» Romance » Crazy Young Love, Kennedy Armstrong [best novels ever .TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy Young Love, Kennedy Armstrong [best novels ever .TXT] 📗». Author Kennedy Armstrong

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Chapter 1

"What!", I scream in my mothers face shocked at the news that hit me in my face.

"I said Ryder is coming back to town today", my mom says again. "He and his mother are coming to dinner with us tonight", she added.

"What!", I scream again louder than the first time. "I'm not eating dinner tonight if he's going to be here, I would rather starve up in my room", I say crossing my arms and holding my head up.

"Stop being a drama queen Starlett, you will be attending this dinner whether you like it or not". With that my mother walked away.

Ryder Caldwell, his name just makes me want to kill myself. He had to go to military school about two years ago because of his behavior. Back then I was very chubby, so I got bullied a little. Ryder was one of the bullies, he was the meanest. When he left off to military school a big weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

I walk to my room and grab my backpack and walk to my car outside. I hopped into my car and started my engine and pulled out of my driveway. Once I get to the school I walk to the cafeteria where I know Jaime, Liz, and Easton are eating breakfast. My little group of friends are all different. Liz is rebellious or 'misunderstood' as she says. Easton is in with the populars, only cause of his looks. Jaime, she's the one in the middle of both of them, and me, well apparently I'm the werid one who isn't popular nor rebellious.

"Hey guys", I huff saying as I sit next to Eastin and across from Liz and Jaime.

"Wow, you look hot today", Easton says to me winking. I felt my face grow hot and I blushed a little.

"No I don't shutup." I hit his arm still blushing. I know my face is super red right now . Easton is a big flirt, whenever he says things like that to me I blush, I guess it's just a weird reflex of mine.

"So, did ya'll here about Ryder Caldwell coming back to town today", Liz says to all of us.

"Oh my gosh, yes I heard!", Jaime squeals looking like she just got a chocolate bar bigger than the world. This day is not an exiting day for me at all, but I guess him coming back is great for everyone else.

"Him coming back isn't that exiting", I say interrupting Jaime's loud squealing.

"He's hot, so it's an awesome thing he's coming back", Liz says high-fiving Jaime. None of my friends know about the bully situation with Ryder, and I really don't want them to find out. Minutes later the bell sounds for classes to start. Jaime and Easton walk one way and me and Liz walk the other.

"So, the reason you don't like Ryder is...", she asks I guess out of curiosity.

"No reason", I say splitting up with her to go into my class, and also to avoid the question.


When I arrive home after school I sit on my living room couch turning on the TV. I then here the front door open, then close.

"Starlett!", I hear the sound of my mom calling me from the foyer. I get up and walk to her. I see that she has grocery bags in her hands. "Go get ready for the dinner, they're on their way over". I make a stink face and do as my mom says.

I walk to my room and change into a fancier shirt to match my blue jeans. Then I put on some matching flats. I then walk down the hall to my bathroom and brush my hair into a pony tail. My hair is down to my waist, so I wear it up a lot. I then put on some mascara and lip gloss.

"Starlett!". My mom yells my name from the kitchen. She yells my name so much it's rediculous.

"Coming!", I yell back.

Now that I'm finished getting ready I walk back down the hall where I begin smelling food being cooked by my mom. When I get to the foyer the doorbell rings. My heart begins pounding from how scared I am to see Ryder, it's been like two years and the last time I saw him he constantly talked about me. My mom shuffles quickly past me and opens the door.

"Amanda, Ryder, it's so nice to see you", my mom says hugging them both as they walk through the door. I haven't even looked at them yet, I don't want to see Ryder. He's probably just ready to make fun of me already.

"It's nice to see you to Stacy, it's been a while". Mrs. Caldwell says to my mother. "Starlett, is that you. Your so tiny and skinny", she says to me. I slowly turn my head around to see her waiting for me to hug her. I smile and hug her. As I hug her I see Ryder standing behind her looking at me. I quickly look away from him.

"You have become a beautiful young lady", she says pulling away from the hug. "Oh Stacy, we have so much to catch up on about each other", Mrs. Caldwell says to my mother happily.

