» Romance » Where'd they go, Danielle Calamanco [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Where'd they go, Danielle Calamanco [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Danielle Calamanco

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Where’d they go?
Chapter 1: The problem
Sara walked down the white halls of Georgetown High School. She had gotten an urgent message from the office saying that her mother was here to pick her up early. She wondered what was so bad that she had to leave so early in the day.
When Sara got to the office her mom and Mrs. Tot, the secretary, were talking secretly, but once she walked into the organized room they stopped talking and her scared-looking mom frantically grabbed her arm and said “Sweetie, we need to go…now.”
“Mom where are we going?” said Sara as she is being tugged away from her school building.
“I’ll tell you in the car, they may be listening.”
“Who might be listening? Mom what’s going on??” says Sara a little freaked out.
Once they get into the dark blue car her mom turns the car on and whispers “I’m in a little bit of trouble right now Sara.”
“What did you do?”
“It’s not my fau...” before her mom could finish something hits the car really hard and flips them and the car completely over.
“Mom!” Sara yells. Her head is pounding and it feels like her heart is in her head.
She looks over and sees that her mother is sitting upside down and has blood gushing out of her head. Sara panics a little. “MOM!!” she says again. She unbuckles herself and gently, but frantically crawls over to her mom she checks her pulse and it is faint and slowly slowing down. She keeps her hand on her mother’s neck and feels the pulse until it isn’t there no more.
Sara starts to cry her mother was dead now and she doesn’t even know a thing that is going on.
Sara slowly gets out of the damaged car and onto the school parking lot. She looks around to see all the cars there and they were surprisingly undamaged. She turns around to look at her mom’s car that she was just in and it, too, was perfectly fine. It was like she was never in it and that it was never upside down. She looked inside to see her mother still dead and still bleeding, but there was no broken glass, no blood stains, and no scratches.
Sara ran inside to make sure everyone in the building was safe. She ran into the first couple of classrooms and there were no loud students or boring teachers there. So she went to the other classrooms and there, also, was no one there. She ran into the principal’s office to ask Mrs. Tot where everyone went and she or Mr. Gynther weren’t there.
She walked slowly outside of the office and stood in the hall. Where did everyone go? Sara says in her head. She stands in the halls of her empty school that was before filled with loud and obnoxious kids five minutes ago and is now completely empty like a ghost town.
As she walks down the halls she sees a boy. He stands there in all black. He has black hair and his eyes are bright blue. His face is a little scruffy and has a bit of a five o’ clock shadow showing. His hair is long and wavy but not too long, but the cute short so when his bangs were in the way he could just flip his head and they’d move.
Sara walked down the hall slowly, tiptoeing. Once she is ten feet away from the boy she stops and just stands there.
“There all gone,” the boy says.
“Where’d they go? I never saw anyone leave the school and all their cars are still here.” She says nervously.
“Let’s just say there in a sort of safe place,” he says with a slight grin on his face.
“My mom? Is she really…?”
“Dead? Yes she is gone. I don’t think she went to hell if she did I would’ve known.” He said with a little frown on his face.
Tears start to well up in Sara’s eyes her mom was truly gone. She couldn’t believe she was all alone.
Her father died when she was only a young girl. It was her and her mom for 13 years and now she was all by herself.
“So what are you doing here? If there all gone and it is just me then why you here?” she said sadly trying to be strong.
“Because I want to help you,”
“Help me? Why would you want to help me?”
“Because I have been watching you and I’m pretty sure you would want my help with what is coming to get you.”
“Coming to get me?” Sara says nervously.
“Your mom said that she was in trouble, did she not?” he said in scary way.
“Yea, wait. How’d you know about that, only my mom and I were there?” She said suspiously.
“I’m everywhere and right next to you and over here I’m in Africa and Asia. I am everyone.”
“So like God?”
“No, not exactly,”
“So are you the Devil?”
“Sort of,” he says a little sadly
“Then what are you? You’re not God and you’re not the Devil. Is there something in between?” she asks confused.
I’m a fallen angel,” he says as he takes off his black jacket and two huge black wings fly out.
Sara falls back a little bit even though she was ten feet away. She was taken aback that she was standing ten feet away from a fallen angel.
Her mom always said that there was such-a-thing but Sara always thought she was just saying that like how parents tell their kids that Santa and the Easter bunny were real.
Now, Sara felt bad that she always flipped out on her mom when she said that when she was a teenager and her mom was telling her that lie.
“Why would I want help from a fallen angel? Isn’t there a reason you’re a fallen angel? Don’t you have to do something bad to be fallen?” she says a little snotty.
I fell in love with a human…”
Chapter 2: The Truth

