» Romance » Surreal, Kennedy Armstrong [ap literature book list .txt] 📗

Book online «Surreal, Kennedy Armstrong [ap literature book list .txt] 📗». Author Kennedy Armstrong

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Chapter 1

"Talia, I need you to go grocery shopping for me", my mom says to me standing at my door. She always makes me go shopping for her and dad. Ever since I got my drivers license they make me do everything for them.

"Ugh, I'll leave in five minutes", I say to her getting out of my relaxing position and off of my bed. She closed my door behind her and I walked to my closet to change into public appropriate clothes. I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a gray turtleneck, after I put that on I put a dark blue jacket on over it and buttoned it up. I slipped on some gray boots and walked into m bathroom.  I put on a thick layer of black eyeliner and then some mascara and finished off with some lip gloss. I brushed my brown hair and let it hang loose. 

"Ok mom, dad. I'm leaving now". I walked out the front door and saw white snow everywhere. I got into my car and drove to the store.

Once I got to the store I parked my car in the parking lot and walked into the store. I saw that it was very crowded in here. I grab a cart and walk towards the bread aisle. When I turn the corner to the aisle I see two guys talking quietly  in the middle of the aisle. They both look at me and walk away, one of them dropped something. I ran over to it and picked up a necklace, it was plain with a crystal hanging from the bottom of it. I ran after them but they were gone already. I turned around looking at the necklace while walking back to my cart. I put the necklace in my pocket. I look up and I see a guy looking at me. My eyes instantly widen, he looks... perfect. It's like he's glowing. I keep walking towards my cart where he's standing. 

"Excuse me, your standing in front of my cart". He just looks at me intently. Do I have something on my face or something I think to myself. I wipe my face off with my hands.

"You don't have anything on your face", he says smirking at me. His voice is so deep it make me melt when I hear it. 

"O-Oh". He gives me one last look and turns around and walks away. I let out a big sigh, I felt like I was holding my breathe. I grabbed my cart and kept shopping for the groceries.

An hour later I was home and the groceries were unpacked. I ran upstairs to my room and took the necklace out of my pocket. I felt hypnotized by it. It was just so beautiful. I put it around my neck. I walked to my window and looked outside, there was still snow everywhere and I saw Christmas lights everywhere. I heard the door bell ring downstairs to see who it was.

"Have you seen a crystal necklace somewhere", the man said to my mothers face. How'd he know it was here. I got the necklace and hid it under my shirt. I thought about giving it to him but I couldn't give it up.

"No, we haven't seen any necklace". My mom told him, he looked at me and then thanked my mother. My mom looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. 


Chapter 2

The next day I wake up to the smell of bacon and the nerve wrecking sound of my rooster alarm on my cell phone. I quickly grab the phone and dismiss my alarm. I get out of my bed and walk to my en-suite to get a quick shower. Once I finished  my hot shower I walk to my  closet wearing only my bra and panties. It's the first day back to school from Christmas break and I want to dress nice.

"Eww"! I hear coming from my bedroom door. Jeffry was making a face and pointing his finger at me.

"Jeffrey, Out!", I yelled throwing a hanger at him. He quickly dodged the hanger and slammed my door shut as he ran out.

I turned back to my closet and pulled out a dark blue sweater dress with some black leggings and black boots. Once I finished getting dressed I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. 

"Hey, mom are you cooking", I say walking into the kitchen to see her putting pancakes on a big plate. 

"Yes, I figured I should cook before I head off to work". My mom is a kindergarten school teacher. She loves kids and teaching them. I walked up to the plate of pancakes with my own plate and took two of them, then I grabbed a piece of bacon and sat at the table.

"I heard that were going to have some new neighbors moving next door to us today", my mom said bring up a conversation.

"I really hate that house next door, I can't look out my window without seeing the inside of one of those windows because it's so close", I say to her while chewing on my pancakes. But seriously, the window is right there by my window.

