» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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the procession. As I glanced, I was sitting next to a taller angel: the leader was talking to us, giving us explanations. As I asked my last question, telling the angels about how I have met The LORD before, I saw the scene disappearing slowly, while the leader angel was looking intently at me as if to answer me. I found myself opening my eyes in bed! It was one of the best experiences with angels. Surely The LORD had answered my prayer that night!


Coordinating scriptures


Revelation 12:7: And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,


Daniel 10:13: But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.



Michael and The Warrior Angels [Tuesday, February 12, 2013]


On this date: The LORD took me into a vision. Instantly, I was in a place where there were various types of angels inside this building. We were walking on the stairs, and I was with the major or archangels of GOD. Then there was another big angel who came to bring me a message. Remember angels are ministering spirits, meant to serve us. Hebrews 1:14: Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? I saw the normal angels ascending and descending down the stairs. There was huge angelic activity here, and then I saw myself outside.

There were various types of angels, just a mixture of them. Overwhelmed with how real the angels are: I said GOD, “Please give people grace to see Michael and Gabriel,” for I was seeing the angels very vividly. Then a person said, “Michael and Gabriel are not in the midst of those angels,” so I moved away a slight bit ahead from the angels. I was with them, and then I saw Michael and another angel. This other angel, who was with Michael, always, had a drawn sword in his right hand, and he seemed so serious. Michael is the Prince, the Archangel, and the Chief Commander of the warrior angelic hosts (Daniel 12:1, Revelation 12:7). Then he has Captains under him. The Heavenly host is arranged into a system of ranks with battlefield soldiers. They have different responsibilities from other angels in GOD’s Kingdom. They fight the battle of the Almighty GOD and his children. Joshua 5:13: And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of The LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my LORD unto HIS servant? And the captain of The LORD's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.

Then, I took a closer look at Michael. I wanted to see what I had failed to notice the last time I met him, and the first thing I noticed was he had deep blue eyes. He extended out of his right hand and there was something like a sword with the name of The LORD on it. He was so serious, like he meant business as if he is ready for combat anytime. I felt protected with them and that my life was guarded and nothing could touch me. These angels were so serious with their drawn swords. When I opened my eyes, I felt the Mighty Presence of GOD that I always feel after I have a major encounter! My body is just wrapped with a thick blanket of GOD’s Presence.



My Guardian Angels [Monday, March 18, 2013]


I was just walking in the House wondering what GOD will show me: I know that whatever I ask of The LORD, HE always answers me. So I thought to myself, “The LORD should show me the angels working in my life and ministry.” I have seen my angels before, but I just wanted to see how many are there now and what has changed since the last time I saw them! The LORD took me in a vision: lo and behold: I saw two major angels in the midst of other angels around me. They were extremely huge, handsomely constructed, they looked like giants. They put on pure white apparels, representing purity! They were so serious. I was carefully guarded, and I felt anything I do or that came to me was monitored carefully! I was so overwhelmed with this, also I saw angels that work with different gifts and aspects of my life, just many of them from different angelic departments, some the size of human beings. All of us who are redeemed have our guardian angels (see Acts 12:15; Matthew 18:10; Hebrews 1:14).



An Angel and the Forces of Darkness [Friday, November 29, 2013]


