» Romance » Broken *Still in progress* *Not edited yet*, Hallie Kirkpatrick [top rated books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Broken *Still in progress* *Not edited yet*, Hallie Kirkpatrick [top rated books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Hallie Kirkpatrick

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 Name: Rylan Rose Garton

Age: 17

Name: Hayden Lucky Garton

Age: 22

Name: Dustin Saint Ryans

Age: 18

Name: Cassey Layla Munger

Age: 17

Name: Mariah Karin Hampshire

Age: 17

Name: Klien Ryder Smith

Age: 17

Name: Terry Madison Libscomb

Age: 17

Name: August Kevin Wells

Age: 16

Name: Amber Mckenzie Dillion

Age: 17

Name: Zac Kyler Dillon

Age: 17

Name: Alex Louis Owens

Age: 18

Name: Ava Kimberly Bender
Age: 18

Name: Libby Brooklyn Stevenson

Age: 20

Name: Nora Abduallah Adams 

Age: 17

Chapter 1

Rylan! Rylan! I heard my parents voice call me. I gasped and woke up from this nightmare. It's always the same almost every single day. The nightmare about the accident. I felt my cheeks and they were wet. I hadn't noticed that I was crying. When I turned around to look at the clock the time was 4:30 in the morning. Damn it! This morning is the first day of 12th grade in a new school. My brother, Hayden who's 22 years old is starting college this morning. I have to live with Hayden because my parents died and he took custody over me. Sometimes I feel like a heavy weight on his shoulders because he has to look over me. So, I tried to go back to sleep.



Rinnnng! My phone was ringing and when I answered it was Hayden calling. "Morning Rylan why aren't you awake yet your going to be late for the first day of school." " Hayden, why didnt you wake me when you woke up?" "I woke up an hour than you should because I have a 30 minute drive but you still have 45 minutes so hurry." "Ok love ya." "Love you too lil sis."


After hanging up I went to take a shower. I loved that way the hot water relaxed my tense muscles. Out of nowhere I start to sob. My parents, the accident, just everything. But I have to be strong. For Hayden, for myself, for our parents. After getting over myself I washed my hair and went to my closet and picked my outfit. I wanted something that's simple and doesn't stick out. So I picked A grey and black cotton top, a red flannel shirt, black leggings, and a pair of red and white high-top Converse. Then I went to the mirror. The first thing I noticed was that ugly big, scar at the the base of my hairline. That scar reminds me  of my past. It keeps me in reality. I always hide it. So, start to apply apply concealer to cover it. I don't wear foundation or too much makeup. Then I applied blush to the apples of cheeks, applied liquid eyeliner in a winged fashion, applied mascara, and a light pink matte lipstick to my lips. My hair was next but since it was naturally wavy I brushed it and left it down and wore a pair of sunglasses on top of my head. I went to get my backpack, Iphone, and my breakfast which consisted of an apple and a bottle of water.


After driving myself to school, the first thing did was go to the office to pick up my schedule. I learned that the I have Science, Math, Language Arts, Lunch, Social Studies, Phyiscal Education, and last is Study Hall. When the warning bell rang I headed to first period. As soon as I entered everybody's heads turned to me and my teacher, Mr. Keely decided to make me introduce myself to the class. I awkwardly stood in the front and said ."Ummm hi my name is Rylan and I moved to California from Ohio." Then I took a seat but on my way to my seat I accidently bumped a blond and blue eyed girl's desk with my foot and she gave a look of disgust and said for me to watch my fatass body. I ignored her.


