had earned the wages of our second Death. Hebrews 10:9, Isaiah 53:4-5, Galatians 4:4-5 For this Atonement to be everlasting, the death of The Messiah required a subsequent resurrection that we believe to have taken place on the third day, as foretold. Psalms 16:10, 1Corinthians 15:3-8 Soon, The Son will return to establish all righteousness on earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10, Hebrews 9:28


This faith is what every professing Christian claims to uphold. Unfortunately, when they have not fulfilled their purpose, The Savior will not fulfill His purpose. Perhaps someone might claim to have already believed in The Savior who saves but as long as Sin is present, Faith cannot be present. 2Corinthians 13:5


As we can see, this identity without the respective purpose does not serve much of a purpose anymore than knowledge without obedience has helped the spirits of disobedience. James 2:19 In a few words, the respective purposes are the fulfillment of their respective identities and for this reason, when level 3 and 4 are accepted as one, The Seed is accepted as one.


Level 2 Identity of the Truth

the Seed


We know a truth is a generally accepted statement or a generally accepted fact. We also know that when man defines a truth, his measures often lack absolute value and sometimes-even fact.


In contrast, when God provides a truth, it is given with absolute value and consequently stands the test of time. Proverbs 30:5-6, Matthew 24:35 This brings us to understand why Faith comes by hearing the word of God exclusively from The Word of God.


Of all the absolute truths, the Law is the only Truth that God wrote with His own finger. Exodus 31:18, Mark 4:3 Because of this immutable fact, the Seed is not left for interpretation but for acceptance or rejection, for our benefit or our demise. Anyone who thinks that he can repent to his own law and receive his own faith is following another Jesus and serving another god. Malachi 2:10, Luke 18:18-20, Acts 20:21, Romans 3:29, Ephesians 4:5, 2Corinthians 11:4


The Law is the foundation of Repentance from the acts that lead to Death. Romans 2:20, Hebrews 6:1, 1John 3:4 Through the Law, we become aware of Sin and consequently are able to Repent from Sin. Romans 3:20, 7:7 Brother, this brings us to meet at a crossroads, either you continue to roam around in a minefield of darkness or you enter the only narrow road to the only Gate out. Jeremiah 6:16-19, 2Peter 2:15, Colossians 1:13 The choice is yours since you are the one who has to live by it or Die from it. Job 34:33, 1Corinthians 15:56, Hebrews 10:28-29


As your heart determines your own destiny, remember this: Once the gift of The Spirit is given to the man that is Forgiven, why would God bother to place the Law in his heart unless it is to enable him to uphold it permanently? Hebrews 10:16, 1Corinthians 9:21, Matthew 5:17-18 Do you not know that what took place on Mount Sinai is as meaningful today as it is symbolic? Ephesians 4:14


Certainly, just as the physical people of Israel were called to the physical Promised Land when the physical Law was given, the spiritual people of Israel are called to the spiritual Promised Land when the spiritual Law is given. Romans 7:14 In much the same way, those who chose to never return to Egypt are similar to those who choose to never return to Sin. Ezekiel 29:16, Acts 7:39, Jude 1:5


Incidentally, because the Law was given-to and delivered-by Moses, Moses was considered the physical representation of the spiritual Truthgiver even as the two tablets were the physical representation of the spiritual Truth. For this reason, that meeting took place on a mountain to remind us that, much like The Truthgiver and the Truth descended from Heaven, Moses and the Law descended from the holy mountain, the physical heaven. Exodus 3:5, Psalms 43:3, Zechariah 8:3 Time would pass before this duality would revert to the original spiritual order for The Seed to Work in us a further refinement. 2Chronicles 5:10, 2Corinthians 3:3, Ephesians 3:16-17


The Law given to us directly from The Lawgiver is therefore the sign that we have been called, for only the Law holds the commandments that point to The God who is not so obvious. The commandments that are not so obvious are those that determine the difference between the Gentile who is called and the uncalled or yet to be called. For this reason, when a Gentile is called, he is initially drawn to the commandments that are not so obvious.


Before we reveal two of the commandments that are not so obvious, let us continue with the next two levels. Thereafter, we will come back to confess The God we claim to profess. Ephesians 5:17


Level 3 Purpose of the Truth


The purpose of the Law is to lead us to The Redeemer of the Law. Galatians 3:19 To be redeemed from the Law, we need to be under the Law. Otherwise, we cannot say that we are no longer under the Law if we were never under the Law. Galatians 3:21-25, Romans 3:19 This is one of the reasons The Messiah first arrived to the children of the Law since only the children of the Law could be redeemed from the Law. Matthew 15:24


Once we accept the discipline of the Law, we are to use it as the Lamp of Truth to enter the protection of The Light. 1Timothy 1:8 By upholding every commandment, we use the Lamp accordingly to face The Gate. James 1:25, 2:12 As we keep walking towards The Gate, Faith will take over to finish what we started. Romans 8:3 Thereafter, The Seed will remind us why the Lamp is no longer needed once we are in a room full of light. Romans 7:1-7, 1Corinthians 2:5, Galatians 3:24-25, 2Samuel 22:29


