» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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and HOLY SPIRIT and you will find peace, comfort, and strength to face the days ahead. You will be ready for ME when I appear in the sky to remove MY church, MY dearly beloved bride.

I long for this moment. Be among those I take with ME to the homes prepared for MY True Love. This is what awaits you if you come to ME NOW with full surrender, full commitment, when you lay down your plans and future and lay these at MY Feet. I will prepare you for the moments ahead, make you ready, purify your heart so you are ready to come into the Glorious, Abundant Kingdom.

The hour is NOW to make ready. Soon the world will, in unison, attack MY chosen people, covenant land, and MY Wrath will pour out in response. But you, MY children, can be tucked away safely if you accept this offer now, even today, as you read MY Words.

NO it is no accident you have come to read this. I GOD know all. I know what MY children will do and when they will do it. Do you think you are reading these Words by your own choosing? NO, I GOD have brought you to this message because I love you and I want you to come home with ME to the beautiful mansions I have prepared for you in the sky above.

It is all ready and beauty untold. This is meant for you to read, receive, and accept so we can be together for all eternity. You must choose. You must decide. Do you want to go with ME, your LORD, SAVIOR, LOVE, CREATOR, or stay and face MY enemy, MY Wrath poured out on humanity who rejects ME?

These moments are coming to their completion. Soon I will close the pages of this chapter of humanity. MY children, what will I write for the record of your life? Where will you be? In the Book of Life or will you be written off the page for all eternity? Do you want to be in MY Book, remembered for always or do you want to be stricken out? This is your choice NOW! Don’t delay. I must come. MY Love is waiting, but not for long.


But not for long!




Amazing! The LORD requested after I took these words down to include Isaiah 29 which talks about spiritual blindness. Here is that passage included at the LORD’s request:

Isaiah 29 (KJV) 



June 21, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter This is your LORD. I am ready to give you Words.

I am coming soon MY people! You look to the left, you look to the right. Nothing seems unusual, so you go on. Well children, the hour is at hand. I am approaching earth. There is little time left. Don’t wait. Don’t compromise your time. Time is of the essence MY children. There is not a moment to wait. If you wait any longer, you will miss this great adventure. You will miss the trip to the heavenlies. It will be pure ecstasy. It will be a dynamic exit from earth. You will experience so much. Beauty awaits, glorious beauty.

As you enter MY Kingdom you will be dumbfounded at the sights. It will overwhelm and startle you what awaits. I have created a world that is a blend of beauty and unimaginable excitement. There is nothing lacking, every and all needs will be met. There is nothing more beautiful then MY Kingdom—nothing! Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what awaits those who LOVE ME.

Are you coming MY children? Will you choose ME? Do you choose ME over everything else? I know what you choose in your heart. I know all, see all. I know everything. I know if you long for ME or resist ME. Nothing gets past ME. All is known and recorded.

Now MY children, this hour is slipping away. There are only a few things to happen before MY Return. Do not become lethargic waiting. Come out of your homes of discontent and come to MY Kingdom in the sky. Soon I am coming to these people, a peculiar people who love ME with undying love and faith.

Yes, the hour is at hand, the world changes. Stop refusing to see truth. The end is coming. If you read MY Word, MY Holy Book, you can see the end is coming and MY bride is ready to go upward.

Later that same day, Susan received these additional Words from the LORD to add:

The hour approaches for MY Soon Return. There is not a minute to waste MY children. I have to receive MY bride soon, before the evil world takes over. You need to look around MY children. Evil is reigning on earth.

Wake O’ Wake to the Truth. The people sleep so soundly. I am trying to wake you O’ MY children. Please see what is happening. Your world is crashing down. You think all is well. It is not. There is much in the world wrong. It is a world bereft from its GOD. It is a world that shakes hands with the devil and makes deals with him, deals that will soon have devastating repercussions.

The world is winding down, descending down a path away from its GOD. The world is turning wholesale away from its LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS.

Soon I will not be allowed on the tongues of men without a large price paid. Those who speak MY Name in the near future will pay a large price to do so. It will be horrendous. These Words are warnings to spare you from the atrocities ahead. I am a GOD of Truth. If you do not believe MY Words, then spend time in MY Book and look at the times coming. Your news reveals the discontent men have toward ME. I am written out in all forms.

