» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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so badly. MY Love cannot be forced, so you may run into her arms and embrace her. Hold her close and then you will see what this choice means to you.

I cannot promise you a second chance. Many will be lost after I return for MY bride and they will not receive another chance. Will you be among them? Think hard about these choices. Choose well, because choices have already been made by so many who have come before you who cannot turn back the clock and rewrite their outcome.

These choices you now make have everlasting consequences. So think this over carefully. I am waiting. There are only seconds on the clock. I must remove MY bride from the world to safety. Come with us to wedded bliss, eternal beauty. Don’t wait believing you have time or a second chance. These are MY Loving Warnings to a lost generation.

I, your Loving LORD JESUS Pleads

The Hour is at Hand! Choose!


James 4:4 (KJV): Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Proverbs 7:6-27



June 28, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, this is your LORD. I am willing to give you Words:

Listen carefully, MY children, this is your LORD speaking. MY Coming is close. The hour is coming to a close. Many are receiving this same message. This is by MY Design. Many will be caught off guard when I come to collect MY bride. It will be a horrifying moment for those left behind.

MY children, you need to prepare. You need to wash your robes. Clean them in MY Blood. Purify them, make them spotless. Let ME purify them. I must have a clean bride. Nothing else will do. MY children, spotless will be MY bride. Clean, pure, free of the residue that comes from the world. If you cannot shake lose the ways of the world from your garments, I must leave you. I cannot receive you unto MYSELF. You cannot enter the gates of MY Beautiful Courts, the place where MY Heart resides, the Inner Sanctuary of the Realms of MY Kingdom, MY Beautiful Heavenlies.

MY children, pure of heart, chaste, pure of thought, pure in deed: these are the aspects of MY beautiful bride. Humble before her LORD, her KING, she knows her place. She knows that I am her KING for all time, for eternity. I am her All-Consuming HUSBAND and I will lead her from Glory to Glory. She will never lack. Her sustenance will be sweet and sufficient for ever more. It will be a beautiful time of Love for ever more, the bride of the KING.

This Love will never die, never leave, never grow old, never be boring. The Light will shine for all eternity, MY Light, MY Glorious allencompassing eternal Light. I will sweep her into MY Arms and she will know Love. It will be Love like no other, Perfect Love, Love Eternal. It will be the kind of Love man has never known or experienced in this life, in this mortal body. It will be Beauty that never ends, a Story of Love without ending. I long to bring her to this place: a sweet embrace, a Marriage that will be above all relationships that MY bride has ever experienced. All other relationships will pale by comparison because this is flawless Love of perfection.

I Love like no other. MY Love, I, JESUS, AM Love—I AM LOVE, everlasting. I love like no other. MY Love is Flame Eternal. MY Love never dies off. It never quits, it is never extinguished, it goes the eternal distance. It does not hesitate or pull back. It is full and satisfying. It brings comfort and beauty. All things are finally and completely fulfilled through MY Love. In MY World, MY bride will be completely satiated, satisfied, at peace, forever comforted.

There will be no longing or sadness, tears, only joy, gladness, and an amazing sense of truly belonging: being the bride to MY Role as BRIDEGROOM. The universe will know her place in MY Courts in MY Kingdom. All will know MY bride and the role she has in MY World. She will be known by all as MY forever beloved. The end will never come of the wonderful things I have prepared for MY beloved bride.

Children, you can partake in this feast. You can be among those who are to be in MY Eternal Courts, sharing MY Throne: ruling and reigning. We can share this Glorious Kingdom prepared from long ago to bring MY love into for all time. She is at the Center of MY Heart. I have a place in her heart. I am the center of her world. We walk in unison.

MY FATHER awaits this great moment when MY bride returns with ME to join ME in the Home I have prepared for her to enjoy and to rejoice in. All her troubles will vanish when she sees MY Countenance, when she sees her Glorious BRIDEGROOM coming with HIS angels that fill the skies. It will be a Glorious Sight. And she will behold this sight and all sadness from the past will fly away when she leaves with ME to come into her Glorious Kingdom Home prepared for her.

I am anxious for her return to her lovely mansions that are ready for her arrival. This sight will be astounding and she will not know how to receive what is waiting for her. I am excited for this event to take place and I cannot stop trembling in great anticipation of this moment when I receive the reward for MY Ransom which I paid for her on that bleak and horrible day of MY Crucifixion. The Price was enormous, but it was worth it to ME, to save MY lost children, who I knew would turn and embrace their LORD with gratification and appreciation.

Children your LORD is making ready to bring you Home. I am coming with MY angels and MY Beauty is incomprehensible. You will not know how to respond to your LORD’s Beauty. I will be a great surprise to those who even think they know what to expect. You cannot even anticipate the awesomeness of the Beauty that you will be met with when you are called up into the air to meet ME. Your mind cannot even imagine it. It is not capable of such Grandeur.

I am ready to reveal MYSELF to you. I know MY bride, you long to meet your BRIDEGROOM, your KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. I am ready to make MYSELF known to you, to know as you are known. To be known as you are known. This is MY Gift to MY beloved, to bring her into the knowing and understanding of what it truly means to be the bride of the Everlasting GOD. This is the role of all time for MY church, MY bride, to come along side her everlasting LORD and MASTER and to live in MY Glorious Presence for all time and time everlasting. Eyes have not seen what I have prepared for you MY beloved bride.

Time is so short, MY children. The world rushes to execute its idea of justice to MY Covenant land and people. The world does not consult ME, its GOD in these decisions. If it did, it would tremble in fear at the havoc that will be wreaked by this decision the world is making in concert. Why they can’t see that this action is futile and dangerous is way beyond ME. I have been clear over and over again at the consequence these moves will bring based on the past and the warnings I have been clear about.

These people do not regard their GOD. WOE TO THEM. I have a place prepared for those who do not know how to tremble in fear before the ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE UNIVERSE! Soon they will find themselves in this place for eternity: their exchange for a brief time of ruling on earth.

Do not be among the evil doers. Come out from among them. REPENT, TURN AWAY FROM SIN…RUN TO RIGHTEOUSNESS. MY children, run away from the overwhelming evil that is assembling on earth. Come apart. Make yourself clean by the washing of MY Word, MY Book. Read the pages. Find the Truth; be freed of the hour of devastation coming to evil men on the earth. Run into MY waiting Arms. There are only brief moments. Watch closely as evil men gather together and unite to come against ME: the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE.

I am your LORD. “I AM” died a most grotesque death at the hand of MY arch enemy to save you from certain death and destruction. Accept MY Offer to come away. Prepare to be made ready and to live with ME, GOD for all time.

Children, many messages have been given to you. You believe they will keep coming and you can relax. This is NOT true. Do not be deceived. Think MY Offer over carefully because leaving you is the saddest thing I have to do, but so many of you will be lost or left.

I know who will reject MY Truth and who will receive it. Come to ME NOW. Let ME place you in MY LAMB’S Book of Life. Let ME write your name in it so you will find safety in the coming storm.

Choose, decide, minutes, seconds to go…







1 John 3:1-3 (KJV: 1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV: For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Revelation 1:8 (KJV: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 3:21 (KJV: To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

Revelation 21:27 (KJV: And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.



July 2, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan


Daughter this is your LORD. Please write MY Words down:

The hour is approaching of great changes. Soon the world will be different. Soon all men will take on a different lifestyle. The world will shift into a different dimension. These words will be hard to find. MY Truth will be almost non-existent. The people will

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