Understanding this, if the Law defines “The Righteous requirements” that Faith accomplishes, “Do we then make void the Law through Faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the Law.” Romans 3:31, Romans 6:14, Romans 8:5-10


Level 4 Purpose of The Truthgiver


Brothers, which is easier to believe: The Messiah died on the cross or The Messiah resurrected from the dead? The same question applies to the faith in the identity of The Truthgiver and the faith in His purpose, where the first can be evident by the things we say while the second only evident by the things we do. Titus 1:16, 1John 3:18 So what the Righteous do gladly is due to the Faith that was made complete by what they did when they believed. James 2:22, Galatians 3:5 Otherwise, that faith would be futile if they remained in Sin. 1Corinthians 15:17


Brothers, the four levels that we are now hearing have long been recorded and will now be revealed to us by The Lampstand of God. To see this, the golden model needs to be brought to life.


The height and breadth of the golden Lampstand models after The Son of Man. Exodus 25:32, 25:40, Daniel 5:5, John 8:12 This helps the professing Christian see why the seventh step means Salvation while, at the same time, it helps the professing Jew to understand why YHWH is Salvation. The main body is therefore symbolic of the main Root, the main Shoot, and the main Firstfruit, where the branches are symbolic of the way to God and what we are to become. Romans 11:18, Isaiah 53:2, Acts 26:23 And how are we to get there?


Through the four levels found within The Lampstand of God. John 14:6 These levels are recorded on the main body of the golden model as four cups shaped like almond flowers. Exodus 25:34 They represent the Faith that saves, where the full count represents The Savior who saves. In other words, the 22 cups, recorded throughout, represent the letters of the Hebrew/Aramaic alphabet and thus symbolic of The Word of God, where the four within are symbolic of The Seed within. Mark 4:3, Luke 8:11, Revelation 19:13


Through the irreducible components of the Faith that saves, we are now able to see why the Word of God mirrors The Word of God and why the Law remains within The Seed (1, 10, 10, 1). Jeremiah 31:33, Psalms 37:30-31, 2Corinthians 3:3, Revelation 22:13 Why the detail?


How else is the Gentile to understand why the soil is worthless without the Seed? How else is the Jew to see why the Seed is worthless without The Sower who brings the Seed to life? Jeremiah 1:11-12, John 15:22, 1John 2:23 So it is true, that Faith comes by believing what we heard and because of this, we are saved by Faith or condemned by the lack thereof. Galatians 3:2, Ephesians 1:13, 2Thessalonians 2:12, 1Thessalonians 2:13, Luke 11:28


The Missing Truth


Through the four levels of the Faith that saves, every individual is now able to determine his whereabouts. Now we are able to see why most professing Christians believe only in the identity of The Truthgiver and why most professing Jews believe only in the identity of the Truth. Because of this, the Gentile cannot put into effect the purpose of The Truthgiver without the Truth, while the Jew cannot put into effect the purpose of the Truth without The Truthgiver. 1Corinthians 1:23


Unlike the faithful to Religion, those who belong to The Truth obey The Truthgiver and the Truth. 1John 3:18-24 Brothers, the passage just referenced is difficult to understand due to the puppets that led us astray. These puppets have gone out of their way to exchange the word “commandments” with the word “commands” to prevent the masses from coming to the knowledge of the Truth. John 14:15


But even after someone overcomes the puppets that led astray, on the way to the road unto Righteousness, that individual encounters the puppets that block the way. These puppets are there to make sure that no one who knows the Truth comes to the knowledge of The Truth. 2Timothy 3:7, John 5:39-40 Sadly, this is how the adversary works the puppets to the left and to the right to make sure that not a single slave escapes his trap. 2Timothy 2:25-26, 2Corinthians 4:4


For this reason, we need to come to the knowledge of The Truthgiver through the Truth inasmuch as we are to come to the knowledge of the Truth through The Truthgiver. So then, through the Law we get to know the commandments that describe The God we are to follow. Before we shed light on the two commandments that are evidently missing from the uncalled, let us learn how we are to get started once we receive our calling.


Once we become aware of the Law, we are to ponder on the Law to fall in love with it. Psalms 119:18, 119:34, 119:97, James 1:25 There is a wonderful design to learn the Law; the design of our hands serves to help understand the Law. Romans 7:16 Let us see this by raising our ten fingers with the back of our hands facing us.


The Law begins with the greatest commandment of which the second, third, and fourth primarily report-to in a very spiritual way. The fifth commandment bridges our relationship between our parents and our brother. Then the sixth begins with the most important commandment between our brother and us. As we move forward, we see how the commandments between our brother and us report to the tenth commandment of the Law in a very spiritual way.


Notice that as the second, third, and fourth commandments determine whether we obey the first, the six through the ninth determine whether we obey the tenth. This is how the

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