» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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with all your strength.

Mark 12:30 (KJV: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.



March 16, 2011 Part 1

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

My daughter I am ready. These Words are for you to write down:

I am coming much sooner than anyone thinks. I am coming to earth to take MY own. I am coming to claim MY bride, MY beautiful bride. If you want to be among these, MY beautiful bride, there is a price to pay. You must let go of the world. Change your course. Turn your back to the things of the world. You must look away. You cannot have both, MY children. The two cannot mix. You are trying hard to do this. You want it both ways.

You want to play with the things of the world and dirty your hands and you want to come to ME as if there is nothing between us. This cannot be MY children. This is not going to ever be. I will not be second, third, or fourth place on your long list of other focuses, because you must choose.

Do you want ME and MY Ways, MY HOLY WAYS or do you want the world? I have but one thing to say: choose the world and you can have her. She is a cruel mistress. She will draw you into her inviting arms as you caress her—then she strikes. You are caught in her net of deception and lies. You believe every word she says. You are caught and captured and loosed into hell eternally, once you have succumbed to this captivator —MY worldly opponent. Many fall prey for eternity. There is never any turning back. MY ruthless enemy has completed his task, to drag MY children away to their eternal destinies, to hell where they will never be rescued and must live in this horrible condition for eternity. Do you understand the gravity of this MY children? You can’t think about eternity —it is unending, never ending.

MY children, I am giving out MY final warnings. The world has sunken to a level of deep depravity. The people of this world have departed far from their GOD, their ONE TRUE GOD—I AM HE. MY Name is JESUS. I am the ONE TRUE and ONLY GOD.

The world has crossed over the point of NO RETURN. It has turned the corner and the descent has begun. The people…and the world are now on its downward spiral of separation that is complete from its GOD. When the world pushes ME completely out of the picture, there will only be darkness. How can it be any other way? Only I am the CREATOR of light and life. MY enemy only copies what looks like life. He can’t create life or sustain it. I am the only ONE WHO can do this.


March 16, 2011


Write these Words down daughter:

Soon I am coming, MY people. Soon! You seem to be oblivious to this. I am sending out MY warnings. I am sending them out in waves.



I love you MY people, but you must wake! You must come out of your complacency.

YOU MUST BE READY FOR THE COMING STORM. DON’T YOU SEE IT COMING? MY children you must make ready for MY coming!

The earth, she is coming apart. She will soon be an angry, hostile environment to live in. MY wrath will be poured out. This is only the beginning of what is ahead. You must be ready for what is coming.

MY children, there is only ONE DOOR of escape, ONE DOOR. It is marked “JESUS.” I am that DOOR.

There is not enough technology, money, intelligent men to save you from what lies ahead. MY children, you are no match for MY enemy. You are no match for MY wrath towards a rebellious, rejecting world system. I am done with this evil generation that rejects MY SALVATION, MY LORDSHIP, MY WAYS, ME its CREATOR.

I have seen and heard enough. The evil and disrespect has risen up to ME and I am tired of the evil stench of man’s attempt to run apart from its HOLY GOD. They will never learn that man running apart from its HOLY GOD and CREATOR is a disaster.

Men are selfish by their sin nature. Selfishness leads to people who cannot care for the weaker, it leads to no love, and it leads to unbridled sin, and evil unchecked. The world does not follow its GOD and so the world is coming apart. Nothing will work in the order it is meant to move in out of step with its MAKER.

MY children, I take no pleasure in what is coming to the earth. I want you to understand that you leave ME no recourse but to end the madness. Man will go through great tribulation. MY Book has described this.

You can come apart, come away from what is coming to the earth. There is a wonderful alternative to the madness coming on the earth. MY beautiful Kingdom is prepared to share MY Glory with MY children who want to leave with ME when I come to rescue them from the worst.

Stop holding on to the belief that I am not coming soon, that I am never coming, that your answers lie in the thinking and solutions provided by men. Mankind is no match for ME. MY wrath will be poured out full force on the earth after I remove MY precious bride, MY true followers.

Do not think you can withstand what I, GOD, will do to those who stay behind and reject MY precious offer of rescue. If you reject this offer either openly or by complacency of decision, I will leave you to face this world without MY support. You will be left to deal with an angry enemy. He has no compassion for men.

