» Religion » Intimacy with GOD, Esher Shoshannah [red queen free ebook .txt] 📗

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By taking such a person You would get all the glory! You desired a book to be written through me. It never dawned on me for five years after writing down the thoughts You gave me that it was to be a book given freely without cost so that others would experience Your intimacy of love. Each morning You filled me with a love that made it irresistible. Many times, as You flooded my soul, I could only fall at Your feet and weep uncontrollably."


"Your exquisite, all consuming 'first love' love gave daily life and joy to me! Lord, there is nothing like it! It is indescribable! What heights of joy; what depths of love; what breadths of peace; what lengths of fullness; what glorious experiences of Your grace and mercy You have shared with my innermost being! But it was never meant for me alone. To all who read this devotional with a surrendered heart You have given the same experience. Dear Bridegroom of my heart You are so amazing – You intend this love for all those who belong to You but You make it so private, so personal - a one on one intimacy with each one of Your bride! When those who have finished this journey through reading and listening to Your Song, when they have read the last verse and then closed the book, - they will say…"


"And when I had lifted up my eyes, I saw no man, except Jesus only!"

(Matt.17:8 – It was changed to make it personal)



In His love and for His praise,

Esher Shoshannah









"For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

Ephesians 3:14-19


"But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

I Corinthians 2:9


"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Romans 8:28


"Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ."