There is no one who seeks MY Face so that they are no longer lukewarm without the drawing of the HOLY SPIRIT. The SPIRIT is WHO you need to pull you into MY Salvation and Blood Covering. If you continue to reject MY SPIRIT at this late hour, you will be lost. Do not be so sure of yourself and the lateness of the hour. If you reject MY Spirit too much you are in danger of grieving and blaspheming the HOLY SPIRIT and without HIS pulling you to ME, YOU WILL BE LOST!

This is a serious action to put off the pull of MY HOLY SPIRIT. MY SPIRIT departs if HE is rejected too much. MY leaders, you reject MY SPIRIT when you disallow HIM in your buildings. You say you honor MY SPIRIT, but you honor HIM with your mouths only and then when MY SPIRIT moves you want HIM out. HE moves among you and you won’t allow HIM. Woe to you leaders of the flocks who reject MY SPIRIT, the movement of MY SPIRIT. It will be worse for you and your lost flocks then it was for Sodom and Gomorrah.

MY SPIRIT speaks through your people and HE is not of this world. You want no part of HIS Way, Ways above men, and you reject HIM and push HIM out of your assemblies and replace HIM with the assemblies of men. I say woe to you in this late hour. Woe to the doctrines of men. Woe to the traditions of men in MY Holy House of Worship. You will blaspheme MY SPIRIT and be lost!

MY Book speaks of this transgression. This world is full of the evil of rejecting MY SPIRIT. Will faith be found in these last days, only the doctrines of men, their lies and untruths that lead others to hell?

WAKE UP O’ lost children. WAKE UP TO MY TRUTH!


Only MY SPIRIT can open your eyes to MY TRUTH! Run to the HOLY SPIRIT! HE is your last hope. Ask to be filled with MY SPIRIT. Surrender your all to ME, your LORD JESUS. Repent of your evil and be saved!

I AM COMING! Who will be found worthy?

This is your LORD JESUS

Defender of the HOLY SPIRIT



Mark 3:28-29 (KJV: 28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.



June 24, 2011:

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter, I am ready to give you Words. My daughter, these are MY Words:

Today is the beginning of a new day. I am making new moves. I am doing new things in the world. I am making new changes. I am coming to a new point in human history. I am going to cause men to rewrite their ways. People think it will be as it has always been, but soon the world will find out differently.

I will come soon to retrieve MY bride who waits expectantly on ME. She waits longingly for ME. Are you worthy of MY rapture of men? This is what I require: I want a church that is sold out to ME. I want a bride who only has eyes for ME. She looks at ME only for her plans, ways, future, comfort, and TRUE LOVE. If you are seeking to fill your time with the things of the world, if you are having a love affair with the world, then we will part company and you may have the world.

Soon the world and all it seems to offer you will grow bleak and deadly. Soon you will discover that the world you are so strongly attracted to now has turned into your worst nightmare that you must live with. She will be yours and you will be hers. This longing and love that you have for all that looks so tantalizing to you about the world will overnight become ugly and ghastly to you. Once MY bride is safe away with ME and you realize you are left with your lover, the world, you will find out the price you have paid so that you can sleep with her right now.

MY children you are making your bed with the enemy and soon I will let you stay in bed with him and he is a cruel master. He will tear you apart from limb to limb. Your affair with the enemy will be eternal and your regret for leaving MY side will be eternal also.

Do you find these Words harsh? Well, MY Book has many harsh Words about hell, but you choose to overlook these Words. You want only what is lovely. If you read only parts of MY Words, you are not seeing the complete picture and you will suffer because when you face ME you will be without excuse because MY Book in its entirety has been clear.

You can return to the arms of your cruel lover since you love her so and you can bed with her and you can be with her. I will remove MY bride, MY church, who loves ME her GOD unfailingly without question and I will leave you to the death grip and destruction MY enemy has planned out for you.

You have moments on the clock to decide whose allegiance you are with —who do you choose: the world and what it offers you now or MY Beautiful Eternal World—MY Everlasting Kingdom and safe in MY Arms?

These are the choices. There are only two. MY Voice is clear. MY Way is clear. MY Way is Truth. You will not find Truth anywhere else. It cannot be found. Your lover, the world is a liar. She is evil and laden with poison. Stay in her arms, run away with her. I am about to leave you to your love of her and allow you to have each other. I will not force you away from this love you want

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