The day was a drag until lunch. When lunch came I was starved so I decided to eat a grilled chicken salad. As I was about to sit down the girl from first period came to me. Oh Oh I thought. Suprisgly she had a smile on her face. She started by saying, "Hey I'm Cassey, sorry about this morning during first period." I smiled and said,"It's fine." Then she took my by suprise and gave me a big hug. Then Cassey took me to her table where there were maybe 4-5 people. They all looked familar because I've had classes with them except for one guy. Damn he looks hot! He had brown hair in a quiff and hazel colored eyes. He was tan and was pretty toned and fit. Suddenly a husky and rich voice snapped me out of my daze. "Hey, you like what you see?" I blushed and and turned away. Cassey introduced me to the group. The first one was Klien, he had blonde hair and magical blue eyes. The second one was August, he had dark rich skin, dark eyes and black hair. The thrid was a girl whose name was Mariah, she had golden blonde hair and bluish,grey eyes. The forth one was Terry, she had dark hair and medium skin. Finally, the brown haired guy. His name is Dustin. 


Chapter 2

"Hi." I lamely said. I wanted to slap myself because of how dumb I sounded. "So, you're the new girl I've heard about?" Dustin asked "Ya but my name isn't new girl it's Rylan." "ohhhh she's got a pretty face and an attitude." He replied. At the corners of my eye I saw Cassey and she looked pissed but when I fully turned my head towards she had a smile on. After that she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away from the group then she looked at me and said,"I want you to know that Dustin doesn't date, he's a player so you might want to back off." That took me by suprise because I had no clue wat she was talking about. "I wasn't even thinking about him." I replied. Then Cassey and I stormed back to the  table. The bell rang 30 seconds later. I started heading to 4th period. The rest f the day was boring because it was all the same, since it was the first day of school. 


Finally when the dismissal bell rang, I left te class and when to my car. As I was drving home I felt like I was being washed with deja vu. The accident. It was a rainy day in April and my parents and I were going to go pick up Hayden from soccer practice. Since I was 1 at that time, I was still learning to drive. I insisted to drive that day but my parents said no that it was too risky. I didn't care at that time. So, I become mad at my parents and didn't talk to them. Tey finally gave in and let me drive. I hate myself nowt because I was such a fucking brat. So, I started driving. I noticed how bad it was raining but I ignored that fact. As I drove a big truck swerved and BAM!!! It hit us. After that I couldn't rmrmber anything becuase I blacked out. Til this day nobody not even Hayden knows that the accident was my fault. I wan to tell him but that will make things even worse. 

Chapter 3

As soon as pulled to our driveway I noticed Hayden's car outside. He's never home this early. When I entered the ddor I heard something I haven't heard since the accident. Hayden genunily laughing. Something he doesnt do anymore. There was someone else's laugh. A girl?



When I entered the living all the laughing turned into sikence.. Awkward silence. Hayden cleared his throut and said, "Hey Rylan this is Libby." I turned and saw a gorgeuose petite girl. She had brown hair and eyes that were a striking, bright blue. She's beautiful. Libby got up and gave me a hug. I was suprised but I hugged her back. Hayden was smiling.


'I'm Libby, and I'm Hayden's freind


"Hey Libby, I'm Rylan and I'm Hayden's younger sister"


"Nice meeting you libby."


Then I left to my room. I took my clothes off and went to the shower. As soon as the water was on I started sobbing. I'm so broken. So tired. I was happy for Hayden but scared that he would choose Libby and leave me all by myself. That made the tears stream faster down my face. After my showe, I look in the mirror. I'm not the same. I look and feel so ugly. So empty. So worthless. I ignore mysef and put my pjs on and jump to bed. I get the same nightmare.


The next morning I woke up early so I could go for a run. I put my workout clothes on and head out. I turn my music and run. I run and run and run and run until I can't feel anything. I'm numb. Its a great feeling when your in so much pain. 


I get home and take a shower. After showering I go back to te mirror. I look at myself and notice the other scars on my thighs on stomach tht were from the accident. I got dressed, skiped dinner, and went to bed. 


"Mom! Dad!" Where are you when I need you?! I woke up gasping and crying. I looked at my phone it was only 5. I wore my jogging clothes and went outside. As I went outside I looked and saw Dustin coming out of the

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