You have no idea what is coming, because, I, GOD have provided MY protection to the earth and to mankind. Man’s rejection of GOD opens up the planet and man to face life without MY great Righteous, protective Right Hand. The world has not witnessed what is coming, before and will not since. The hour is closing in as I have said before. 

Read MY Book, repent to ME, your LORD of your sins, turn from your evil, and surrender your life to ME. Give ME your plans, your life, and make ME the LORD and MASTER of your life.

These are MY Terms. I will save you from the coming madness.

I am the Great I AM

I am your RESCUER,




March 25, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter I can give you Words. My daughter, this is your LORD:

Today, I have Words. Today is the beginning of the end of this phase. I am moving into a new phase. I am bringing MY people into a new phase. MY people you need to realize that you are running out of time to prepare for MY sudden return. I will come some day and many will be caught unawares. The loss will be great when you are caught facing the worst.

MY children, you are so deceived and complacent. You want to believe so badly that all is fine, all is normal. IT IS NOT. The world is starting to come apart. You are seeing a world that has rejected GOD, coming apart, because I am raising MY Hand. I am removing MY powerful right Hand from the earth. I am beginning to allow mankind to truly have his desire to be free of attachments to GOD. Now I WILL PROTECT MY TRUE BRIDE, but I will leave evil men and the lukewarm church to face what’s coming without MY protective Hand and watchful Eye.

This world is set on having its way apart from its CREATOR—SO BE IT! I will not force MY Love on a world that is disinterested. Whoa to this world that thinks happiness, contentment, peace, and love exists in man’s ways apart from their GOD.

Children, you are given free choice to choose for ME or my enemy. There is no third choice. MY children, you were created for relationship with ME, your LORD and GOD. I am the ONE you were created for. This is why you exist, try though you may to believe otherwise. This is the meaning of your existence. Now what does this truth mean to you? How do you choose to live your life knowing why you were created? Will you rebel against ME, your CREATOR and lead your life completely apart from ME, your GOD and show ME a half-way attempt toward a relationship with ME?

Your weak attempts to worship ME are noted. I see where you stand in your heart toward ME. if you are sacrificing time to be with ME and enthusiastic when you are in MY Presence, I know how you feel about ME, but if you doubt I exist and show ME no preference or give ME your best time, I know where you stand with ME. I know who I am taking out of the world when I come to rescue MY bride. MY people, MY children who show ME their true hearts and love and devotion are the ones who will be relieved from the great hour of tribulation coming on the earth.

If you are away from ME, your rescue will not exist. I will lose many of you completely, eternally to MY enemy to unending hell, and the Lake of Fire, as promised in MY Book. This is the destination of those I created for MY Friendship who reject ME to follow other false god, false ways of truth, false existences. What seems good and right to you now, if you worship any pagan god that is not JESUS CHRIST or if you worship the world’s way: pursuing wealth, entertainment, and make no time to get to know ME, your GOD, you will stand before ME at some point very soon and all the explaining will not save you apart from the blood covering I offer to protect and save you from the judgment of your past sins and evil life. This is your only hope, MY BLOOD BOUGHT SALVATION covering your sins before the HOLY GOD WHO brought you into existence for the single purpose of FRIENDSHIP, RELATIONSHIP, COMPANIONSHIP.

Reject MY Companionship and Salvation and depart from ME and MY Presence for eternity. You will go from ME, enter a dark eternity away from life, MY Eternal Abundant Life. It is not what you think…hell. You think it isn’t so bad, “I will be okay.” NO, you will be tormented and this will go on for all time. Reject MY Warning now and when you face ME without a true, sold-out relationship with ME then we will part company for eternity, never to meet again.

These are sad Words, but they must be spoken because the world has rejected ME and I must allow the world to have its ways. If you think this is not truth, read and study MY Book and see that MY Words are all true. If you understand MY Words and saw what the world embraces, really saw, you would admit that the world is completely rejecting its GOD. You do not want to face this truth, because you are too enamored with the world. THIS WORLD IS AN ENMITY TO ME.

Love your life here, in this world, embrace the world, and all its iniquity and lose you’re your eternal life with ME, your loving, caring GOD. These are MY Words of Truth you must consider carefully as dark clouds are forming of evil over this earth. Soon I will reserve the bride and leave you to your choice.

These are MY Words.

This is MY Truth.

These are MY Ways.

You either love ME, and follow ME or you do not— you must decide.

I bring

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