» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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in MY Book. Take in MY HOLY SPIRIT in full measure by surrendering your life over to ME in total, leaving nothing to the enemy or to chance.

Be secure in the knowledge that I will take you out to safety when I return for MY bride. You can be assured for safe passage when you surrender to ME with a humbled and repentant heart and receive MY Blood-bought Salvation and give ME your alligiance and make ME your undisputed LORD and MASTER. MY HOLY SPIRIT will prepare you to be received unto MYSELF when I come for MY great rescue of MY people to safety.

These Words are True MY people. Read MY Book. You have precious little time left. You must choose between two paths of the world or to the narrow path out to safety which is through ME, your LORD and SAVIOR JESUS.

If you continue to follow men’s paths the way of the world as your answer, you will be left and you will be lost following the way of the devil. Get on the safe, narrow path—move quickly. If you want to be clean and ready to move to the narrow path, make time for MY Word, make time for ME, your LORD. Get to know ME through spending time with ME. I represent the future that is safe, strong, hopeful, prosperous, and the world represents the future that is hopeless, dismal, lost, and demising. You must remove your blinders, your scales on your eyes and see the truth.

The hour is waning, closing. MY enemy is moving throughout the world bringing darkness all throughout the earth. Soon she will be swallowed up in darkness. All aspects of life will be dark and dismal, all aspects. Not a glimmer of hope will exist once I have removed MY bride to safety. What remains will be darkness and horror for those left behind. Does MY Word not speak of this?

If you doubt, read MY Word. Spend time in MY Word. Get to know MY Word than the idea of MY soon return will not seem incredible and foreign to you. You will see MY soon coming as something you will want to embrace and be glad for as I offer a lamp unto your feet, a light guiding you to a narrow pathway of escape.

There is precious little time remaining. Get to the lamp light. Fill your lamp lights with MY HOLY SPIRIT oil and find the narrow doorway and head to the narrow path. O’ feeble hands reach for MY Word. O’ feeble feet seek MY narrow path. The time is now, don’t delay.

Darkness closes in. Look for the LIGHT. I am the LIGHT. Get your lamp oil filled. I am telling you to fill your lamps now. Tomorrow will come and you may be left with a lamp that is half-full, than your light won’t shine and lead you out with ME to saftety. O’ wake MY children, wake now! I implore you to wake!

This is your LORD WHO is pleading with you.

Get on your knees before ME and I will save you.

This is the SAVIOR WHO is ready to SAVE!

I am JESUS SAVIOR of the World


Hosea 4:6 (KJV: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Psalm 119:105 (KJV: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Matthew 25:4 (KJV: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Acts 2:17-18 (KJV: 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy



April 25, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes Daughter, you may take MY Letter. Susan, write these words down:

The day is coming when MY Grace will be over, MY Great Grace. The people don’t understand that the Age of Grace is about over. The hard tribulation will begin. The people think I am a GOD WHO is either nonexistent or not watching what they do and how they behave.

I am a HOLY GOD and I have tolerated about enough from this evil generation, this exceedingly evil generation. You must believe that I, GOD, am not paying attention or that I am not even existing. This evil on the earth is only beginning. The world has never known true tribulation. It has seen a lot of tribulation, but not what is yet coming…

MY children, this should ignite your fears, your senses. It should send you to MY Arms for safety. I am the ONE True Route. No other exists. Please believe MY Words. I am true to MY Words. MY Words are a lamp unto your feet. MY Words are truth, life, and freedom. Do not discount these precious Words coming from your One True SAVIOR. I am HE and I am coming to save you. Do not doubt.

Put your faith in ME, JESUS. I am the LIGHT. All others are dim representations of truth and salvation. Many do not want MY Salvation, MY Words, MY Truth. They wait on it or reject it completely. MY children, come in from the storm now. If you wait and reject ME now, you will have waited too long. The time is running out to assure your place in MY Kingdom, during the worst rampage on earth, in all human history.

Waiting will prove to be fatal. If you are frightened by these words than turn to ME now and allow ME to calm your fears, because I can take you to safety away from the fear and fright to come. It will be horrible. I won’t mince words or withhold truth. The hour of great destruction and sadness lies ahead and it is closing in. Soon your chance to escape will be lost, forever lost. Once lost, all hope will be gone. You will be left to face the worst, MY enemy, his dealings and MY Wrath—a powerful combination of destruction and hopelessness.