"Yes we do. Starlett, why don't you and Ryder go to your room until the food gets ready", my mom says walking out of the foyer into the living room with Mrs. Caldwell. I roll my eyes and walk down the hall to my room. Once Ryder comes through the door I close it and stand there while Ryder sits on my bed. Right now my wall is the most interesting thing to me.

"Starlett". I hear Ryder say my name. What does he want to say to me.

"What", I say with a little edge to my voice. I didn't intend on sounding mean, it just came out that way. Still I haven't looked at him.

"Whoa, you seem happy to see me", he says. I turn my head and finally look at him. Hot Hot Hot

"You alright, you look like you just seen a ghost", he says smirking so very sexily at me. No Scarlett, don't think about his sexiness.

"I'm fine", I squeal at him. He gives me a weird look then his smirk reappears onto his perfect face. We sit in an awkward silence, well it's awkward for me at least.










Chapter 2

"You've lost a lot of weight since last time I saw you", he says standing up and walking up to me.

"Yeah, and", I say crossing my arms and not looking at him. He's probably about to say something about my hair, or my clothes, I just know it's going to be something mean.

"You got hot over these two years", he says with his deep sexy voice. I quickly turn my head and look at him. I squint my eyes at him angrily.

"That's not funny, I might not be the prettiest girl around but you don't have to joke about it". He just makes me want to jump out of the window that's behind him.

"Yeah, I might be joking, but then I might not", he says showing off his smirk again. "So, did you miss me while I was gone Kitten". Kitten, Kitten, is that supposed to mean something bad.

"First of all, my name is Starlett not 'Kitten', and second no I didn't miss you, I didn't even think about you while you were gone", I say smiling. 1 point for Starlett.


"Really now". He walked up to me as I backed away up against my bedroom door. He put both his hands on each side of my hips and held me there tightly as I tried my best to get out of his hold, nothing I did worked because I'm so small and weak compared to his two years work of a military body. He started lightly kissing my neck, I closed my eyes from his soft touch. Then he stopped after a minute or two and I opened my eyes.

"You'll be thinking about me now Kitten", he says smirking and removing his hands from my hips. And 300 Points for Ryder.

"Your a jerk, you know that". I hit his arm, but my tiny hands don't hurt him. God why, why couldn't you have made me strong just to hurt this boy.

There was a small knock on my door, I quickly got off of it and opened it to see Mrs. Caldwell.

"Sorry to disturb you, the food is finished so you both can come out now", she says giving off her best smile. Why can't Ryder be more nice like his mother. Both me and Ryder follow his mom to the living room and into the dining room of my house. We all sit down at the table and begin fixing our plates that are in front of us.

"So Starlett, how has school been. Your mom tells me your a sophmore at the Tilldale High School", Mrs. Caldwell says before putting a fork full of spaghetti in her mouth.

"Schools been good I guess", I say giving a fake smile towards her. My smile quickly fades when I feel Ryder kick my leg from under the table. Why did he have to sit across from me.

"So, is Ryder starting at Tilldale High tomorrow", my moms asks Mrs. Caldwell.

"Yes he is, he will be a Junior. We went up there this afternoon and got his schedule ready, he just has to get it tomorrow at school".

Again Ryder kicks me. Wow, jerks must like to kick. I give him my most intense look, which only made him kick me again. So I kicked him back, but harder. Then he kicked me again, and I kicked him. It just kept going and going, and I guess both our parents noticed something was going on because Ryder's mom was staring at him seriously and my mom was staring at me seriously. Typical Mothers.

"I just thought of an idea", my mom says still staring at me as I looked at my plate. "Starlett could show Ryder around school tomorrow", she says smiling.

"No!", I yell. "I mean, I-I-I- I'm going to be doing other stuff", I say looking at my mom with a fake smile on my face so Mrs. Caldwell doesn't notice that I truly hate her son with a passion.

"Cancel what your doing, he's going to be new and he needs a friend to show him around". When she said friend she made me want to bust out in the loudest laugh ever.

I don't even say anything back to my mom. I look across from me to see Ryder smirking. That idiot.


Once the dinner ended me and my mother cleaned the kitchen together and got ready to go to bed for work and school tomorrow morning.

I walked into my bedroom and changed into a tank top and some loose spongebob pajama pants. When I laid in bed I traced back to everything that happened tonight. I remembered Ryder kissing my neck softly, now I can't get it out of my head. He wasn't joking when he said I

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