» Romance » Forever together, Stephanie Hutchinson [bill gates books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever together, Stephanie Hutchinson [bill gates books to read TXT] 📗». Author Stephanie Hutchinson

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I never giving much thought to how i would die until i meet this most insane boy who was different from every boy i every meet. It started after my mother remarried i didn't hate the guy or anything like that it’s just they wanted to take trips to different places so i decided to go live with my dad. On our way to the airport my mother kept trying to make me go with her but i told that my mind was set or was it.
I got to my plane it was a 2 hour plane ride from Florida to Washinton.Finally at the airport i got off i was so cold i wasn't ready for it so when i meet up with my dad I ran to find his car cause i was so cold. My dad could only laugh cause i was in shorts and a tanktop. Silly me right? Oh they way to his house it was qutie for a little.
"How did you get so tall Claire?" my dad peter asked on our way to his house
"It been what.....six years last time i saw you pet....i mean dad."
"Wow that long." he laughed a little but i knew it hurt when i said that.
There are 1,953,100 people here pulse me so i guess that’s now 1,953,101 people i wonder what this is going to be like. I hope this will be different from Florida were i had like 10 friends at most no guy friend and i never even had a boyfriend or my first kiss. I guess well see how things play out.
We were five blocks away from his...i mean our house my new house he told me that he has a something for me that i would like. When we pulled up there was a light red ford truck. “It’s all your Claire!! Billy said he didn't need it anymore and he said to give it to you so you can get to and from school and anywhere else you wanted to go." my dad said looking so happy when i jump into the front seat with a big smile on my face that i can't believe it.
"This is so great dad do u think i could have a couple of dollars to get new clothes and things for school and the keys?" i ask hoping he say yes then he handed me $150.00 and keys that had my name on the key ring and a cell phone.
"This is so you can call me if you get lost and when you start school and make new friends alright." he said looking at me making sure that i get everything right.
"Thanks dad I’ll be home soon alright." i said starting the truck.
I pull away and wave bye to my dad remembering were the mall is that’s two blocks away from my new high school i get new pants, shirts, a coat, backpack and everything I’m going to need for school. I'm just leaving the mall going to the truck and my phone goes off and it’s my dad. "Hello dad." i said just before it goes to voicemail.
"Claire you remember that restaurant that i use to take you to all the time." my dad says.
"Yes, is that were we are going to eat." i said in a confused way.
"Yes just for tonight unless you want to cook."
"Not tonight but tomorrow i would love to cook if that’s ok."
"If that’s want you want I’ll see you there ok."
"Ok then bye dad." i hang up before he gets to say bye when i get to my truck i put everything in the back and cover it up and get in the car to head to the restaurant. When i pull up my dad is outside waiting for me talking to Billy who is in a wheelchair and when i get out Billy son pops up behind me and scared me.
"I'm sorry i didn't mean to do that are you ok." Rafael says hugging me
"Yes, I'm fine. Billy thanks for the truck it’s the best." i said going up and hugging him.
"Oh it’s no problem Claire i don't use it much now i have Rafael to take me were i have to go and all so your dad here ask for it and i could say no when he said he's giving it to you but we should get going you to enjoy yourself." he said going to a black suv.
We head in and walk to the table we always sits at were quite as we sit and eat. We get into our cars and meet up at house but peter just heads upstairs and i go to my room and unpack and fall asleep.
The next day I’m woke up at 7:30 to get ready for school i get some milk and a granola bar and head of to school. When i get there everybody looking at me like if i have something on my shirt or face or even hair. As I’m walking the hall to the office i run into a guy.
"Oh sorry i wasn’t.....Wait are you the new girl.....Claire right." he said helping me up.
"Yea i guess i am the new girl now." i said get to my feet and picking up the rest of my things. "And you are?"
"Oh yea i forgot I’m Adam the eyes and ear of this school and right now your all people are talking about." he said picking up my last book.
"Oh no please don't.....I mean-." he cuts me off in the middle
"It’s ok no news. So where are you heading to Claire." he said taking my books from my hand.
"The main office to get my homeroom number, locker number and my classes." i said giving him my last book.
