» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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from the earth was shooting me with bullets and I could hear and see the bullets fly pass me: near to my skin. I was so afraid and I was asking myself: what are these angels teaching me? Why can’t they sa e me from this person who wants to murder me? After awhile, the third angel came down. The bullets ceased for a while, this angel began to quote scriptures to me of love and trust, even what JESUS said in the Gospels, My GOD. When that angel flew back to Heaven, I know I had to run for my life. This time the bullets were coming to me at high speed: closer to me and coming from all directions. I couldn’t see the person shooting at me. I had to look for a hide out. I found a table, buckets to hide, but the bullets were ripping them out, everywhere bullets. I was later amazed on why they did not touch me though they were so many close to me. JESUS said to me, “Be sure to love and lay down your life for your brethren.” That night, I had learned an important lesson.


Coordinating Scriptures


John 15:13: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


John 13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are MY disciples, if ye have love one to another.




Classes of Angels received in 2011


As we were praying, I was given a word of wisdom that angels will come to me that night! I went to sleep, then I found myself standing in a large place, I saw many angels, it’s like they were arranged into classes and ranks: from the least to the greatest in responsibility. I saw those who were medium in height, then tall ones. I saw those large in size and those medium. They were in pure white clothing and radiant light, others with the radiant Golden Light of GOD in their clothing, just beautiful creatures of GOD. They were many, hundreds of them. I then went to another room, I met four major angels and they had two big white wings. They were also large in size: they were something peculiar about them, they were so real. I went looking about for this other angel who I knew: his ministry is associated to me. I then saw him, he was just hovering in the air, we went out of the second room and I saw the four large angels take off at an incredible speed. It was so fast, faster that lightening. I could see the white clothing, their wings disappearing as they left. It’s like they were in exhibition, to show me something, The LORD took me into that vision, to show me the classes of angels and the speed at which the angels work.


Coordinating Scriptures


Psalms 103:20: Bless The LORD, ye HIS angels, that excel in strength, that do HIS Commandments, hearkening unto The Voice of HIS Word.


2 Peter 2:11: Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might,



Two Angels in the Sky [Received in 2012]


In a vision, as I was looking at the night sky, I saw stars lighting up the beautiful night. I then saw two peculiar clouds together. As I fastened my eyes on them, I saw the clouds fold into two large figures, and then two of the largest angels appeared in place of the clouds. They were clad about with the purest white, and then a clear shimmering light was about them. I could see their large bodies, feet, and heads. They were looking at me from the sky. They were very big. These were some of the largest angels I have ever seen. They were the size of large clouds, and they were also very beautiful, like body builders.



Experience with the Nine Angels


In the morning, I was walking in a vision and I came to a meeting place where I saw about nine angels standing and waiting for me. GOD had put them there. All of them looked like young men: wearing purest Heavenly white. I saw one sitting on a chair. I came to this glorious angel. He had on a soft white robe and he had blonde hair. The angels wear purest white garments, John 20:12: And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the Body of JESUS had lain. He was much bigger! I came and sat facing him. He began to talk to me. I felt so comfortable around him, as if we have already known each other. I began to talk and ask him about this supernatural occurrence of money in people’s possessions, the one that occurs by the gift of miracles where GOD supernaturally provides finances for HIS children, also why some people experience such, and why others don’t.

The angel began to tell me, that GOD told him to tell me, “I don’t work with unbelief, not even a fringe of doubt,” the angel said. He told me that I should build my faith to reach high, then when it’s there I ask, act, and claim my blessing. He said I should then say, “I receive my miracle.” Then make a corresponding action to my faith. Then I shall have my blessing. Hebrews 11:6: But without faith it is impossible to please HIM: for he that cometh to GOD must believe that HE is, and that HE is a REWARDER of them that diligently seek HIM. The angel talked to me about other things, it was an awesome revelation. When an angel talks to you it seems easier and much simpler. No way to simplify it any further. After some time, I felt in my spirit it was my time to go. I looked and the sun was setting, so I stood up I said to him, “It’s my time to go.” I knew he knew it was my time to depart. The HOLY GHOST controls all these meetings: not us or angels. So I began to move: going the direction I came. Then, I looked behind and I saw him leaving. So I said, “Will I ever see you again?” He smiled and said, “Yes.” Then I saw the angels walking away and then the vision ended.


