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Book online «Hell Testimonies, Mike Peralta [best book clubs .TXT] 📗». Author Mike Peralta

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"I'm pretty good. I'm a pretty good person. I don't deserve that place." And you probably are pretty good, compared to most people. But that's not what you need to compare yourself to. We need to compare ourselves to God's standard. His standard is so much higher than ours. He says in the Word that if you lie once, just once in your whole life, that makes you a liar. If you've stole one thing in your life, a paper clip, a couple minutes of your boss's time, anything, just once. That makes you a thief. If you were angry without cause, if you didn't forgive someone that did something wrong against you, if you lusted after a women,
any of these things, if you just did it one time, that makes you a sinner, and you can't make it to Heaven. So you see all of us come short. We all fall short and can't get there on our own works. Titus 3:5 says, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.

Amen, so it depends on how you compare. It's like a woman that saw a flock of sheep on a hill, and they were all so white and beautiful against this hill. She said, "Look at those white sheep, look how beautiful they look, so white." She went to bed and overnight it snowed. She looked up the next morning and saw the sheep and they all looked dull, dingy and gray compared to the white snow. So we need to compare ourselves to God. His standard is way higher than ours. So we have need of a Savior. We can't get there on our own. God made it a free gift. He said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man come unto the Father but by Me." He's the only way out of this place.

So if there's anyone here who doesn't know the Lord, anyone here who really has never asked Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life. You never really came to that point where you really had to voice it out your own mouth and ask Him to come into your life, would you stand up? If there's anybody here would you stand up now, for Jesus? Don't let the devil, that creature laugh at you. Stand up now, when you have the chance, cause you don't know how much time we have. You don't know that you might die tomorrow, and end up in that place.

Let me tell you, that place, just the heat alone would be horrible to endure. Those people that we saw jump out of the New York towers. They held hands and jumped. How horrible that must have been. You know if you've ever been up high and looked down, to jump would be unthinkable. But they had to face that heat. And that was only for about five seconds, it would have incinerated them and that was about two thousand degrees. Scientists say that in the center of the earth is about twelve thousand degrees. So you have to endure that for eternity. If you're willing to go through that, that would be awfully foolish. Now is the time to make a choice.


The Announcer speaks

The Bible is real plain, we are all sinners, and whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Jesus said if you will confess me before men, publicly, then I will in turn; confess your name before my Heavenly Father and the Holy angels. But if you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father. I want to ask you to do something. If you've never publicly, in front of other people, if you've never publicly declared Jesus Christ as your Savior, and made Him the Lord of your life, or if you're unsure whether Heaven is your eternal home, remember Jesus hung naked on a cross, in a market place, he hung there for you, He endured your shame.

If you'll pray this prayer from the depths of your heart, God will save your soul, and He'll give you an opportunity in the not to distant future for you to make it public. Pray with us, especially those who are in the congregation and know you should. "God I believe in You. You are my Creator. I am a sinner. I sinned in many points, willfully, and unconsciously. I've fallen short. I've missed the mark. I'm stained with sin.

Jesus I believe in You. You are the eternal Son of God. You're the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, who takes away my sin. I believe You died on a cross. Shedding Your innocent blood for my guilty soul. I believe You were buried and on the third day You arose. You are alive forever more. I call You my Lord. I call You my Saviour. I give You my life. I will love You, serve you for the rest of my days. I belong to You, the good parts, the bad parts, the sinful parts, all my plans, all my dreams, I give everything to you. Thy will be done in me. I believe I'm saved. Not by good works, but by faith, by trusting in You. In Jesus I pray. Amen."




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(These are small excerpts from the full book.
Used by permission.)


From the book: “Heaven is so Real” by Choo Thomas.

Starting in 1996, Jesus Christ the Lord took Choo Thomas through various revelations of Heaven and Hell.

The following are some excerpts from various chapters from the book:

“Heaven is so Real” by Choo Thomas.


A New Body

From 11 pm to 1:08 am on February 19 and February 20, the Lord took me walking with Him. Once again, the familiar hard shaking of my body and the intense heat of His anointing alerted me to His imminent arrival. His presence was stronger than ever before, and then I heard His voice: "I am your Lord, My precious daughter, and I am about to release all the work I've prepared for you to do." I could see Him standing by the window, and His glorious form was clearer to me than it ever had been before.

