» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

Psalm 91:1 (KJV: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV: 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.



July 9, 2011:

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter, you may begin writing:

These Words are for you MY children:

I have many Words. There is a dark hour approaching. There are many dark hours ahead. Things are looking bleak now. Many still do not see it. This is by choice. If you look you can see. MY children, you don’t look because you are still satisfied with your life in this earth. You have chosen to pursue the mortal path of flesh and have discarded the true path of the divine—MY Way, MY Truth, MY Life.

You are clinging to men’s ways as if men have all the answers to life. These men you cling to do not know ME. If they did they would not have you believe that MY Coming is way off into the distant future or never at all. This is a lie from the pit of hell. This is a strong delusion given over to men who have no time for MY Precious Word or for MY Presence in their lives. They do not know ME.

Even your leaders are deluded by the world and the truth it puts out—this truth is a lie. Yet people believe that what they see before them is right and good and true. There is no goodness in the ways of the world. How can there be MY children? When the world presents its beliefs as right and good it has not consulted ME, its TRUE GOD and LORD, JESUS! I have not been pursued or consulted.

If the world sought MY Counsel, you would believe differently. You would not be secure in the idea that life will go on just as it always has way into the future. You are under a strong delusion.

The world has chosen against ME—all world leaders are NOT FOCUSED ON ME JESUS and the NARROW PATH. This is outrageous and vile to them. They have chosen many different paths to MY FATHER—all lead to hell, but this is what they choose and this is what they promote. This is an abomination. I am the only PATH! I am the only WAY! I am the only TRUTH! “I AM!” No other truth exists, only lies, only abomination, only roads leading to perdition, straight to hell!

MY children you must awaken. Now is the hour to awaken. There is no second, third, or fourth hour ahead for you to awaken. If you do not awake during this hour you will miss MY Coming. You will be left or worse, you may be lost eternally because there will be much destruction following the removal of MY bride. If you are caught in MY Wrath poured out and miss MY Rescue, where do you go? My children, you will go to hell and then your escape will be futile, forever lost into the eternal abyss.

My children, these are serious Words. They are Words to put fear and trembling in your souls. They are Words to bring you to your knees before ME your ONE TRUE SAVIOR! Come to ME with fear and trembling, respect and awe and gratification.

I took your punishment. If felt the sting of your death—death that was meant for you. I was beaten, humiliated, tortured, spit on, stripped naked, and pierced for your transgressions! I PAID IT ALL! You put ME to shame again by rejecting MY Call, by trifling with the world as if she offers so much more to you than a Loving GOD, willing to be mutilated for your wrong-doing.

This is Love that the world you pursue so rabidly will never deliver to you. But soon MY children I will remove MY Divine Love from your grasp and you will contend with MY Wrath poured out on an evil generation and you will contend with MY enemy who wants to destroy you.

This world will be hostile after MY bride is removed. Those who bear MY Name in the coming world will not be received well. There will be prices to be paid to claim you know ME. Many will buckle under the pressure and not be able to carry MY Cross then and will submit to the whims of the world. Sad will be their outcome to choose eternal hell instead of ME their ETERNAL SALVATION.

Come--while MY Words--and MY Truth is still within easy grasp. Soon this will change and you will not believe how quickly the world has turned against those who long for ME, JESUS. It will be a day of true horror, sadness, loss, and tears. The door is about to close. You have little time left on the clock to save yourself from a world gone mad, mad from complete separation from its GOD.

Now turn to ME whole-heartedly and I will bring you into MY Eternal Kingdom. I know your doubt, MY children. Seek ME for all Truth. Come before ME on your knees in a spirit of humility, repentance, and I will open your eyes to Truth. I will pull back the veil blocking your understanding. I will lead you to Truth; MY SPIRIT will open your eyes and clean you up in MY Blood.

Seek ME, Seek MY Truth. Awaken to the Truth. Come to ME now and let ME show you the Truth. These Words will soon disappear and then you will long for them. Don’t delay. MY Coming is close.