“You can become a fallen angel by falling in love with a human?” Sara asked confused.
“No, you can only become a fallen angel if you try to act on it,” he said shyly looking toward the ground.
“May I ask who you fell in love with,”
“No!!” he yelled loudly.
Sara jumped back scared of the sound of his voice. “Ok you don’t have to tell me but tell me this why do you want to help me?”
“Because I can’t see you getting hurt your part of the prophecy,”
“Aren’t prophecies like with people who have powers? I’m only human.”
“That’s why you need to be protected more than any other prophet, because you’re a human prophet,”
“Oh ok. Well can you tell me what’s going on? What kind of trouble was my mother in?”
“Your mother has been hiding from a mystical monster since before even you were born. She was in an army. Not one that you are thinking. It was more of a fantasy army. She and the army went to go conquer land everywhere but they were always being followed by the monster known as Gorlick. Her and her army decided to go hide but Gorlick found them. All the women ran but more than half had died. Your mother as you can figure was one of the survivors. But every 13 years he comes after those he hasn’t killed and their kids. And your mother had you so are meant to be killed.”
When Sara had heard that she is meant to be killed, her heart started to pound hard against her chest. She started to feel faint like she was going to fall. She stumbled into a locker and tried to hold herself up. But her legs felt like jelly and she fell to the ground. The fallen angel was by her side in a second.
He knelt down next to her and whispered while rubbing her back trying to calm her down. “Everything is going to be ok. I’m here to help.” The she blacked out.
When she woke up again she was laying in a bed she was in her p.js but she wasn’t at home. She was in a nice little room. The walls were made of wood like as if she was in a log cabin and the floor was made mahogany wood. She sat up in bed looking for a clock. She found one on the night stand next to the bed. It said 5:00, but she didn’t know if it was A.M. or P.M. so she set her feet gently on the ground and walked over to the window closest to her. She tore the shades away from each other and looked outside. She saw a beautiful beach with white sand and clear blue water. She could smell the wet sand and she can feel the sea breeze on her face.
She went to the dresser and opened all the draws until she found her clothes. She found a tight, white tank top along with dark blue short shorts. She passed by the closet of shoes and decided she didn’t want to wear shoes and let the sand go between her toes.
She headed out to the beach. She stood and stared at the clear blue water with the hot sand in between her toes. She let her hair fly in the wind.
Sara walked up to the water and picked up a sea shell. She looked at with astonishment. How can something so small be so beautiful?
From somewhere behind her someone said “Why do you think you’re so beautiful?”
She turned quickly behind her and saw the boy from the school.
“You think I’m beautiful?” she asked blushing slightly under her skin.
“Yea, my name is Jessie by the way, for me you are something so small yet you are so beautiful.”
“Oh, are there others that you think that about,” Sara asks questionably.
“Maybe,” Jessie says secretly.
Sara stretches out her arm toward Jessie and says “Come here,”
Jessie takes Sara’s hand and walks over to her. He stood right next to her still holding her hand.
“This is so beautiful,” Sara says quietly under her breath.
“Yeah it is,” Jessie says staring at Sara as she looks out into the sea.
“Where are we?”
“We’re in a remote island off of the Bahamas.”
“Wow, so were completely by ourselves?”
“Yea, well except God and the Devil are watching us, but humanly yes were by ourselves.”Jessie says jokingly.
They both laughed and looked into each other’s eyes.
He has such beautiful eyes. He has the face of an angel just darker to fit the role of a fallen angel. I just want to kiss him so badly. He said I’m beautiful maybe he wants to kiss me too. Sara says in her head.
She is so beautiful. Her hair is beautiful flowing in the wind. Free just like her. I want to kiss her so badly but she doesn’t know that she is the human that made me fall. She can’t know. I don’t want her to feel bad for me. It was my fault and I don’t regret it for a second. I’m going to kiss her, maybe not now, but soon. Jessie thinks in his head knowing she can’t read it yet.
“I’m going to get us some food. What would you like?” Jessie says as he

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