Coordinating Scriptures


Mark 11:24: Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.


Philippians 4:19: But my GOD shall supply all your need according to HIS riches in glory by CHRIST JESUS.


1 Corinthians 12:10: To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues.



The Beautiful Angel


In a vision, I was walking with some of my sisters in The LORD. I saw an angel walking with us. He was clearly the size of a person and he was wearing a radiant with Heavenly colors such as glorious white, reddish, and rainbow colors in his clothing, he was purely a spirit being but he was physically visible. The presence of GOD was on all of us. The Glory of GOD shone on us, as we prayed. From there we walked on a path, for a long time, the sisters were talking, the angel never left us, he was there all the time!! The angels have their own beauty, glory, and power. I was constantly looking at him, very amazed by this incredible angel of GOD!! He never said a word nor gave us any sign that he wanted to say anything to us. After we passed a place, the angel disappeared; I tried to ask GOD to bring him back, but he didn’t show up. End!!


Coordinating Scriptures


Exodus 14:19: And the angel of GOD, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the Pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them:


Exodus 23:20: Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.



The Angel of Comfort


I saw the sky and I could see the big moon, and the stars all over! It was amazing, because I could see a round planet next to the moon with millions of stars and many planets all around! It seems the outer space was brought closer to earth. I was using GOD’s Lens of eternity. Many times has GOD shown me this kind of scene. I was very excited about it. Then I found myself at the dining room of our house. I saw an amazing angel of The LORD on the south wall. He was there, very clearly. Something about these visions GOD allows me to see the angels very clearly: from head to toe accept if they are covered with light! So this angel stood there. He was of average height. He was on pure white and wore a pure white robe from his shoulder to his feet. His hair was a bit long or flowing and was pure white. I saw his face; his eyes were pure white including the pupil of his eyes. Then across his chest going down, there was a red sash. This angel was a bit different and fearsome to look upon, but he was there to bring me comfort. I was crying at that time. He stood there looking at me with his white eyes. I felt so much comfort and consolation coming to my spirit. After sometime, the vision faded away and I opened my eyes!


Coordinating Scriptures


Revelation 21:1: And I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.


2 Corinthians 1:3: Blessed be GOD, even The FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, The FATHER of mercies, and The GOD of all comfort;


Acts 9:31: Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of The LORD, and in the comfort of The HOLY GHOST were multiplied.



Thousands of Archangels


I saw myself in a big auditorium preaching the Gospel of The LORD JESUS CHRIST, the Gospel that saves, heals, delivers, and prospers (Mark 16:15-17). There was a huge miracle explosion. I saw myself coming to a lady. I gave her a word of knowledge about her left side and a leg problem. While still doing so, I saw the Great Archangels of GOD show up in the meetings. I just knew in myself, what they are. Here are the descriptions of them: I saw that they are very big: taller than most the angels I saw. They are about seven feet tall: every single one of them. They girded with soft garments from shoulder to their feet. These robes are mixed with golden living particles, so they appear soft, whitish golden.

Suddenly, there were thousands of them. These numbers you just know intuitively. They are walking about all over the service. I just felt the Wind of The LORD. I lose strength and fall on the floor, while still on the floor helpless, I saw them all over. People are just crumpling on their seats: falling under the Power of The SPIRIT of GOD. I looked up from the floor and I can see that some are looking at me and some are just passing through me. I felt the Presence of GOD. One thing I noticed about them: they are massive, major angels and their garments are a mixture of living white and gold: it glistens. They are walking by thousands of them. I knew in my spirit all of them were archangels. After they ministered to me the vision faded away.


Coordinating Scriptures


Psalms 147:18: HE sendeth out HIS Word, and melteth them: HE Causeth HIS wind to blow, and the waters to flow.

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