» Romance » Eric, Jody Kaye [well read books TXT] 📗

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Welcome to the Family

Title Page Copyright Reading Order Who's Who at Kingsbrier Dedication Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Epilogue Sneak Peek - BRIER Author Notes Also by Jody Kaye About the Author Newsletter Social Media Guide Contents

Eric, The Kingsbrier Quintuplets #1

2nd Edition ©2020 Jody Kaye

1st Edition ©2016 Jody Kaye

All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the consent of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a creation of the Author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, establishments, events or locales is coincidental. Except the original material written by the Author, all books, songs, and product references are the property of the copyright holders.

This book contains adult language and scenes. It is not recommended for readers under 18 years of age.

Cover Design Jody Kaye


The Kingsbrier Quintuplets





Miss Cavanaugh






Who’s Who at Kingsbrier


**This list was compiled and included in this book by fan request. It may contain spoilers. Click here to go to Chapter 1.**

View the Family Tree

Adam Kingsbrier Cavanaugh — Quint #1. Oldest son of Ross & Rose. Married to Temple. Father of Gracyn and Rhiannon. Secretly quit medical school and worked for the government. Currently works for Walsh Security.

Alan Adair — Divorced from Diana. Ginny’s stepfather. Keely’s father.

Alcee Bennett — Married to Contessa. Father of Journey. Executive at Kingsbrier’s winery. Adam’s high school friend.

Benita — Kingsbrier’s cook & housekeeper when Rose was a child.

Brier Rose (Cavanaugh) Newhouse — Quint #2. Oldest daughter of Ross & Rose. Married to Drew. Mother of Lily, Roseanne, Dash, and Gatlin. Former Sheriff’s Deputy. Founded charity for underprivileged children with Colette.

Capote — Dash’s cat.

Cassidy Cavanaugh — Younger daughter of Colton & Keely. Half sister to Gracyn.

Chip — Dash and Kat’s boss.

Colton Cavanaugh — Quint #5 (identical twin to Eric) Youngest son of Ross & Rose. Married to Keely. Stepfather of Gracyn. Father of Cassidy. Former Navy. Runs the commercial side of Cavanaugh Construction.

Colette (Strand/Newhouse) Walsh — Married to Devon. Mother of Cadence. Lily Anne & Rodger’s adopted daughter. Drew’s younger sister. A model. Founded charity for underprivileged children with Brier.

Corey Cavanaugh — Eric & Ginny’s son. Older brother of Cricket.

Cricket Cavanaugh — Eric & Ginny’s daughter. Younger sister of Corey Cavanaugh.

Cris Sanchez — Married to Daveigh. Father of Mateo and Cruz Sanchez. Former musician turned songwriter. Part owner of Kingsbrier’s Winery and the Ranch & Vineyard Manager.

Cruz Sanchez — Second son of Cris & Daveigh. Mateo’s younger brother.

Dash Newhouse — Drew & Brier ’s older son. Brother of Lily, Roseanne, and Gatlin. Dash is featured in Going Down.

Daveigh “Davy” Joy (Cavanaugh) Sanchez — Quint #4. Younger daughter of Ross & Rose. Married to Cris. Stepmother of Mateo. Mother of Cruz. Veterinarian.

Diana Adair — Ginny’s mother. Keely’s stepmother. A librarian.

Devon Walsh — Married to Colette. Father of Cadence. Phoebe’s younger brother. Head of IT at Walsh Security. Works with Adam Cavanaugh.

“Drew” Andrew Newhouse — Married to Brier. Father of Lily, Roseanne, Dash, and Gatlin. Lily Anne & Rodger’s son. Colette’s older brother. Former professional football player. Adam Cavanaugh’s childhood best friend. Raised alongside the quints.

Eric Cavanaugh — Quint #3 (identical twin to Colton). Middle son of Ross & Rose. Married to Ginny. Father of Corey and Cricket. Runs the residential side of Cavanaugh Construction.

Eric Kingsbrier — Married to “Miss Joy” Kingsbrier. Rose’s father.

Gatlin Newhouse — Drew & Brier ’s younger son. Brother of Lily, Roseanne, and Dash.

Ginny (Adair) Cavanaugh — Married to Eric Cavanaugh. Mother of Corey and Cricket. Daughter of Diana. Stepsister of Keely. Designer at Cavanaugh Construction.

Gracyn Adair/Cavanaugh — Adam & Keely’s daughter. Colton’s stepdaughter. Half sister to Cassidy and Rhiannon.

Gwen — Dash & Kat’s ski resort coworker.

Jai Sethi — Father of Kat. A Boston-based surgeon.

Joe — Sheriff’s Deputy who attended the Academy with Brier.

Journey Bennett — Alcee & Tessa’s daughter.

“Miss Joy” Kingsbrier — Married to Eric Kingsbrier. Rose’s mother.

“Kat” Katahdyn Sethi — Daughter of Jai. Dash’s girlfriend. A ski patrol medic.

Keely (Adair) Cavanaugh — Married to Colton. Mother of Gracyn and Cassidy. Ginny’s stepsister. Alan’s daughter. Diana’s stepdaughter. A physical therapist.

Lacey Tompkins — Brier’s frenemy. A flight attendant.

Lily Newhouse — The older of Drew & Brier’s twin daughters. Sister to Roseanne, Dash, and Gatlin.

Lily Anne (Andrew) Newhouse — Married to Rodger. Drew and Colette’s mother. Rose’s life-long friend.

Liz Sanchez — Cris Sanchez’s first wife. Mother of Mateo.

Mateo Sanchez — Cris’s son. Daveigh’s stepson. Cruz’s older brother.

