» Romance » Just one Midnight, Neru Akita [top novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Just one Midnight, Neru Akita [top novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Neru Akita

Chapter 1

Starting a new school in a few hours will be kinda ..... scary.

As i was walking to the school bus, I saw my best friend Heisui.

'Akii over here!' Heisui said waving to me , and I did.

Heisui has been my childhood friend , we met in school when he saw me eating alone outside and came running towards me. He's always so ernergetic and cheerfull, and that is what I like about him.

'Aki are you ready for the first day for school?' he asked smiling brightly in the morning ....

" No, not really that excited entering a school.." 

" you're always so gloomy,try to act at least try to look happy!" Grabbing both my cheeks and squishing them like always, but I don't really mind, he's always trying to make me smile and it always works.

as the bus comes I pick a seat and along comes Heisui sitting beside the seat next to me.


As soon as we got to school, me and Heisui parted ways, he went to his class and I went to mine.

I sat in the way back so nobody would notice me nor bother me.

Just then the teacher came and introduce herself and one by one everybody did too.

I personly don't like the idea of introducing ourself but what can I do about it.

Then it was my turn but I could't say what I wanted to say , my face started to get really red and tears were about to come out of my face.

Oh no, this is really bad for my first day,so I i did was just say my name quick and quite . 

I hate myself for being so shy...why can't I  be normal like everybody else ?

Chapter 2

 It was soon lunch break, one of my worst times of being a loner was not having enough friends to see where they're sitting so I could sit with them. I only have 3 friends which are Heisui, Mikan and Ame.


Publication Date: 10-15-2016

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