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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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in order to win the PRIZE. I was flying towards the highest parts of the second Heaven, then as quickly as I ascended my spirit rushed back to my body.



The HOLY SPIRIT and the Angel Uriel [Monday, December 9, 2013]


We were on fasting with Bro Akanyang, Bro Elton, and Bro Kitso at our farm, in the afternoon and as we were meditating, my spiritual eyes were opened. I begin to see the room from the spiritual realm. I saw my brothers, then immediately a huge wind began to blow, and my spirit was disconnecting from my body. The sound I heard was like a great whirlwind, The HOLY SPIRIT was pulling my spirit out of my body, and I felt a tremendous fire all over, a thick presence of GOD, still in that fast, The LORD took me into a vision, in a church setup. I heard a voice speak in front of me, it said, “Look at who is behind you,” on turning around I saw an angel. His face is like that of a young man, very handsome, and no imperfections. He was tall, his body was perfect: a Heavenly body, he wore a white robe with trims of yellow, red, and gold. He is a spirit being in a beautiful clothes and I looked up to his eyes, a sweet Heavenly voice spoke from behind the angel, it said, “This is Angel Uriel,” as soon as I marveled at the beautiful voice, the vision lifted up.



Vision of an Angel and Prayer [Saturday, December 14, 2013]


At night, as I was in my room, my spirit eyes opened, and suddenly I notice sparks of beautiful light, just gleams of it appear in the room. In no time, an angel from Heaven appears: he is a being of light, and his head is covered with light, but I can distinguish his facial features to a certain degree. When he spoke, I did not see his mouth opening up yet I could hear him clearly. His clothes are just shimmering whiteness mixed with beautiful, multi-colored light. He is taller than an average human being and as he moves his head, you can see pieces of light glitter on the air. He is one of the most beautiful angels I have seen in my life. He immediately began to speak for GOD, and he told me about prayer, “You must pray,” and he quoted: “If MY people, which are called by MY Name, shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek MY Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land,” 2 Chronicles 7:14: and The LORD told me: “Prayer can do anything, what people fail to do on their own , prayer can do.” In other words, what we fail to do in our human strength, prayer can cause GOD’s ability to act on our behalf, and we can accomplish supernatural things and so many things through prayer. Don’t waste time, be on your knees. James 5:16: Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.



The Angel and Souls’-winning [Monday, March 25, 2013]


While in the room, I saw a bright light come down from Heaven. It then appeared in the room: I just knew by revelation that it was an angel of The LORD. The light was massive and bright. It was a golden light that represents the Glory of The LORD, the most beautiful and magnificent light. I was just staring at the glory and he began to speak to us, answering our questions and dissolving all confusion. He spoke about the end times and other things: as he continued speaking, I noticed a person within the light: a man with legs and bodily features. He was shaped out of light, and at the same time, he seemed translucent. I could see through him. He was walking around in that glory as he spoke. He was more real, and I was so amazed by this encounter!!

Souls: GOD revealed that souls are very important to HIM. They are like precious ‘diamonds’ that sparkle, and so evangelism is so critical. We need to conduct evangelism and soul-winning. Mark 16:15: And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. After we bring salvation to them, we need to keep and store them up, just like one would store precious diamonds: cautiously and with care. We need to take care of them and make sure they mature and grow in the things of GOD. Also we need to tell them, “There are other ‘diamonds’ that will need to stand before the Throne of GOD on that day as well.” Those who are ready for the coming of The LORD should know this. GOD is reaching out to souls in these last moments. Let us be sober, watching, ready, and also winning souls for the Kingdom of GOD! 1 Peter 1:13: Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of JESUS CHRIST, When the MESSIAH comes, may HE find you working on HIS Field!

I also saw a vehicle moving around from street to street with someone using a loud speaker announcing, “JESUS is coming,” and GOD said, “I am doing a new thing!”



The Angels of GOD [Tuesday, March 26, 2013]


I was praying and asking The LORD if I am in HIS Will. I felt a bit down and I wanted HIM to let me know what HE wanted me to do, and to give me a supernatural sign from Heaven. The LORD took me into a vision, and I came into a place with nothing but thousands of angels. They were in purest white, every single one of them. They seemed to be busy doing activities, and I came to another place.

