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Book online «Hell Testimonies, Mike Peralta [best book clubs .TXT] 📗». Author Mike Peralta

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Him out loud, I just thought it and He answered me. I said, "Lord why did You send me to this place? Why did you send me here?" He said to me "Because people do not believe that this place exists." He said "Even some of my own people do not believe this place is real." I was shocked at that statement. I thought every Christian has got to believe in Hell. But not everyone believes in a literal burning Hell. I said Lord "Why did you pick me?" But He didn't answer me on that question.

I have no idea why He picked me to go there. I'm the least likely to go to this place. My wife and I hate evil movies. We hate anything bad. I don't even like the summer time, much less heat. It's filthy. There's no order. It's all chaos and disorder and disgusting. And I love everything orderly and excellent. He didn't answer me on that question. He said to me, "Go tell them that I hate this place, that it's not my desire for one of my creation to go to this place, not one! I never made this for man. This was made for the devil and his angels. You have to go and tell them! I've given you a mouth, you go and tell them."

I thought to myself, "but Lord, they're not going to believe me. They're going to think I'm crazy or had a bad dream." I mean wouldn't you think that? As I thought this the Lord answered me and He said, "It's not your job to convince them. It's the Holy Spirit's job! You just go and tell them!" And it was just inside, "Yes Sir!" Absolutely, I have to go and tell them."

You can't worry and fear what man is going to think of you, you just have to go and do it and let God do the rest. Amen? And I said, "Lord, why did they hate me so much?" "Why did these creatures hate me?" He said, "Because you're made in my image, and they hate me." You know the devil can't do anything against God. He can't hurt God, per say, but he can hurt His creation. That's why the devil hates mankind, and deceives him into taking him into Hell. And he inflicts diseases upon him, anything he can do to hurt God's creation.


Bill Wiese experiences the Peace of God

And then God flooded me with His thoughts. He let me touch a piece of His heart, of how much He loves mankind. Unbelievable, I couldn't even take it. It was so overbearing. The love He has for man, you can't take it in this body. You know how much we love our wives and our children? Well the love we have can't even be compared to the love God has for us. His love is infinitely greater than our love and our ability to love. It's just the same as it says in Eph 3:19, " know the love of Christ which passes knowledge..." It goes so far past knowledge, you can't even grasp it. I couldn't believe how much He loved mankind, that He would die for just one person to not go to this place. And it hurts Him so much to see one of His creation going to this place. It pains the Lord, He weeps to see one person going. And I felt so bad for the Lord.

I felt His heart, He let me just touch a piece of His heart. He felt such sadness for His creation going there. And I thought "I've got to go out and witness and take every last breath I have and go tell the world about Jesus, How good He is." I mean, we have the gospel. It's good news. It's good news, and the world doesn't know. They have to be told! You know, we have to share this knowledge. People just have a lack of knowledge in this area. God wants us to share with them how good He is, and how He hates this place.

He said to me also, "Tell them I am coming very, very soon." And He said it again, "Tell them I'm coming very, very soon." Now I think, why didn't I say to him, "What do you mean Lord? What's 'soon' to you?" That's how we think. But I didn't ask. You just don't think to ask those things then. You just want to worship Him so much. The peace of God that comes over you being next to Him is unexplainable. I've been in anointed services, but there is no comparison to the love and the peace of God you feel being next to Him. 

And then I, Bill Wiese looked up and I saw those demons on the wall, that were so ferocious, they looked like ants on the wall! They just looked like ants! They were still big, but with the power of God next to you, all of God's creative power, they looked like ants on the wall. I couldn't get over it. I thought, "Lord they're just ants!" And He said, "You just have to bind them and cast them out in my name." I thought "boy, the power He's given the church."

These things that were so ferocious, we were no match for a devil without Jesus, none. They're ferocious, but with Him, they are nothing! A boldness rose up in me right then, when I saw these creatures I felt like saying, "you creatures were the ones torturing me, wanting to tear me apart? Come on! Come on now!" Maybe a little bit of my flesh rose up or something, you know, I thought,"Jesus get 'em."


Bill Wiese Leaves Hell

As we left, we went up above the earth's surface. We went above, because we were still in a tunnel. Soon I couldn't see it any more, but it was like a whirlwind, a giant whirlwind we were in. We kept going up. We had to go up, to get out of it apparently. When we got to the top of it, I looked down at the earth and it was about this high. The curve of the earth was like that. It's awesome to look back at the earth! I know God allowed that for me. He could have left that tunnel any which way He wanted. He knew in my heart, as a kid I always wanted to see what the earth looked like from space. Maybe I watched too much Star Trek or something, you know? I just
thought it would be really neat to see the earth, and to see it hung on nothing. Like the Bible says. It says in Job 26:7, He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing.

