» Romance » Loving Ali, Shånnon Marie [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Loving Ali, Shånnon Marie [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Shånnon Marie

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Chapter 1

I stepped inside the small cafe and breathed in the heavenly scent of brewing coffee.
"Mighty cold out tonight, ain't it?" smiled the man behind the counter. "Would you like me to take your coat?"
"Yes, please," I smiled back, and stomped the snow off of my boots.
"Can I get you anything?" he asked as he hung my coat on the rack.
"A cup of coffee would be great," I replied, and took a seat at a nearby table. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, momentarily allowing the heat of the cozy little place to transport me away from the brutal reality that is winter here in Seneca Falls, New York.
"Would you like any sugar or cream in this?" the man interrupted my reverie.
"Um, no, black is just fine, thank you."
He nodded, and left me to my own musings. As I waited for the drink to cool, I allowed my eyes to wander around the cafe's interior.
Two men sat at a table in the corner, each alternating between telling some tale and taking sips of beer while the other spoke. A prudish looking woman- resembling my childhood librarian- occupied the table next to them, typing furiously on her laptop and sniffing every few minutes.
I lifted my cup and blew some steam off the coffee and took a few tentative sips. When the drink didn't scald my throat, I gulped it down, and motioned for a refill.
Suddenly, a disheveled looking man plopped himself down in the chair next to me. "Hey there, darlin'," he grinned, breath reeking of alcohol.
"Get lost."
"Ah, come on, honey," he reached for me, making smoochy noises with his lips. "That shirt of yours would make such a lovely addition to the carpet in my bedroom. What do you say?"
"I say hell, no."
"I'd take my offer if I were you," he laughed, too drunk to take my no seriously. "It's an incredible one!"
"And yet, strangely, I find it extremely easy to refuse," I replied dryly. "Leave me alone."
"Hey, now, no need to get fresh with me," he frowned. "Just a little fun, that's all I'm looking for."
"If you want fun, go stick your head in a toilet," I said. "That would be pretty amusing."
"Now, that wasn't very nice!" he slurred, sounding pretty annoyed. "I'll have to teach you some manners!" He clumsily grabbed my arm and attempted to yank me towards him, but another hand clasped his wrist.
"That's enough of that," spoke a rich, baritone voice from behind me. I spun around to face my rescuer. He was a muscular man of about 30 or so, with a bronzed face, shining brown eyes, and a warm, tempting smile. In short, he was the type of man I thought existed only in fairy-tales.
"And what do you know about respecting women, eh, Romeo?" the drunken man's face flushed a deep red as he struggled to his feet. "You probably want the same thing outta her that I do!"
"Romeo" laughed. "The only partners I take on are willing ones, buddy. Now let me call you a taxi. It's not safe for you to be driving like this."
"I can call a taxi all by myself, pretty boy," the drunk stumbled off. "You'll have no better luck than I did, though!"
"My name's not really Romeo," the handsome man turned towards me. "My name's Ali. But I am pretty suave with the ladies, know what I mean?" he elbowed me.
Gorgeous or not, if this man thought he had any shot with me, he could think again. "Sorry, pal. I don't do one-night stands." I started to head towards the coat rack, but Ali cut me off.
"Easy there, Firecracker," he chuckled. "I don't go for the innocent and inexperienced ones , so you got nothing to fear from me. I like 'em bold and naughty. You don't strike me as a very wild woman, but I could be wrong." His eyelids lowered and his voice deepened. "Do you think you're bold?"
My cheeks burned, and I averted my gaze to the floor.
"That's what I thought," he grinned. "Do you need a ride?"
"No, I'll get a cab," I said, pushing past him and grabbing my coat. I slapped a $5 down on the counter, and headed for the door.
"Aw, don't be that way!" Ali followed after me. "I'll give you a lift. It's cheaper than cab fare," he held the door as I stepped back out into the freezing winds.
I sighed. "Fine, but only a ride. Don't you think for even a minute that I'm letting you inside."
"Not even for a glass of wine?" he led me to his car, a shiny, silver, brand-new Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 617. "I promise I won't make any advances on you."
"No," I replied firmly, stepping into the passenger side.
He slipped behind the wheel, and turned the ignition. "It's such a beautiful, snowy, Friday night! Don't you want to relax for a bit, celebrate the end of a week?"
"I don't need your help to relax," I said. " I don't do letting men into my house."
"Sounds like you don't do any