I saw the great archangels, and they were just like I once saw them. They were huge. They had put on golden apparel, and there were thousands of them, as well as busy with activities. I saw what these angels were doing clearly and heard what they were saying.

There was great movement, up and down amongst these angels. Then The LORD took me into another special place, and I saw an incredible set of angels. I saw that they looked like young men, and they have a youthful appearance and vigor. Their bodies were wrapped in soft, golden robes, and I could see them clearly. They were also busy, but here The LORD revealed something. I saw that these angels were serving us: me and some of the brethren I know! Their roles revolved around us, and they were our ministry angels. They looked like humble servants, but they were always there to make sure things went according to plan. At times, I saw them on standby, waiting for an instruction to go on the next errand. I said to myself, “Look at these angels!”

I was actually startled, and there were so many angels that I saw: ones in purest white, the archangels and these youthful angels. I was so comforted, blessed, and feeling much better. Something supernatural always happens when you meet these angels. You cannot be the same! My body was wrapped in a thick blanket of GOD’s Presence. The LORD has been faithful to me, and HE never leaves or forsakes me, no matter what. It has been happening ever since the year 2010, until today, and it will be like that forever.



Angels Are Protectors


In a vision, I was holding a weapon that looks like a gun, and then an angel with strong and powerful wings was walking behind me, wherever I went. Then I could not see him anymore.

In the Spirit, as I looked up in the sky, I saw an opening or portal into the second Heaven. It was as if there were a large opening in the cloud, and then I began to notice numerous demonic activities. I saw demons of all sizes, shapes, and types. These were in many colors: ugly beings with deformed body features. Just many of them: it looked like a celebration of some sort, just dancing, happy, so much noise, and sounds.

All of a sudden, I began to call fire on them. I saw chaos happening in the spirit-realm and demons were running left and right, evacuating the place, but I could see a large, fearful red serpent which is the devil. Very angrily he made his mind to chase me, and as I was running to a certain house, the devil was still after me. As I approached the house, suddenly two large angels appeared on either side by the corridors, and then the whole atmosphere changed. The angels were so tall, like giant warriors in white garments, and so much authority was given to them.

I could see the first one, on the corridor facing the west and the other one facing east. Psalms 34:7: The angel of The LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, and delivereth them. The serpent wanted to fight to get me, as I was in the middle, but the he had so much trouble with the angel on the west. The angel just slammed the metal plate: no way for satan to get me. I saw the queen from the sea also walking about, but unable to come to me because of the two masculine, huge angels on my left and right.

I could hear the angels talking to each other, I heard them word for word, and it was just incredible. Psalms 91:11: For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.



Angels Are Real


In a vision, I saw myself with a man of GOD. We entered through a gate and then we had an argument with a woman. She belonged to the power of darkness, and it was some kind of a trap. They wanted to lock us within the gate, but we ran and escaped for our lives. When we went out through the gate, I felt a mighty energy in my spirit. When I looked up, I saw seven moons in the sky, very beautiful.

Immediately, we began to rise and accelerate into the atmosphere towards the east, and that’s when I saw the angels of GOD coming towards us. They were covered with feathers: the feathers were thick, pure, white, and warm. They were unique angels. Psalms 91:4: HE shall cover thee with HIS feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: HIS truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Then they began to speak to me. They said, “Now we shall be together forever” and we entered into some celebration, as if we were victors. We were so joyous.



An Angel on Mount Sinai


My brother came into the room, and then he left for school. When he closed the door, immediately an angel from Heaven appeared with the Glory of The LORD. It seems as if he walked into the room, and then I saw him disappear, going back into the spirit-realm.

Then, I saw an open vision before my eyes, and it looked like a cycle or an opening. Then it was slowly growing bigger, and I was then engulfed into the vision. I saw a beautiful stream of water, all around. I saw grass and mostly green nature. It was pure and I got excited.

Then The LORD took me to Mount Sinai, and I saw an angel on it. He was huge and in complete pure white. I saw his large hands extend out, and he was holding two tablets of stones written by the Finger of GOD. I saw him give it to Moses. The law was given through mediators of angels, Acts

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