Monroe Walsh — Devon and Phoebe’s stepmother.

Phoebe Walsh — Devon’s older sister. CEO of Walsh Security.

Rhiannon Cavanaugh — Younger daughter of Adam & Temple. Half sister to Gracyn.

Rodger Newhouse — Married to Lily Anne . Rose’s distant cousin. Drew and Colette’s father.

Rose Kingsbrier-Cavanaugh — Married to Ross. Mother of Adam, Brier, Eric, Daveigh, and Colton. A former wild-child. Headed Kingsbrier Holding company.

Roseanne Newhouse — The younger of Drew & Brier’s twin daughters. Sister to Lily, Dash, and Gatlin.

Ross Cavanaugh — Married to Rose. Father of Adam, Brier, Eric, Daveigh, and Colton. Owns Cavanaugh Construction & Kingsbrier Wineries.

“Tessa” Contessa (D’Amico) Bennett — Married to Alcee. Mother of Journey Bennett. Temple’s younger sister. Adam’s high school lab partner.

Temple (D’Amico) Cavanaugh — Married to Adam. Stepmother of Gracyn. Mother of Rhiannon Tessa Bennett’s older sister. A doctor.

“Miss Thandie” — Rose’s executive assistant at Kingsbrier Holding company.

For my mom





Around town, they call us the Kingsbrier Quintuplets. On the technical side, we’re not Kingsbriers. Our daddy, Ross, married the incorrigible Miss Rose Kingsbrier six years before we were born. It’s only because we live on the plot of land that holds our momma’s family name that we’re not referred to as the Cavanaugh Quintuplets. Though, each of the five of us has had it pounded into our heads to answer to either name when it’s called.

Daddy doesn’t care one iota his progeny are better known by his wife’s maiden name. I figure he’s damn proud they don’t call us anything worse—especially me since I have a knack for getting into scuffles at school and on the football field, back alleys, and I’ve thrown down in pasture or two. Lately, he’s been nostalgic, remarking about the no-nonsense way Momma managed to raise five babies and giving all the credit to her.

Even I’m aware of when to mind my manners in public, and I’m smart enough to know Momma couldn’t have done it on her own. It’s not easy keeping five kites flying at once. Hold the string too tight and it flounders. Give the line too much slack and you never know where you’ll be chasing off to trying to find it or what tree you’ll climb to get the kite back unscathed. I’d like to see any other parents manage as well as mine did. We haven’t made it easy on them.

Kingsbrier, the property, is a sprawling Texas ranch. The house is low on the horizon, cut into a rolling hill, so it looks to only be one story. Wide wings of bedrooms flank either side of the Tudor home my grandfather built. An enormous pool hides behind the left wing. To the right, where our rooms lay, are immaculate gardens. Acres of green grass cut off where a grove of trees was planted long ago. A stable, several outbuildings for storage, and residences—once used to house occasional staff members—are spaced across the vast property.

This land was Rose’s inheritance from her oil-rich father who passed when us quints were little. It was a windfall Ross had little need of as Daddy is a self-made man in the construction business. There was no silly prenuptial agreement. Ross simply told Grandaddy he was disinterested in Momma’s fortune. The bulk falls to us when we turn twenty-five.

Determined to instill a work ethic in his kids, Ross is about to cut us off and we’ll have to figure out life’s hard knocks on our own. The five of us have always known about this, but for as down to earth as our parents made our upbringing, ask me how intimidating it is for a kid raised in a mansion? Over the next seven years, we’ll either forge paths our own or fall and be trampled. I’m thinking he hopes we’ll learn to pick ourselves up, brush the dust off, and keep going.

As cocky as it sounds, the Kingsbrier quints have been proving people wrong since the day we were born. Hell, it may be a family trait. Grandaddy wanted grandchildren to carry on his legacy. After years of trying, Rose and Ross agreed to fertility treatments, figuring maybe they’d wind up with twins.

What they got was a pair, a spare, and a spare, and yet another spare. Eric and I are a set of identical twin boys. Of the other three babies, only one was supposed to be a girl; my sister Brier. However, Daddy tells the tale that he’d already decided not to underestimate his children when our mother had managed to stay pregnant for so long with all those buns in the oven. So, when a second daughter—whom they’d spent months referring to as Davy—made a grand entrance as baby number four, displacing the birth order for Eric and me, and making me the youngest, he wasn’t shocked.

Now, with five eighteen-year-olds ready to leave the nest, it’s anyone’s guess what’ll happen. Or maybe not.

Plenty is predictable around this house. Like how Brier came home before curfew from the party we were at celebrating our high school graduation, which is this afternoon. She pretended to go to bed and then snuck back out for one last hoorah in case the discipline hammer falls on all of us. I’m pretty sure B knows what I’ve overheard this morning.

Cotton-mouthed from too many beers last night, I slunk down the stairs after the enormous wooden front door shut. Being hung-over in front of our mother is not something I advise.

Momma is standing outside, inspecting the front garden. Judging by her demeanor, Mrs. Rose Kingsbrier-Cavanaugh believes the rumor is true.

“I’m too young for this, Ross.” She points a manicured finger at her long blonde hair. For as long as I can recall, it’s only ever down around her shoulders at daybreak. “The lot of them may give me white streaks, but this color is not from a bottle.”

Daddy kisses her and I spy a moment of solace passing between them. I should feel worse for spying on them from the dining room window. But I don’t. Neither looks as if they’ve slept a wink and if they did, it was fitful. The fact that only four of the five of us quints were in our rooms this morning when my parents awakened is the least of their problems.

Those big life lessons?

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