2Thessalonians 3:5




1. With a heart of love praise Him - Heb.13:15. It brings joy to His heart.

2. You will learn how great your Lord is through these A to Z praises!

3. Also praising the Lord is a weapon to fight off the enemy. Psa.8:2; Mt.21:16


You are my Abba Father answering prayer

You are Altogether lovely my Beloved

You alone are infinite Authority Lord Jesus

Lord You Asked me to bear other’s burdens

I cast All my burdens on You dear Lord

Lord Jesus You Adopted me by Your Spirit

You send Angels to help and protect me

You are the Judge and Avenger of all evil

You are Afflicted in all my afflictions & hurts

You're the Amen to the promises in the Word

Lord You are my soul's Anchor of stability 

You Abide in me to fill me with Your fruit

Lord I Abide in Your Word to love You more

You Anoint my head with oil to empower me

You are my All in All there is nothing else

Being Addicted to You breaks addictions

You are All that I need to walk in Your ways

I Adore the beauty of holiness that You are

You are the Alpha of my day to lead me

You are the Author my faith to trust in You

You are the Almighty Anointed One Lord

You are the Arm of intimate love around me

Lord You are my Advocate who defends me

Lord You made Atonement for all my sin

You are Always present knowing all I do

Lord Jesus You alone are the Awesome One

Lord You are the Answer to living a holy life

Your riches of glory are my Abundant life

You give me Assurance in Your promises

Soon all will Bow down at Jesus’ Name

Bless the Lord O my soul & all that is in me

In Humility You became a Bondservant

Your Word is the Belt of truth for battle

You Build up my life to look & act like You

Jesus You are the Brightness of God's glory

Lord Your Banner over me is love forever

You have a new Body waiting for me Lord

I'm a Branch in Your vine to bear fruit

You Bind Your mind to mine to obey You

You are the Bondage Breaker of my sin

Lord You are the Beauty of holiness in me

Jesus You are the Beloved of Abba, Father

You are the One who Blesses me daily

To live for You only – my Bridegroom

I'm the Bride of Christ to give You full love

You are the Bread of Life that sustains me

Lord Jesus You are my Burden Bearer daily

You are the Bright & Morn. Star Lord Jesus

Your Word heals all the Broken Hearted

You Blot out my sin by Your blood Lord

You are my Blood sacrifice the Lamb of God

You Chose me in You to honor Your Name

Lord You are the God of the New Covenant

Your Spirit Convicts me of sin to confess

Lord Your Commandments are pure to obey

Lord You are the Christ the Son of God

You Correct my thoughts and ways Lord

Lord You drank the Cup of wrath for me

You are my Commander who fights evil

Take my life & let it be Consecrated to You

You are Choice and precious to my heart

You are Coming for me very, very soon

You Created me unto good works in Christ

You are the Comforting One I lean upon

You are the Chief Cornerstone of my life

Lord You always Care with loving discipline

Your promises cause me to be Content Lord

Lord You never Compromise, help me not to

Lord You are the Considerate One to help me

Lord You Conquered my enemy at the Cross

You Committed no sin yet became my sin

You Communicate to my heart Your wisdom

I am Your Companion for You to share with

You Constrain me to walk in obedience Lord

Lord You Cheer me up in my difficult valleys

My worries Cease in Your promises Lord

Lord Jesus You were Crushed for my sin

You Complete me so others see You in me

You are my Confidence that I have worth

Lord You give me Courage to stand for You

You became my Curse & now I give you joy

You are a Consuming fire of love & passion

Lord You Dispel my darkness and doubts

Lord You Discern all of my ways to guide me

You Disclose my sin for me to repent Lord

Your laws (teachings) are my Delight Lord

Lord You Demonstrate God’s infinite power

Lord You change me with Your Correction

You are the Destroyer of sinful habits Lord

You are the Door to all that's good for me

You are my Defense against enemy attacks

You are the Designer of a glorious universe

You Decrease my selfishness so as to fill me

You Delivered me from Darkness to light

You Drew my soul so I could be saved Lord

Lord I'm Dressed up in Your righteousness

You Drank the cup of wrath for me Lord

Lord You are the Eternal One – the I AM

You are Emmanuel, God always with me

You Enlighten me to know Your mind Lord

Lord Your blood gives me Everlasting Life

You are the Exalted One to be worshiped

You Establish my footsteps by Your Word

Lord You Embrace me in Your arms of love

Lord You Empower me by grace to obey

You Endured the Cross for me Lord Jesus

Your Word Endures forever in my heart

You are my Example in how to truly live

You are Enthroned on my heart as Lord

You Equip me to love the poor & needy

You Execute righteous and just judgment

Lord You are Excellent in all Your ways

Your Eye watches over me at all times Lord

I Escaped the Lake of fire because of You

You Expose wrongs and reveal truth in me

You are infinitely Exquisite in all You do

You Encourage me when I’m discouraged

You are my Friend for precious fellowship

Lord You are my Fortress against the enemy

You are Heaven's precious sweet Fragrance

The Earth is Your Footstool – Lord over all

Lord Your universe is Exceedingly glorious

You are Faithful to me in all things Lord

You Forgive me as I repent & confess to You

As You forgive cause me to forgive all others

Fellowship with You dispels my loneliness

The Fear of the Lord is to hate all that is evil

Lord You are Full of glory, honor and power

You are the Fountain of Life of living waters

You Fill me with Your Spirit to walk as You

You are the Author and Finisher of my faith

Lord You give me Faith to trust in Your Word

I Fear to hurt You Lord Jesus the One I love

You Feed & refresh me with Your Word Lord

I'm Forever in Your hands to change me

Lord You alone bring Fulfillment in my life

You will never Fail me or Forsake me Lord

You are my Foundation & Cornerstone Lord

Lord I worship and bow down at Your Feet

You bore all my Grief so I can lean on You

You are the Gate to Heaven and blessing

You’re inside of me so I can feel your Heart

Lord You Give more Grace to the humble

You are Gentle with me, may I also be Lord

Lord Jesus Your Greatness is unsearchable

Your beauty and Greatness are Glorious

You are the Giver of mercy may I also give

You are the Gift of everlasting life to me Lord

Lord You are God the Son I love and worship

You are my Gladness and heart’s joy Lord

You are my Garment of Salvation Lord Jesus

You give me Godly sorrow to turn from sin

You are the Great Physician healing my hurts

Lord You suffered my Guilt on the Cross

Your Word is my Guide to grow closer to You

You gave me Your Glory to be one with You

You Gather me to sit & listen at Your feet

You Guard my soul through a humble spirit

Your Hands reach out to draw souls to You

Under Your wings You are my Hiding place

You Humbled Yourself to die for me Lord

I'm an Heir of all things through Your blood

You are my Helper guiding in

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