» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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wrinkle. Does not MY Word speak of this? I am coming for a bride without spot, blemish, or wrinkle.

You cannot accomplish this MY children, apart from MY HOLY SPIRIT. You may try, but then you are doing it in your own strength and this will never be. Take on MY HOLY SPIRIT in full measure. Fill your vessel with HIS HOLY SPIRIT Oil and I will receive you unto MYSELF when I come to take MY bride.

"How do I get this Oil?" you ask. You can only have this oil if you come to ME, your LORD JESUS and surrender your life to ME in full measure. I need a full surrender, complete including your life, plans, future, all of it. I need you all. I need repentance of sin, all your sin. You need to forgive those around you, everyone. When you submit to ME with a complete repentant heart, then and only then do I have a humble devoted spirit that I can begin to work through. Then I want you to ask for MY SPIRIT in full and I will give HIM after you seek ME with a humble, contrite spirit.

If you believe that you can still handle your own sins apart from this surrender and MY HOLY SPIRIT, you will be disappointed time and time again. Sin is not something you can conquer apart from ME. It is not even something you can conquer to get to ME like so many believe. Many believe they must be pure before they can come to ME. This is deception from MY enemy. Apart from MY HOLY SPIRIT operating fully in your life, you will only try to handle sin and fall on your face in discouragement.

Sin is a curse on human flesh and cannot be dealt with by humans alone. Only the intervention of a HOLY GOD can help humanity to conquer their sin nature. Only entering into MY Perfect Will enables you to meet this goal. Children forgiveness is not a onetime fix. You must come under MY Blood covering frequently through repentance, prayer, and abiding in ME. You must keep your eyes fixed on ME. If you move to the left or the right of MY Will, you will struggle. The only way to stay in MY Will is to be in MY Will and to do this, you must seek MY Face daily. You must ask for MY Blood covering everyday and move with ME.

Children lay down your ways, your plans, move in MY Will for your life. Die to yourself and crucify your flesh. This sounds impossible to you. What you are doing children is harder.

You are trying to live outside of MY Perfect Will for your life. On your own, you are fighting against the wind. If you come into MY Will through full surrender, surrender from your heart, then I can give you MY Yoke and share your burdens. MY Yoke is easy. You will trade in your worries, cares, disappointments, because you will know that when you follow ME, your destiny is perfect in MY Will for your life. Even the hardships of choosing for ME turn to beauty.

Read MY Book. MY people bore hardships for choosing ME. The world is an enmity to ME and MY children. But MY followers find out that being in the center of MY Will is where they find peace, wholeness, hope, and joy. There is a beautiful destiny waiting for MY followers, MY loyal followers.

Everything about ME is worth surrendering to. I am Life, a well spring of eternal Life. I am Peace, Joy, Physical and Mental Health. MY Will for your life is perfect and matched to your soul which I created to be matched with MY HOLY SPIRIT, a vessel created to hold MY SPIRIT. This is your destiny.

Soon I am coming. This is why I am sharing MY Heart in MY Messages. I speak through many messengers in these last hours. I want you to be whole, Holy, and able to withstand the days prior to MY soon return.

Although the world tosses and turns in perplexities and uncertainness, I offer a sure future, a solid rock to stand on, and a firm foundation. You won't need to worry about what the future holds if you are in MY Arms and in MY Grasp. I will give you stability of mind. When the world seems to be coming apart, you will shine out and the world will marvel at your HOLY SPIRIT spring-fed calm and peace. As the world sways to and fro in tumult, you will be firmly standing on the ROCK and MY SPIRIT and Truth. Nothing will trouble you because MY Love has no room for fear.

Do you want to continue in worry and disappointment? If not, give ME your fears, worries, troubles, and cares. Turn to ME, repent, surrender, seek ME as your SAVIOR. Make ME your LORD and MASTER. Ask for MY SPIRIT in all HIS fullness. Read MY Word and I will bring you to wholeness without spot, stain, wrinkle. This promise is yours.