Turn, Turn, Turn. Come back to ME. I will take you back. I will save you. I will return you to your past and help you to recover what was a lost, your true self. I am waiting. Soon, the time is up. Don’t doubt.



April 26, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter these are MY Words. Write them down.

This world is growing dark. Can you not feel it, MY children? I, your LORD, want you to find MY Truth. This Truth is in MY Word, MY Holy Word. There is no other Truth, MY children. Now is the time to find ME. I come forward to bring you this Truth. MY Truth is easy to get to. Soon it will not be easy. Soon you will desire for MY Words and they won’t be found. This will be the outcome for those left to face the worst in a world gone mad, completely mad.

MY enemy is ruthless. He will kill and destroy and his reasoning will not matter. He will destroy all truth and righteousness. This is his goal to kill and destroy all evidence of GOD, to vanquish GOD: MY ways, MY people, MY truth. This is the plan of the enemy. You see it coming. Come in from the storm, be safe from the enemy.

MY children, this is your LORD speaking. Make no mistake, MY enemy is vicious. He will not spare anyone…he comes to kill and destroy. Pray to be spared from his madness, for this evil hour ahead. You can run into MY Arms. I have them open wide, for a time. I will leave them open for only a short while longer. Then I must leave those who refuse to believe and seek ME.

Turn to ME, Turn to ME NOW. The hour is coming where Truth will not be heard and those carrying Truth will not be spared. So make the most of this grace period. Because soon, MY Words will dry up and be hard to find. The enemy will destroy Truth and those who bear MY Truth.

Pray that you may be spared from the coming hour of madness and that you may be found worthy to come with MY spotless bride out to safety.

“How,” you say?

Repent of your sin, evil against a Holy GOD.

Wash your robes in MY Blood.

Receive MY Salvation and MY HOLY SPIRIT in full measure and then go out and share with others your decision to follow ME.

I am a Holy, Just GOD. MY Kingdom is a wonderful bountiful place. It can be your home away from soon-coming evil.

These are MY Words. Don’t doubt. Come to your senses. Seek your LORD. See the times you are living in. Stay focused on ME. Time is of the essence.

You MUST SEEK ME NOW! Do not put it off.

MY Words are true. Come to ME.




Psalm 119:105 (KJV: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

John 10:10 (KJV: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Second Peter 3:14 (KJV: Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.



April 28, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter you may write. I have Words, write them down.

This is your LORD and MAKER, JESUS. These are MY Words. Do not doubt.

I am coming soon MY children. You need to prepare your hearts. I am coming for MY clean, unspoiled bride. She is a feast to MY Sight. I am anxious to receive her unto MYSELF. This is MY beautiful bride. These are MY children.

Your LORD has died for you MY children. I was killed and brutalized in the most unimaginable way. This was the price I paid to rescue you from certain condemnation in front of a HOLY GOD. No one can stand before a HOLY GOD and survive in their own sins—no man. All have fallen short, except for I have paid the price required to save you from this certain destruction and eternal hell.

MY children you can avoid this place—it is eternal. Once you enter hell, you can never come out again. Please choose for ME. Give ME your life, your heart, your soul, your mind, your strength. Hold nothing back. I will receive you unto MYSELF and I will cleanse you of the evils you have committed before ME in your sin-cursed life. I will clear your slate and make you pure and white as snow before MY FATHER, your FATHER. You can stand before HIM with all confidence because you bear MY Blood Covering.

MY Blood spilt on Calvary covers your many sins and you can come before GOD with all confidence and homecoming with your FATHER. I am restoring you, MY children, to your eternal position with your Loving GOD. You will be cared for all eternity in the arms of a loving, caring GOD, WHO is all powerful and all knowing.

You do not want to be separated for all eternity from this Love, from this Loving GOD, your CREATOR. I will repair and restore this relationship if you would only seek ME, seek MY Face. Come to ME, learn of ME, get to know ME, your loving GOD, JESUS. I have much for you in store in the next life to come.

I want to give you this assurance, but you must receive MY Blood-bought Salvation. Turn your life over to ME fully and choose to make ME the center of your world so

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