thing," Ali muttered under his breath. "Where to?"
"Just a few blocks that way," I pointed. "Over on Blender Avenue."
"So, you work?" he asked as we drove.
"Yes," I replied.
"Where at?"
"Geneva Medical Institute."
"Oh, are you a nurse?"
"No, doctor," I said.
"You're a doc?" he grinned. "Ooh la la! Not only beautiful, but smart, too!"
I couldn't help the smile that pulled at the corner of my mouth. "How about you?"
"I'm co-owner of the gym downtown," he responded. "Chicks dig a guy who works out."
"Oh, please," I rolled my eyes. "Men and their egos."
"Now, just what is that supposed to mean?" he pretended to pout.
"It means that all guys think they're bigger and better than everyone else," I taunted, finding myself at ease with his playful and infectious personality.
"Well, what if I am?" he retaliated.
"Are what?"
"Bigger and better?" he wiggled his eyebrows. "I'll have you know I'm pretty well endowed."
I groaned. "You're incorrigible!"
"I knew there was a word for it!" he grinned, and I laughed.
"Turn right here," I pointed, "and then go all the way down."
Ali glanced over at me. "Pretty nice house you got," he said. "Do you live all by yourself?"
"Well, Nora's here during the weekdays," I replied as I undid my seatbelt.
"Nora? You live with another-oh, sorry, Doc. Didn't realise you rolled that way," Ali gave a half-smile.
I laughed. "She's not my partner, you goof. She's my maid!"
"Oh!" he stuck out his tongue. "My bad."
I shook my head and smiled. "You're charming, I'll give you that much."
"Does that mean you'll let me in?" he flashed me a grin that belonged on Hollywood screens.
"All right," I sighed. "But just for a glass of wine!"
"Of course!" Ali did his best to look angelic. "What else would I want to do?"
I raised one eyebrow, and he laughed. "Don't worry, Doc. I told you, you ain't my type."
"Sure," I replied dryly. "Now hurry up, it's freezing out here!"

"You ever been married?" Ali stretched himself out slowly on the couch, his muscles rippling underneath his skin-tight black shirt.
"Nope," I said, pouring two glasses of wine any trying not to let it show how strongly his masculine body affected me.
"Why not?" he asked, propping himself up on one arm as he took the glass I offered him.
"Marriage and medicine don't mix," I shrugged, purposely taking a seat on the opposite side of the room.
"Chicken," Ali taunted, eyes glittering mischievously over the rim of his glass as he took a drink.
"Don't know what you're talking about," I smoothed my blouse.
"Yeah, you do. There's plenty of room on this couch for two, and you're sitting way over there."
"I'm not chicken," I sipped at my wine. "I'm also not stupid."
"There's nothing wrong with sitting close to me, you know," he put his glass down and stretched his arms out over his head. His eyes watched me, judging my reaction, knowing full well how tempting he was. "Come sit next to me. I don't bite."
"Yeah? Well, I do. So don't get too close."
He laughed. "Come on, Doc. I'll treat you right, I promise."
"Oh really?" I scoffed.
"Let me show you how well I treat women," his eyelids lowered, and his voice took on a sensual tone. "I'll bet you'd be surprised."
I gulped as shivers went down my spine, and I mentally scolded myself. I should have known better than to let him inside. I was completely alone with an absolutely gorgeous man who was well acquainted in the art of seduction. If I thought I could get through tonight unscathed, then I had some ocean front property in Arizona to sell myself.
"Come on," Ali's eyes swept up and down the length of my body, causing a pool of liquid fire to build between my legs. "You know you want to."
"Actually, no, I don't, so if you'll excuse me, I have to-"
"You ever been with a man, Doc? Like, really been with a man?"
"No, and I don't intend to start now," I hoped I was doing a better job of convincing him than I was convincing myself.
"Why are you so against a little passion?" He turned his neck first one way, and then the other.
"I don't even know you!" I said. "And you don't know me! You don't even know my name!"
"What is it?"
"Your name," Ali grinned. "What is it?"
"Oh. Claire," I answered.
"Nice to meet you Claire. Fuck me."
"Excuse me?" I shrieked, and rose to my feet.
"Claire, you know I want you. And I know you want me. So why are we arguing?"
"Because it's not going to happen!" I said, biting my lip. "I won't let it."
Ali sat up and rested his arms on his legs. "Tell you what, Doc. If you can come over here, look me in the eyes, and tell me you won't make love to me, I'll back off."
I stared at him, and he stared right back. "I thought I wasn't your type," I croaked in one last futile attempt to avoid the inevitable. "I thought you liked 'em wild."
"I could make you wild," an amused smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.
I began walking towards him, and he stood up to to met me. I had every intention to walk over to him, look him square in the eye, and tell him no, but somewhere along the way, my walls broke down. By the time I reached his side, I was consumed by a hunger the likes of which I'd never known, and I crashed into his arms, my lips eagerly seeking his.
His mouth came down over mine, and my knees gave way to the fire waves of desire sweeping throughout my body.
His strong arms held me up, and I pressed against him, wanting him in the worst way.
He lifted me up off the ground, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel the hard staff of his need in-between my legs, and it made my head spin. He kissed like a god, causing colours of brilliant light to explode all around me. The kisses grew more and more passionate, and I whimpered out of sheer ecstasy.
"Ali!" I gasped hoarsely, squirming in his arms against the ache growing in my lower abdomen.
"Where?" he asked,

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