As you look, you think, "What's holding this thing up? What's making it turn so perfectly?" God is in such control. The power of God that flooded me, that He has, it's awesome. He has so much power. Every single thing is in His control. Not a hair on your head falls to the ground that He doesn't know about. Not a bird hits the ground that He doesn't know about. I was flooded with these thoughts. God has so much power. It overwhelmed me. There's scripture in Isaiah 40:22 that says the Lord sits upon the circle of the earth. There I was upon the circle of the earth. I even thought, "Lord, how come before Christopher Columbus they could have
read that scripture and known the earth was round." You know? People wondered, they thought it was flat?

Anyway, as we came back down we passed through the shields; I knew we were passing through the heat shield that was around the earth. I just knew it. I even thought stupid thought, here I am with God, and I thought, "I wonder how He's going to go through that shield?" You know how in space they have to penetrate it at just the perfect angle. We went through it with no problem what so ever. No surprise! I'm sure the Lord must have rolled His eyes and said 'I can handle that one'. There is a scripture is Psalm 47:9 that says, For the shields of the earth belong to God.

He is in control of everything, everything. I just didn't want Him to leave. I just wanted to be in His presence. We were coming up fast on California. Just coming real fast, we were moving so quick, and came up to our house. And I looked and I could see right through the roof of our house. And I could see myself lying on the floor. This really hit me strong, right here because I saw my body lying there and I thought, "That can't be me, I'm here, this is me!" You know, you've never seen two of yourself. Here I was laying there and I thought, "That's not really me." And that scripture that Paul says, were we are just in a tent (2 Corinthians 5:1), that hit me so strong. I thought "that's just a tent, that's nothing. That's temporary. This is the real me." This is what eternity is all about.

That life that we worry about, it also hit me that we're a vapor, that life is just a vapor as in James 4:14 it talks about and how short this life is. It's short. A hundred years if you live, it's nothing! It goes up like a vapor. And I thought, "We've got to live for God." What we do now, here, counts for eternity. We've got to witness. We've got to get out there and save the lost. We can't worry about all these little petty things that we all get so tied up in and hung up on. We need to really get out there and preach the gospel and the good news, because this is over real quick. 

But I saw my body lying there and I thought it was just as if you got out of your car and looked back at your car. That's not you, it's your car. It just gets you around. That's how it looked to me. It just gets me around here on the earth, but this is the real me. And I thought, "Lord don't leave, don't leave". I just want to stay with You for a while. But He left. I came up to my body, and something pulled me back into my body, like I was sucked back into my nose or my mouth.

Right then, when He left, that's when all the fear, the torture, and the torment came back into my mind! Because it says in the Bible (1 John 4:18), "Perfect love casts off fear." So I was next to perfect love all that time, so that left me, and when He left, all of the sudden all of the fear and the horrors of Hell entered my mind. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand it! I was screaming. I was in agony. I couldn't live with it. I knew that this body was not capable of withstanding that kind of fear. You can't hold up under that kind of pressure. Your body isn't strong enough. So that's when I prayed and I was able to pray, "Take it out of my mind!"

In the natural, you would have to go through all kinds of counseling to get through this kind of trauma, but God took it out, instantly took it out, the trauma. He left the memory, but took the trauma and the fear out. I was so grateful.

Anyway, after this, so many things happened, I wish we had time to go into all that God confirmed would happened to me. 

If there's someone here tonight, that doesn't know the Lord; you have to ask yourself a question. You have to say, "Do I believe these people, that what they saw is real, all these people and myself?" But more importantly, what the Word of God says about Hell. Do you want to take that chance and say, "No I don't believe it, I don't believe that's real." You have to throw out all the Word of God, and all of us trying to tell you. Are you willing to take that chance with your whole eternity? That would seem pretty foolish to me. You can't let the devil deceive you. That big creature in the end there, that was laughing. (shown in the video) That's how the devil would be when you got to Hell. He would laugh, because you had an opportunity to receive the Lord and you missed it. But once you're there, there is no turning back. There's absolutely no turning back. You would be there lost for ever.

You might be saying to yourself.

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