» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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to take your life into the abundance I planned for you from the start.

Do you know your life has a perfect plan that I, GOD have devised for it? Are you aware of this? If you are not MY surrendered follower than your plan for life that I carefully planned out is running counter to all the beauty and wonder I have in place for you. I want to bring you to MY complete wholeness: peace of mind; completeness of your spirit filled by MY SPIRIT; walking in MY perfect plans for your life. This is all yours. It is a plan to bring you home with ME when I come for MY children. It is a plan to bring you to your eternal destiny to be with ME forever. I, your LORD, want to bring you to wholeness through MY HOLY SPIRIT and past the sorrows and sadness of a fallen world.

Time is short, MY loved ones, MY children. Stop clinging to this world. It is in rebellion to ME, its MAKER and I will soon have no part in it. The world will turn its back to ME completely and I must leave with MY bride under MY safe arm and leave the world to its own destruction, destruction that comes when love and order administered by a HOLY GOD is rejected. Chaos and evil is the alternative and this world will embrace it, apart from ME.

Saddened though I am—the hour approaches and I must come to rescue the bride and retreat with her to MY Kingdom and leave those remaining to suffer under the hand of MY enemy. He is a cruel master. Let ME tell you about the evil of MY opponent and what he is capable of. He wants nothing less than to destroy you, to see you spending eternity in the pits of hell. He is angry and lusting after your blood, your life blood. He will destroy you by any means he has. Do you recognize this MY children? He means to destroy and to destroy completely.

He will use any means to reach his goal—your utter destruction. He will use your weaknesses, your desires for the things of this world, your own self-made plans and dreams. If you follow your self-made plans, apart from MY Perfect Will, that is acquired only through complete and total surrender of your life to ME, than you are falling right into MY enemy’s hands. Is this how you want it, MY children?

You are so set on following your own self-made goals and directions that you are willingly playing into the enemy’s hands. I will let you do it, because you choose. I don’t want to lose you to the enemy. I don’t want to leave you to the world of disaster coming, after I remove MY bride. I don’t want to be apart from you for eternity and I don’t want to assign you to hell for rejecting ME and choosing your own ways. You will leave ME no choice.

Very soon, the world will come apart. Evil will enlarge past the limits I have set for it with MY guiding, protecting RIGHT HAND that I have over it right now. When I pull back MY Great Hand of Protection over the earth, the taste of evil you are experiencing now will be a large dose and it will be a gag in the mouths of those left to deal with the world apart from ME, the LORD JESUS.

Sorrow and pleading is where I am now. I plead with you MY children to come to ME in these closing moments. Still you reject and cling to a temporal, dying world. You see the dark clouds forming overhead of which you know what I speak. There is trouble all around you. All things are touched by this foreboding evil that is growing ever daily. Come to your senses. Follow ME. Turn to ME. Come with ME. Surrender to ME. I will save you and lead you out to safety. You may choose. This is your privilege. But if you choose against ME for this evil and corrupt world you so lustily desire, I will not take kindly to your choice and you will indeed have your way.

Come to me for safe passage to MY Kingdom. I am waiting only a while longer. You think you have a lot of time. You do not. These words are true. Follow ME and live. Reject ME and we shall part ways for eternity.



Ezekiel 18:30-32: (KJV: 30 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin. 31 Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? 32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

Revelation 12:17 (KJV: And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of GOD, and have the testimony of JESUS CHRIST.



March 11, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter, I will give you Words. Susan take MY Words down:

I, JESUS, am about to take flight. I am ready to come for MY bride. I am ready to retrieve her, so few really believe ME. I knew there would be very little faith left on the earth when it was time to come and get MY bride. I knew the earth would be cold toward ME, even indifferent, very few believing I even exist.

The world has its heart set toward other gods, others who appeal to them more. MY Love doesn’t interest them. This is the way the world has gone. It grows cold and indifferent to ME.

MY Name is a mockery. MY Book is a joke. I exist as a fable. I am just a children’s rhyme to this lost generation. Surely you see this is all I mean to the people. If they held ME dear and close to their hearts, I wouldn’t be such an offense to their senses when MY Name is mentioned.

MY Name is not uttered in HOLINESS and in REVERENCE, but in lewd talk to curse and speak out evil talk toward each other. This is where the world stands toward its Most HOLY GOD and MAKER. MY Name, MY Being is only thought of in crude terms to lash out and to disrespect MY Glory, MY Sacrifice, MY Love. I am not held in high esteem. People view ME as a story made up by those with vivid imaginations. This is Who they believe I am.

If the people believed differently, even now they would stand up and tremble in fear at the warnings I am bringing to the earth, as I am now bringing MY wrath and lifting MY Hand of protection to punish the land for evil and wickedness toward its GOD, toward the MOST HIGH, the MOST HOLY GOD.

Somehow the disturbances to the earth that mankind is seeing is explained away—every sort of explanation except Truth, truth that is contained in MY Book. Did I not say that these things would take place? Yet even MY so called followers won’t blink. They won’t bat an eye. They carry on life as usual. They won’t humble themselves in reverential fear, in repentance for their putrid lukewarm ways, for their lack of interest in spreading MY Words of warning to their fellow mankind.

It is business as usual, church as usual. Well go through your daily patterns and say your daily prayers as if you think I am hearing them, but if you don’t repent and get right with ME, MY lukewarm, halfhearted followers, you may stand in line with the most wicked evil, GOD-haters because your outcome will be the same: I will spit you out.

You seem aghast when you judge those around you as so evil. Well white-washed tombs speak evil also and MY lukewarm church, your painted faces of happiness do not fool ME. You carry on as if all is well. Well all is not well. I will carry you to hell with the most vile of sinner because you disregard MY most precious mandate as MY follower: to love your LORD GOD with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your heart, with all your mind. You have ME in second, third, fourth place.

You enjoy the idea of MY Salvation, but the world is your lord and master. If I were your LORD and MASTER you would give ME your life plans to control, as it is you run your own life apart from ME. You would go out and warn your fellow mankind that you are living the last days. As it is, you are far from this thinking. You would give ME your focus and fix your eyes on ME. As it is, your eyes are fixed on having more of what the world offers. You would believe that MY coming is right at the door. As it is, you believe I am not coming for many years and you berate MY true bride who seeks and acknowledges MY Truth.

You evil generation of half-hearted, lukewarm, distant, world-loving followers: if you don’t come after ME, your GOD, with a full-strength commitment, full repentance for your worldly adultery and come after ME with a love that is true and honest instead of rote and pretend, I will have no choice but to leave you behind to face an enemy that will destroy you with one glance. HE will see through you and by the time you understand what has happened, that I have come and retrieved MY true followers and left you behind, it will be too late to make it back to ME and MY Kingdom.

MY lukewarm Laodicean Church: you will have to face the worst. You know in your spirit, I speak truth. Don’t let the world around you mask the truth because you refuse to believe. Open MY Book, study MY Words, spend time with ME. Surrender your life to ME—all facets of it, complete surrender and I will put truth before you. You will be saved from the destruction that is coming. Do not think you are safe from what is coming to the earth in this hour.

Stop diminishing MY Messages because you do not want to receive them. I am the great GOD of the universe. I put you here. I can remove you as quickly and easily. Do not be so sure of yourself. We are coming into a time of great trials on earth for mankind like no other hour in history. You will survive this in only one way: through your surrender to ME, your SAVIOR, LORD, MASTER,


I am the only WAY, the only TRUTH, the only LIFE

You have been warned.


Revelation 3:14-18 (KJV: 14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Deuteronomy 6:5 (KJV: Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and

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