"Daughter, I must show you some things," He stated as He extended His hand in my direction. Next, I felt the strange sensation of my body being lifted from the bed. Not knowing what was happening, I began to scream and flail my arms wildly. It seemed as if the insides of my body were detaching from the rest of me. It was an experience that truly defies description. I even felt my body to see if it was still the same. I wondered if I was dying. 

My mind was clear, and I was groaning in my spirit. Then I recognized that I was with the Lord, wearing a white robe like His. My body was new. I was like a young girl again. Even my hair was long and straight.

I realized I was walking along a deserted beach with the Lord. Perhaps you can imagine how surprised I was. He had transported me from my bed, home and body and had given me a new body that enabled me to fly and walk with Him. The Lord of Heaven and earth had suspended the laws of gravity, life, time and space in order to show me some things that I will never forget.

The Bible says, "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption". 1 Corinthians 15:50. I was about to discover the true meaning of these words by the apostle Paul.

As I began to take notice of my new body, I felt that it looked like me, but it wasn't me. I had heard of out-of-the-body experiences before, but in this case I had been taken out of my body and deposited in a body that was not me-yet it was me. 

It was me as I was when I was a young adolescent. I had the same hair I had as a teenager. I couldn't see my face clearly, but I felt certain it was the face of the bewildered youth who had been without God and without hope. This time, however, the young girl knew God, and she was filled with hope. It was so fascinating. What did it all mean?


A Shiny Tunnel and Stone Walls

Where had the Lord taken me? Why had He taken me with Him? I couldn't wait to hear His answers to these questions, because I knew they were for me as well as for all those He would lead me to.

First, we went to the right side of a hill that was alive with foliage. I could see a narrow, winding road snaking its way to the summit.
Then we walked alongside a narrow river that flowed with the most crystal-clear water I'd ever seen. We followed the river to the entrance of a shiny tunnel that seemed endless. It was high and wide and, in comparison, the Lord and I were quite tiny. We walked through the mysterious tunnel, and when we emerged on the other side, we walked down to the beach again.

"We are going to a very high place," The Lord said.

The minute He spoke these words He took my hand, and my body began to lift above the surface of the beach. As it did, my physical body on the bed trembled furiously. My hands and arms began to move in all directions as if I were swimming desperately in an effort to not drown. The groanings that emanated from my spirit grew louder and stronger. 

We were literally flying through the air. We landed at a location that was filled with trees and grass, and our feet set down on a narrow, winding road.

The Lord and I walked along the road that came down from the top of the hill. Eventually we reached a huge white gate that stood in front of a large white building. We walked through the gate and proceeded toward the white building. 

We entered and walked down a long corridor that led to a very large room, which we entered. As I looked down, I realized for the first time that I was wearing a different robe than I had on at the beach, and I could feel something heavy was resting on my head. I reached up and discovered a beautiful crown had been placed there without my realizing it.

Then I looked directly at the Lord. He was sitting on a throne, and He wore a radiant gown and golden crown. Others were there with me, kneeling on the floor and prostrating themselves before Him.

The walls of the room were made of large shiny stones that glowed. The multicolored rocks provided an effect that made the room seem warm and happy, as well as mysterious.


Where Only the Pure-Hearted Can Go

Then, just as quickly as I had been transported up the mountain and into the white building, I found myself on the beach again. As I had been doing all along, I found myself alternately laughing, screaming, crying, shaking, flailing my arms and perspiring. The joy was so intense, I felt as if I could touch it. I knew I had been transported to a different world, but where was it? Why was this happening? What did it all mean?

The Lord answered my questions clearly and emphatically. "My daughter, we went to the kingdom."

He quickly recognized the question that was forming in my heart: How did we get there?

"The only ones who will go there are the obedient and pure-hearted children."

The Master paused for a moment and then went on, "Tell My children to preach the gospel. I am coming soon for those who are waiting and ready for Me."

Now I knew my primary mission. I had seen the kingdom of Heaven, and it was so very real. I'll never forget all the wonderful things

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