In the afternoon, I was planning to go somewhere out of the house but I felt I must just meditate on my bed. I left my laptop on the floor, with my Facebook account online like I always do. It first started with my spirit body shaking, vibrating, and then I had two visions. I could see the spirit world with my spiritual eyes, and then I saw my physical body and the room with my physical eyes. I began to feel my heart beat fast, faster, and then slow and slower, so I wondered if I was dying. I knew that in my revelations most of the times my spirit just leaves my body, so this time it was strange. I felt my spirit going up toward the ceiling of the house and down to my body, I began to resist a bit, but spirit separated from body, while out in my spirit-body, The SPIRIT of The LORD brought my Facebook page, it just zoomed in, HE was scanning names, lot of people in my friend list. With my spiritual eyes, I quickly noticed I can know so many things about people. I noticed many satanists, agents of satan, and I knew by the gift of the word of knowledge, most of them were women, (but there is no need to write them). The names were just scrolling like that. Also if something was wrong with a person, I noticed a red color, immediately The HOLY SPIRIT will tell me, what is wrong with that individual, I saw my true Christian friends as well, but there is this other Brother, The LORD drew out. GOD was saying something to me about him. After we were done with Facebook, then The LORD brings my phone and it was like a quick scanning. GOD showed me people I should be careful of. Then, I am taken into another vision, and before my eyes appeared numbers and numerous lists of words. I saw the FRUIT of The SPIRIT, such as joy, peace, love, etc. (The LORD gave me a revelation that the fruit of The SPIRIT in the life of a believer must be developed and be intact, none should be missing. It is very important and necessary.) Galatians: 5:22: But the fruit of The SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. GOD expects us to develop this fruit of The SPIRIT in our lives. It makes us more like JESUS, the character of CHRIST. We are to live and walk in The SPIRIT, then I saw prayer, godly words on a page, beautiful handwriting, the words kept on appearing.

Then a new word will come up to replace the old one. They came with different colors, styles of presentations, changing like that, I said, “Wow, GOD’s creativity!” I became happy to see godly words, and then the unpleasant words appeared on another page: words associated with satan, the world and sin. What GOD wants you to be careful of. [There are series of visions that happened after here, as The HOLY SPIRIT was taking me through these visions, I wondered if at all I will remember all of them], then I am taken to the spirit world under the sea. I saw a very beautiful young lady appear, with long hair, wearing what looked like white gown at first, with long threads of cloth around her neck. As I was wondering who she was, immediately she transformed to another form, her true form with black robes, I saw her chair/seat. It was in the middle of a large flower that budded, I saw some young ladies appear, then some hideous animals, like crocodiles, hippos, on that platform, The HOLY SPIRIT said to me, “They serve her.” I instantly noticed I was looking at the queen of the coast and her agents, the kingdom of satan under the sea. They began to dance and sing, as they began their meeting, I notice a tall, giant warring demon appeared next to me, and he just stood there to intimidate me. He was looking at me with his hideous face, immediately fright fell upon me; he made me know that there is nothing I could do to remove him from there.

I got lifted up towards the sky, my face was looking towards the earth, and I noticed trees, nature of the earth. Here I noticed a demon that looked like a giant box jelly fish, with long tentacles. It started to ascend; it was bigger than I was. When I looked I was very far in the Heavenlies. The thing kept flying towards me, until it reached where I was, I kept shouting: “Fire of The HOLY GHOST.” In the Mighty Name of JESUS,” and the tentacles kept fighting me. I noticed I was not ascending anymore, I said, “LORD, please send angels to this thing.” But there was no angel visible, and I said, “LORD, give me a sword then.” I felt I had it in my hand, I looked into a huge mirror that appeared at my right, I saw it, and I quickly turned my attention towards the thing and began to fight it, attack it, and cut off its longer and stronger tentacles. It was losing, until it was completely left defenseless. Immediately, I saw satan sitting down a bit away from me, with his hands crossed, with that proud face. I knew it was him. I have seen him in various visions, he was looking at how the battle was going then I saw an angel of The LORD. He was wearing a shining white; his face was young and radiant. I saw his lovely eyes, and he was clear and very beautiful, a bit tall. He appeared next to satan, and he said, “Satan, I will not allow you to touch any member of this family, and do not get me angry.” The angel said some other words to satan. I just don’t remember them. I knew that the angel meant satan should not attempt to fight me there in the spirit realm, and he referred to me as member of the family of GOD,


Romans 8:16: The SPIRIT itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of GOD.


I saw the angel began to walk away. Then I saw another vision in a vision, a screen opened up, it looked like sunset, I saw a road, many horse riders racing in it, as if to win a price, I was also there, the horses ran at a great speed. Here, I received a message by revelation that all of us individually must RUN the race set before us, we must run

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