» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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excuses. Warn your friends and family to read MY Book, study MY Word, get to know ME, repent of your ways, and surrender yourself to ME in a complete and full way.

I want full surrenders. Your partial surrenders are meaningless. They mean nothing to ME. THESE SURRENDERS WILL NOT SAVE YOU. You will face the worst along with those who care nothing for ME.

Think this over carefully. Your lukewarm, tepid expressions to ME, while you hold tight to the world, are absolutely putrid before MY HOLY FACE. MY Face was crushed for you. MY Face was spit on for you. MY Beard was ripped off for you. I did this for you and yet you choose to embrace the world before you come to ME in repentance.

Think this through carefully. If you don’t acknowledge ME in this life, I will not acknowledge you before MY FATHER and HIS Heavenly Hosts. You will scream out for ME to acknowledge you, but it will be too late. The hour is approaching and I must leave with the bride to the Heavenlies, after I come to retrieve her. Will you be among the few who have laid down their complete lives and have died to this world to serve ME?

You will not be with ME for eternity in MY Beautiful Kingdom if you do not believe ME to be worth spending time with in this short existence. You will be with ME in MY Kingdom for eternity, if you cannot find time for ME now in this life, I must believe that you will not want to spend an eternity with ME, your GOD. I will leave you to spend eternity in hell where those are who had little time for their GOD in this world. This may sound cruel and harsh, but I am a jealous GOD and I did not create you to ignore ME. You were created to find ME and to be an eternal companion. But if I have no place in your heart as such you may enjoy yourself in a world that knows no such thing as the presence of GOD. A world without GOD, there will be no joy, love, patience, kindness. It will be cruel. This is where MY people go who live their lives without regard for ME.

Now is the hour of preparation, repentance, reading MY Book, knowing your GOD. This is the moment to prepare and make ready. Delay too long, and you will be left, and the enemy will be a cruel master to live under.

I do not take well to rejection. Read MY Book. You will know that this is true. You may reject ME one too many times. Be careful. Make time for ME. What is too much time with your LORD? There is no such thing. MY Word says pray without ceasing. Make ME part of your life daily, hourly, every moment. This is full surrender. I want your seconds. I want your details.

I am coming soon. The choice is yours. CHOOSE!






Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV: 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.



June 12, 2011:

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Yes daughter, listen carefully and I will give you MY Words. Daughter, be at peace, these are MY Words.

I have much to say, I want to warn the People. The people are sleeping. They are in a strong sleep. MY Coming is close, but they sleep. Their awakening will be harsh. Their awakening will be brutal. They will awake to the enemy who will put them in shackles and take them away for their faith. The enemy will drag them away when they refuse his mark after they refuse to fall into place in the evil system he has planned for mankind.

MY daughter, MY enemy will torture and harm those who refuse this mark. They will pay dearly to escape it. The price will be great. They will have to die and if they refuse to pay this price and do as MY enemy dictates, their soul will be tormented for eternity, endless torment. So those who sleep now will make difficult choices later, but I cannot wake those who refuse to be woken.

If they refuse to read MY Book, MY Truth, if they refuse to come to ME in this late hour, and to heed MY warnings that I, GOD have carefully outlined in MY Holy Book, I cannot help those who do not want MY Words, MY Holy Words. If they continue to look away and to follow the way of the world they will remain to face the worst. Many will not even make it to face the worst of the enemy. Many will be lost in sudden destruction and will be cast into hell. This is the price you will soon pay MY children for sleeping now so deeply.

The world appears so normal. “Everything goes as it always has,” they say in their hearts. But so many know, deep down in their hearts that there is something in the air and that things are not right at all this time. This season is bringing about great changes. Changes that will be so large the world will never be the same again. There will be more death and destruction. There will be more evil. There will be men with colder hearts coming into power. Man will see heights of human depravity. Soon MY beautiful light, MY bride will depart from the earth, when I remove her to safety and she will remain in MY Presence for ever more. Then mankind will find out about the wrath of GOD, the importance of MY Protective Hand and what it looks like when GOD pulls away HIS Great Hand of protection. Already you are seeing what happens as I begin to release MY Mighty Grip on a struggling, sad world.