"Oh honey it'll be fine, you have curtains on that window the person in that room won't see you". She doesn't understand, I hear everything that goes on in that room. The last people that lived there had a whore for a daughter so I heard something every weekend her parents weren't home. It was bad.

"Well, I'm heading off to work". My mom kissed my forehead then grabbed her work bag and headed out the door with Jeffrey. Once I finished my breakfast I placed my dish in the sink and headed to school. I walked to school because it was so close.

Once I got to the school I met up with my friend Ryan and we headed towards my locker.

"So, I saw a hottie today. He had the biggest green eyes ever, and a nice ass", Ryan said in a girly tone. I just love Ryan. He might be gay but he's awesome.

"Ryan, you are addicted to men, you know that", I say stopping in front of my locker and putting in the code so I could get my books for my first class. 

"Girl, you know it", he said smiling and snapping his fingers. I grabbed my Chemistry book and a folded paper fell out on the floor. I picked it up and opened it while Ryan talked to the girl next to us. I saw a picture of myself sleeping in my room, it had all the wall decorations and everything on it. I saw that the was a little note down at the bottom. I know you have the necklace, give it back or you will regret it. I then looked down at the necklace that was around my neck I took it off and put it in my locker. I was just shocked that a stranger knew what my room looked like. After that me and Ryan split and both went to our classes, my first class was Chemistry so that's where I went. Me and Ryan went our seperate ways to get to class.


When I walked in the class I saw my seat in the front of the classroom, I quietly walked to my seat and sat down. More students began to rush into the classroom before the bell rang. I suddenly felt the urge to to look at the back of the classroom. I slowly turned my head and saw the last person I'd expect to see. The guy from the grocery store sat in his seat so perfectly. I felt like I was dying just by looking at him. I noticed that he was staring back. I saw that he had dark brown eyes and I felt as if I could see my reflection in them. I gave him a small greeting smile and he sent one back. I heard the bell sound and I turned back to the front of the classroom, even though I didn't want to, so I could listen to the teacher give us our assignment. 

"Students, I want you all to find a new partner, someone you don't know, and get to know eachother. Now I know what you all are thinking, this has nothing to do with Chemistry, but I want you all to know each other before you do anything together. So, go". Mr. Fields sat back down at his desk as everyone got out of their seats to find new partners. I stood up waiting on someone to come and choose me as their partner. I felt a tap on my shouilder and turned around, it was the guy from the back of the classroom.

"Do you want to be partners", he asked me. His voice was so deep it gave me goosebumps.

"Sure". I answered his question quietly but loud enough for him to hear it. W walked to lab table and sat down next  each other.

"So, tell me something about you", he said once again giving me goosebumps because of his sexy voice.

"What do you want to know"?, I asked looking at him trying not to fall out of my chair.

"Well, what's your name".

"Talia Olivia Bank", I said. I have no idea why I gave him my whole name. "What about you, whats your name", I asked curiously.

"Caleb", he said rubbing his hands in his hair. 

"What's some stuff you like", he said looking me right in the eyes and I looked back into his.

"Well, my favorite color is yellow, and I like to eat chicken salads...". I went on and on about myself and I could tell he was listening to every word I was saying. "What about you, what kind of suff do you like", I asked feeling weird about talking so much about myself.

"Well, I like pretty girl who like the color yellow and eat cgicken salad", he said with a straight look on his face that qickly turned into a cute smirk. My cheeks heated up as I blushed at what he said. The bell rang for our next class, class went by so fast today. 

============================================================  When I got home from school I went sraight to my room and started on my homework. No one was home but me, my mom and brother must've went somewhere after my mom picked up my brother. The desk in my room was right in front of my window, so when I saw movement from the window right next to mine I immediately looked up. Before I could see the face of the person I felt a hand over my mouth pulling me back out of my chair. The person pushed me up against the wall forcefully and my back began to hurt. 

"Where's my necklace", the man asked me. He was tall and was wearing a suit, he had dark hair and his eyes were black, even the part that was supposed to be white were black to. 

I couldn't say anything because of how frightened I was. He grabbed me and then pushed me up

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