"Ok I’ll walk you it just down this hall and to your left." he said putting he's hand on my back pushing me along. I followed him to the office and when we walked in he went up to the first desk and got everything i need and walked me to me locker and everything.
"Well thanks for everything but i think i can get to where i have to go and all I’ll talk to you later i guess.” I said opening my locker and putting everything i don't need away.
"Ok sweetie I’ll meet you in the lunch room at 12:00 ok."
"Um......Will do Adam." I wave as he walked anyway.
I walked in to my math class with Adam after Spanish and we had this class together he had a seat to sit in and there was only one seat open of what i see next to the boy with hair that came to the end of his jaw it looked to perfect. Mr. miller walked to the seat, “Eli this is Claire she is new to our class i would like for you to get her up to date ok."
"Um....sure sir." Eli said looking at me and smiled.
It feels like this class goes on forever Eli doesn’t say a word to me and everything the teacher is Teaching things i already learned. Just as I’m about to say something the bell rings and Eli is already out the door. I ran up to him when i saw him talking to Adam when i come up to him Adam puts his hand around me, "Hey, Eli did you meet my girl Claire."
"Yes Adam she the girl i was talking about that’s in math class." He said and then started to walking away left Adam and run to him.
"Yo Eli what is your deal i didn't do anything to you and your acting like i wanted all this." i said letting go of his arm when he turns around.
"Your different from everyone i know i just need some time to get my head right." he said walking away.
I walked to the lunch table and sat next to Adam who again has he's arm around me i look around and i see Eli walking with four different people i lean into Adam, "who are the other people that Eli is sitting with i havent seen any of them yet."
"Oh that is Sean and he's girlfriend Lisa we call them the double lovers and that girl who is hanging over Eli is Danielle but he blocks her out cause she like someone say in love with him and he's not and the big tall one is Damien." Adam says getting up to throw his things away.
Next thing i know i have a tap on my shoulder and its Danielle, "Are you Claire the new girl." i nod not knowing what to say, "May i talk to you over there." she said walking away.
I walk up to her, "Yes did i do something wrong is thisnot in fashion." i said looking at my clothes.
"No i heard your trying to take my boyfriend Eli from me."
"No no no never i don't like Eli that way were in math class together and that’s the only class i had so far with him."
"Just remember he's mine and no one is going to replace that he's......Were different from everyone-." she get cut off by Eli.
"What’s going on here?" He said looking at me.
"Oh it’s nothing just telling her i like her shoes." Danielle said pointing at them. I saw Eli face he didnt believe her.
"Eli it was nothing really. Oh and Danielle i got them from payless." I said walking away but Eli just stops me in my tracks
"Ok Claire what class do you have next. We need to fix this." I go looking for my roster and my bag falls over and puts everything everywhere and Danielle just walks away and Eli start picking things up then he picked up my purple book. "Claire's song book. Claire do you write songs?"
I take the book away, "Yea but there not any good......So about the math? You still need to get me to date."
"When to you have study class."
"I have science then study class."
"Good I have study class the same time. Meet me in music class i always go there when i have study class." He said with a big smile
"Sure ok I’ll meet you there then." I gave him a smile back.
In science nothing happen again i knew what the teacher was talking about and the bad thing is i share a table with Danielle who can't stop talking about Eli but i didn't listen .When the bell rings I’m out the door going to the music room were Eli is standing outside, "Hello Eli so what are we going to do here."
He open the door tell me to go inside, "were going to play music let me see your book.” I open my bag and pulled out the book, "Good now close your eye pick a song." I closed my eyes and open to the middle i open my eyes.
"Meet eye to eye........I wrote this on the way here its not really that good."
"Ok let’s hear it."
"It’s not a solo it’s with two people."
"Ok well let’s sing it."
"You sure you don't like a singer."
"Yea not a lot of people know that i can sing."
"Well ok then u read every part in red I’m the blue."
"And the purple." he said point to the purple words.
"Oh that’s the both together."
"Ok well you start it off it looks like."
"Um.......yea sure.” I walk to the other side of the

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