» Romance » New Girl, Segura Shegura [books to read romance .TXT] 📗

Book online «New Girl, Segura Shegura [books to read romance .TXT] 📗». Author Segura Shegura

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Chapter One

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock on a sunny Monday morning. Today’s gonna be my first day as a freshman. I wasn’t sure if I was excited or not since not only would I be starting high school but also I wouldn’t know anybody. You think you would get used to it, I thought. It seems like I’ve moved every year since I was five and my father was still alive.

“Hun, you better get ready for school! If you want I can take you!”, mom yelled from downstairs. I put my soft “Awake me not” shirt over my head. The shirt was to big and reached mid-thigh but it was comfortable and one of my favorite shirts. I hopped down the stairs and gave mom a kiss on the cheek.

“Mmm, is that bacon, eggs, and hash browns?” I asked as she put some on a plate. “Yup, and this is for you.” She handed me a plate as I sat on one of the stools. As I began to eat she sat in the seat next to me. “So, are you excited about your first day of highschool?” she asked. “I’m not sure yet”, I said honestly. My mom and I are pretty close and tell each other everything. “Well I hope you have a good day nonetheless. Also am I gonna take you to school or are you going to walk?”

“Oh, I’m gonna walk.” I told her. She looked at the clock then said, “You might want to hurry then.” Looking at the clock I saw that I had thirty minutes until school started and it was a ten minute walk. I quickly finished my food and headed to my room. “Thanks Mom!”, I yelled. I heard her chuckle as I closed my bedroom door.What am going to wear? I thought as I looked at the clothes in my closet.

I had finally decided on a soft gray t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and some black vans. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed my hair but left its natural wave down to enjoy the breeze. When I was done with that I put on my locket with the picture of my mom, dad, and me as a five year old. On the other side was a more recent picture with me and mom. The locket is the last thing my dad gave to me and I never leave the house without it.

After getting ready I headed downstairs. As I headed down the stairs my mom walked by. Right after she passed me she backed up and slowly turned to my direction and said, “I like it.” I was about to ask what that meant when she said, “You better get going or your going to be late for your first day of school. I’ll bring you a lunch so be expecting it.” I looked at the time and saw that school would start in eleven minutes.

I ran to the door as I yelled, “Bye mom, love you and thanks”. After getting the house keys and locking the door behind me I began my walk to school. My first day of highschool.


I liked walking. The cool breeze helped clear my senses leaving me feeling alive. I was halfway through the walk when a blue jeep slowed down to my pace, right next to the sidewalk I was on. I looked over to see that the windows were rolled down, probably so the person in the car could enjoy the breeze. I almost tripped when I saw the person driving.

In the driver's seat was a guy probably sixteen or seventeen years old. He had dark brown hair cut in a way that perfectly framed his jawline, grey blue eyes, and he looked muscular. He’s gorgeous. Then I saw that he was wearing my schools jersey. Oh lovely a jock. I thought.

“Hey beautiful,” He said. After that I immediately snapped my attention back to his face. He had an amused expression. Great he probably thinks I was checking him out.

“Hi”, I say then turn and start walking to school again but this time faster. I don’t want to be late for the first day of school which is starting in about five minutes.

“Are you going to Cedar Falls?” he asked. I walked even faster almost jogging. “ I can take you the rest of the way if you want.”

“No thanks” I replied. You’d think he would get the hint.I had two minutes left to get to school when I looked over. The guy was just sitting there with his car keeping pace with me.UGH!!! I began to run to the school.

As we got to the drive-in for the school the jock said, “Wait here.” Ya, sure. I’ll totally do that. When he started heading to the school’s parking I took the chance and ran for the office.

The office was a lot better than the other schools I’ve been to. Then again this is probably the nicest place I’ve lived. I headed to the receptionist desk where a lady was sitting. As I was walking over she ended a phone call and looked at me.

“You must be Miss Annabella Rosy, the only new kid we have this year. My names Mrs. Patel.” She says with a smile. Even the receptionist is nice...

“Yes, that’s me. I was hoping to get my schedule.” Right as the bell started ringing signaling the start of class she handed me my schedule when the door was slammed open. I turned around to see the jock from earlier.

“If she needs someone to show her around I can do it!” Me and Mrs. Patel look at each other when I start to shake my head. To my horror she smiles then tells the guy that, that would be wonderful.


Chapter Two


After thanking Mrs. Patel I look at my schedule relieved to find a map on the back. I quickly step out of the front office to try to find my class while Mr. Jock is occupied talking to the receptionist.

 Before I can turn a corner I hear the guy say, “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Hearing this I start running to my class glancing at the map to make sure I’m going the right way. Then right when I’m about to round the last corner I get tackled. Great way to start the school year I think when I feel myself getting pulled up.

I turn around preparing to give this guy a piece of my mind when he says, “I’m Jake. You might want this.” Looking down, I see that he’s holding out a late pass. Before I can take it he hides it behind his back.

“I need that”, I growl getting more pissed off. First he starts following me, then he tackles me, and now he won’t give me the damn late pass.

“First I want to know your name.” Ya right. I glare at him but then notice that he has another pass sticking out of his front pocket. Before he can react I snatch his pass and run into class.

   I quickly hand my pass to the teacher and then sit in the back of the room. Before I can catch my breath Jake walks in. He hands his pass to the teacher and starts heading my way. I look around me to see if there are any empty seats and to my horror there’s just one left, right behind me.

He sits down before leaning forward and whispering, “Well beautiful, I guess we have the same class.”

Before I have the chance to give this Jake guy a piece of my mind I get interupted by the teacher. “Hello class, my name is Drake Ryan but you guys will address me as Mr. Ryan. I will try to learn all of your names as quickly as possible so for these first few weeks when I call your name raise your hand and say here. If there is a name you would prefer then say so.”

 As he started calling names I realized that this meant that Mr. Jock would get the satisfaction of knowing my name. I  put my head down thinking of ways to escape this. Maybe when I get called I can just ignore it. Then again I don't want to get counted as late. “Annabella Rosy” Reluctantly I raised my hand and said here.

“Rosy”. I could tell who it was so I ignored him. “Rosy.” He kept this up a few times while I tried to concentrate on what the teacher was saying. The teacher had just finished saying what was expected classroom behavior when I yelped in surprise.

Everyone was looking at me when my face started to blush out of embarrassment and anger. “What happened Ms.?”, asked Mr. Ryan.

“It’s Annabella and this guy won’t stop pestering me, since I didnt reply he pinched me!” Mr. Drake looked at both of us before telling Mr.Jock to make sure it didn’t happen again. I turned around to look at him and said, “Leave me alone, or else.” Jake smiled probably enjoying that I had gotten pissed off.

I went though the torture of going through the rest of the hour with the teacher talking about all the things we’re  gonna learn. Throughout the whole class I could feel eyes on the back of my head so as soon as the bell rang and we were dismissed I was the first out.

Chapter Three


Jake’s View

When I woke up this morning I thought this was gonna be another boring year with the same people, seeing as we don’t usually get new students… I was wrong.

I was driving towards school when I saw a girl about my age walking on the sidewalk. Intrigued as I was I couldn't help but drive alongside her, she had wavy brown hair that reached just below her shoulder blades, tan skin, and a curvy body. As she turned to look at me I saw something that almost made me stop breathing, she was beautiful, especially with her hazel eyes that seemed to draw you in. Quickly recovering I found that I hadn’t been the only one checking the view.

“Hey Beautiful”, the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. I don’t know what came over me seeing as I usually didn’t speak that way. I

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