Beloved, I am calling, Your LORD Calls.

MY Name is JESUS,

Loving Savior of the World


Psalm 1:1-6 (KJV: 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Psalm 22:16 (KJV: For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

Hebrews 10:19-20 (KJV: 19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;



July 11, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter you may write MY Words:

I am a GOD of Honesty and Truth. I hold nothing back from MY children. I am Pure. I am without mar. I am a Great GOD. I cannot be comprehended.

Soon, MY children, I am returning. I am taking out with ME a pure, spotless bride who adores ME. She stands ready to obey ME. She honors MY Words. She trusts MY Words, MY Laws, MY Precepts, MY Ways, MY Comings and Goings. She waits on ME with longing in her heart. She seeks ME. Her eyes are fixed on ME. She is unrelenting in her love. She knows MY Love for her is everlasting. She depends on MY Words, Truth, and trusts implicitly in ME, her LORD, MASTER, HUSBAND, LOVER.

I Love her all hours of the day and night. I am by her side in every moment of the day. MY Love never grows tired. This is MY Love: always pursuing MY Love, MY wife, MY sister, MY bride, MY beloved. I am her COVERING. I give her MY Mantle. I preserve her. I bring her life everlasting, truth, and wholeness. She never lacks. Her peace is found in ME, in MY Words, in MY Strength. I am her Great “I AM!”

The world is not attractive to her. It fades from her view. It offers nothing to her, but distant memories of pain, and love lost, sadness. I am her LOVE found! I fill every gap that the world took from her. She seeks ME for all comfort. I am a FOUNT of JOY, JOY that is unending, pleasures for ever at MY Right Hand even. MY love knows ME and I know MY love. She is for ever MINE.

Come be near ME, MY children. Find your LORD as worthy, worthy of your time, your knowing, your love for ME. Make time to get to know ME! I seek you children. I call after you. I draw you to MYSELF, but you must choose. You must see ME as worthy to give up your attraction to the world, the pull of the world around you. She pulls after you, bringing you into her clutches.

You are captivated by a dying world, MY children. You are hugging “death.” It seems so right, so wonderful. But it is death. This death will catch you off guard and drag you under. Be careful. Many before you have been caught in the trap and have never escaped. There is great danger in playing with fire, MY children...great danger. Do not think you are so wise to manage it. Soon it will manage you!

There is only one true Life MY children, that is pursuing the LOVER of your soul. I am that LOVER. All other pursuits lead to death, certain death! Be wary. Hear MY Words. I speak Truth. You were created by ME for MY Pleasure, MY inheritance. You were not created to pursue the world apart from ME, your CREATOR! Consider these Words carefully.

You are not thinking clearly if you believe otherwise. It is MY Word, MY Book that will lead you to this Truth. MY children, put down the world you hug so closely. Lay it down and run to ME, your SAVIOR. I am waiting a small amount of time to give you a chance to see the Truth to wake to the times, to have the good sense to do what is needed, to be rescued from this mad, crumbling world.

Only I can save you...only MY Blood can cover you. I will not be taking strangers with ME to safety, only those I know well and those who know ME well. These are MY Words spoken out of Love and Truth. Surrender to ME your all. Reserve nothing for the cruel world. Give ME EVERYTHING! Don’t look back! I want complete and full commitment.

If you continue to hestitate—you may hestitate too long! MY hell created for the rebellious is full of those who hestitated too long. Oh they planned to get right with ME someday...that day never arrived for them. Now they have eternity to think about their error. I am not a GOD to be trifled with. Do not think you can play with ME as so many who already have been cast into hell. I am a Loving GOD, but I am also a GOD to be feared and respected.

Learn to know your GOD. Get to know ME yourself and not just by the words of others, many who don’t really know ME. Spend time getting to know ME. These warnings are for your benefit. Don’t discard them or trivialize them. They are life lines I am throwing out before the great day of man’s rejection of GOD on earth. This hour is here, even now as men completely reject their

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