You cannot sit in between ME and the world. I am not available to those who continue to seek ME halfway. This is repugnant to ME. I will spit you out. Many have believed I will receive them into MY Kingdom because they believed themselves to be religious. I do not want your religion. I want your life. I want your commitment. I want your intimacy in the secret place where you come to meet ME in Spirit and Truth.

Do not think your rote treatment of ME every week will guarantee you a seat in heaven. Many know otherwise now. Do not wait to be eternally disappointed. Don't guess about your future because you are afraid to face ME now. This is the hour of full surrender. Without this, MY children will be left. Then so many will come to ME, it will be a number that is countless.

Do not wait--be different, be set apart. Come out of the harlot, come into MY Light, MY HOLY SPIRIT Light. Come under MY Blood Cover. Make this move quickly.

"I AM" has spoken!

"I AM" Waits!

"I AM" Saves!

"I AM" Loves!

"I AM" Lives!

"I AM" Returns!


Ephesians 5:27 (KJV: That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Matthew 25:4 (KJV: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Matthew 23:14 (KJV: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.



May 29, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, I am ready to give you a letter. MY daughter, these are MY Words, write them down:

This world is slowing to a stop. This world will end as we know it. Soon, MY Truth will win out! This evil world will stop and MY Truth will succeed. MY World will succeed. I will assume MY Rule as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. I will take over from evil.

The world will see the end of evil and MY Kingdom will prevail. I will prevail! I am a GOD of fortitude, strength, and great power. I will use it to vanquish evil. You do not want to be set against ME. You do not want to be found guilty before ME. I judge with Righteousness and a swift Hand of Truth. MY Way is perfect. I judge with absolution. No one can stand before ME and withstand MY Truth without MY Blood-bought Covering. Without this Covering, you will be judged and found guilty in your sins.

Come under MY Covering. Let ME bring you under MY Blood Covering. Let ME bring you to MY Truth. I want you to be saved. I want you to find ME worthy to BE your LORD and MASTER. I want you to come to ME in surrender. I want full surrender. This is the key to your salvation, to your security, your eternal security. I am asking you to give ME everything—all your plans, your future, your life, your all—most especially your heart.

I am looking for a deep commitment. I am looking for you to dig deep and pull up your heart and put it into MY Hands, not knowing what it means for you to surrender all to ME, just trusting that I will do what I say I will in MY Book: bring you to a good end, bring you into MY safe haven, MY Kingdom. This will be the outcome of your surrender: peace of mind and eternal security.

You do not believe, but where do you turn for such long term security? You turn to other men, men who are mortal and fallible. You turn to money, money that is here and then quickly gone. All is false security, bringing false hopes. Listen to men around you and you will learn death, hopelessness, and destruction.

I am coming for a pure bride. Lay your life down and I will give you MY Life in exchange. I will bring you to the purity I require to come into MY Kingdom. You cannot do this apart from ME. There is no one who can face ME in their own purity. All is filthy rags before MY Face, MY HOLY FACE. You will not survive MY Wrath with your sin in front of MY HOLY FACE. You cannot withstand this. You will not be allowed into MY Kingdom. Only MY Blood Covering will suffice, all else is filthy rags.

This is MY Truth. If you do not believe ME, read MY Book. Find Truth between MY Pages. There is no other truth. The hour is diminishing. Time is running out. Get under MY Blood Covering. Do not delay.

These Words were spoken by TRUTH, the ONLY SOURCE OF TRUTH:




Isaiah 64:6 (KJV: But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness's are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.






June 1, 2011:

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter I want you to take down MY Words. Daughter, write these words:

MY coming is close. The hour is waning. MY people, you do not see it. Can you feel the world turning darker? Can you see the changes? I am sad the way MY people refuse to listen. I am most sad the way you refuse to believe MY Words.

If you believed, you would change your actions, your behavior would change. You would come to ME in full repentance. You would seek MY Face, MY HOLY FACE. You would tremble at the thought of being left behind or worse being put in hell.

Children, I call you to MYSELF for a reason. I am trying to save you. This is unnecessary: your woes and cares about the future! You see yourself in all kinds of imaginative scenarios. You put yourself into the unknown future. It will never be. You worry about things that will not happen. I see and know your thoughts. I know all. You worry about years into the future. This future will not

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