Very soon those on earth who stay behind will witness the worst horrendous and horrifying events. I warned of these days of trouble coming and MY Words are always true. If you refuse to grasp onto MY Truth and see what is happening, then I cannot help you and you are without excuse, because MY Warnings have been clear and not hidden.

Men have reviled MY Words and abhorred MY Truth but this will not keep them from the wrath to come or from facing ME with an explanation why they chose to reject ME and MY Words, MY Sacred Words. I am sorry for these people who are insistent on disregarding MY Truth, discounting MY Warnings, and rejecting MY Pleas.

I am sorry so many will go through unnecessary torment, sadness, and loss, so many will be cast into hell for eternity. This could all be remedied if people would seek MY Face, MY Glorious Face.

TURN RIGHT NOW! Repent of your overwhelming evil toward a HOLY GOD! Come to ME in great remorse, on your knees in humble sadness over your evil ways, thoughts, deeds. I will clean you, wash you in MY Blood. MY SPIRIT will flow living waters of Truth over you and make you spotless and ready to come when the trumpet blows, the Heavenlies open up, and I come forth to retrieve the beautiful bride, pull her out to safety, and bring her back with ME to shower MY Eternal Blessings over her.

She will receive a new glorified body and be washed as white as snow, purified by MY cleansing Blood and Word. She will dance among the stars, shine bright with the MORNING STAR. It will be a life of joy and laughter for all eternity for the bride.

The table is set, the beauty is great, the angels are ready to host the great event by standing ready. Soon I will take flight and MY bride will come forth as Spring beauty, pure passion for her BELOVED. What a moment awaits the bride and her BELOVED. The hour is near. Close your eyes and imagine the beauty, MY bride. Smell the fragrance, and feel MY Presence.

O’ wake O’ church break yourself free, you are lukewarm. Your feet are planted firmly where you have the world at your fingertips. I am an enmity to this world and she is an enmity to ME and all I stand for, children.

Please consider these Words. Consider MY Heart, MY Offer. Come away with ME or stay behind. Soon I come for those who decide for ME. NOW is that time.


I am GREAT, I am TERRIBLE to Behold

Pleasant to the Taste

Taste MY Words that They are Sweet

Your LORD has Spoken


Revelation 22:16 (KJV: I, Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

James 4:4 (KJV: Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Song of Solomon 2:3 (KJV: As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Psalm 119:103 (KJV: How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!



June 17, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, this is your LORD. Write MY Words down.

Blessed are those who come in the Name of the LORD for they will come in peace and safety and go out in love and kindness. Daughter, these are MY Words:


Can you see it? The hour approaches of MY Return. It is closing in. Still you sleep. What must I do to wake you? You sleep so soundly! You don’t even sleep with one eye open. Your eyes are shut with both eyes closed. You are like the blind leading the blind. MY Coming means nothing to you. You sleep so soundly.

Soon the trumpet will blow and will you hear it? It will sound. It will announce MY Arrival and those watching and waiting will hear, but if you are not looking for ME, you will not hear the trumpet and you will be left on that BRIGHT AND GLORIOUS DAY OF MY RETURN.

I am coming soon, very soon. Do not be caught off guard. Make no mistake, many will be left. There will be so many who refuse MY Offer of rescue. So many will die, even on the day I rescue MY bride, from the disasters that will strike the earth, even on that day. IF YOU ARE NOT LIFTED OUT TO SAFETY BY MY PROTECTIVE HAND, WHERE WILL YOU GO THEN? You will die in your sin apart from ME and hell will be your destination.

Don’t be so certain of your salvation. Many have come before you who were certain they knew ME and MY Words. They were mistaken. You must get into MY Word, MY Book. Seek MY Face in your prayer time. Make ME your LORD and MASTER with a full surrender and receive MY HOLY SPIRIT in all HIS fullness. Invite HIM to take over your spirit. Cover yourself in MY Blood and repent on your knees of your evil.

I will see you in the secret place and we will become as One, in SPIRIT, and MY Heart will beat in your heart. You will walk in MY Way with MY Feet, and I will guide you to all Truth through MY Word

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