» Romance » Entity, JJ F.T [smart books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Entity, JJ F.T [smart books to read .txt] 📗». Author JJ F.T

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I saw it with my both eyes of how fast his moves are. He lunged on him and I seem frozen on my spot and my breathing stops. I can’t move every inch of my bone like figure, my eyes widen in horror and tears were freely running in my cheeks. I wanted to scream a bloody fucking murder but it seems that I lost my vocal chords, I wanted to run and held his muscular body in my arms but I felt like there’s a glue sticks on my shoes that keeps me from moving.

I was busy looking into my boyfriend’s lifeless body that I haven’t realised someone was calling my name. A cold, strong grip of hand forced my chin up to look at the slayer in the eyes. His baby blue eyes that I used to admire turned into a crimson red, his friendly smile now looks like a creepy one. The warm and comfortable feeling that flows between us now changed into fear and hatred.

“Why, why, why… what a surprise visit.” He clapped his hands together making a clacking noise echoing in every corner of the wall.

“Welcome to the Halloween Party, my love.” He spread his both arms like he was expecting a hug whilst smiling creepily at me.

I could feel the goose bumps crawling on my now pale skin. I looked down at the bloody floor and lifeless bodies in front of me before looking back up to him. My tears were running like a waterfall. I glare towards him and his smile become even bigger than what they already are.

“Why?” is the only word that came out from my mouth.

I felt the atmosphere inside the room became sad and friendly but it soon vanished as quickly as it appears. He took a step forward on my direction and I panicked.

Every step he took, I also step backwards. I really don’t want to be with him right now, because for sure, my best friend is not kind and harmless but definitely dangerous.

I didn’t realise that there’s a coffee table behind me and I stumble and fall on the floor. He quickly reached for my hair and tugged it harshly, forcing me to look at him in the eyes.

“I think you should know the answer of your questions by now,” he said calmly but dangerously on my face.

My brows narrowed in confusion and he yanked my head down letting go of my hair and grab a handful of his hair and snarl.

“Are you really that stupid? I thought you’re the smartest of all students in the school? Hell, I even thought that you’re smarter than the teachers in University. But for one fucking simple thing, you haven’t realised and see it? Wow! How stupid you can be?” he shouted and pacing back and forth in front of me.

His soft, caring voice now boomed into a scary one that makes me cower on the floor. He saw my action and he quickly touched my foot.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed from the top of my lungs. I didn’t bother to cover my shaky voice.

He looked me dead in the eye, “You are MINE! No one and I mean N-O O-N-E would have you. You are destined to be my beloved and you will always be on my hand. It’s been a century that I started looking for someone that could complete the bond and I haven’t seen anyone. I almost lost hope, until YOU my precious little beloved came into my life and wakes the dreams that I’ve been patiently looking in my entire life.” He said dreamily and I cringed in disgust.

I slowly backed away carefully trying to put more distance between us. “Why me?” I asked trying to distract him.

He stop for a sec and started pacing again. “Well you see, you are special. Not just special but extremely special one. I’ve never seen a young lady that radiates the beauty on her, inside and out. When I saw you in the shopping centre, my inner side told me that you’re the one. I then knew that you were pure. A person that was full of positive in her life. You never had a problem that came to you since you were born in earth. You never had negatives in your soul and I knew that you’re the one.” He finished showing his long fangs.

My heart beats faster like a running cheetah and I move back again until I felt something sharp underneath my palm. I looked down quickly and looked up back at him again. A broken sharp glass placed properly on my palm. I held it tightly and decided to wait for him to come closer to me again.

“If you want me why did you kill them? Why did you kill him?” I cried and shouted at him.

He looked down at me and smirked, “Because I know that you will come back at him and decided to give yourself to him. Now, where’s the fun on that, sweetheart. As what I told you earlier, you are mine and always be mine. And I love his blood on my mouth.” He flashed me a smile.

I can’t control my anger and hatred anymore. Instead of waiting, I voluntarily run towards him while holding my small weapon on my hand ready to aim it on his heart. But he was too quick than the human and strong like a beast that he is.

He twisted my hand and I cried in pain. The weapon fell down on the floor and before I knew it, I was slammed into the wall and a strong hand placed into my neck holding me up, hanging from the floor.

I gasped for air and give all my might to fight back at him but it’s useless. He is so strong. He lowered his head and placed it on the crook of my neck. I froze on my spot and I felt like my breathing actually stops.

I could feel his fangs became longer and sharper until it touches my soft skin. I heard him took a long breath and his fangs dig a bit on my skin. I thought today is the last day of my life, but he stop and froze in the spot.

He slowly let go of me and look around the room before whispering into my ear, “I will let you live for now. But I will come back soon and finish my plan. I will see you soon, my beloved.” And after that he was gone like a wind.



Entity - Chapter One

I was dreaming heavenly eating my favourite chocolate bar, when I was rudely interrupted by someone shaking my body like a mad dog. I groaned and yanked the hand away from me. I felt a hand again shaking me like crazy and I groaned loudly.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT!” I shouted like there’s no tomorrow and I heard someone hiss but I ignore it and continue sleeping while dreaming to my chocolate.

“We’re here. Mum and dad want me to wake your heavy ass up and get a shower.” The voice said and I instantly recognised that devil annoying voice.

“Go away hyena,” I shooed, my eyes are still closed.

I thought he walked away until I feel something that wakes the hell out of me. “What the FUCK are you doing?” I asked furiously, totally wide awake.

My ass of a brother just laughed at me while clutching his stomach like a moron. “Ahahaha… I knew you would awake if I tickle your feet.” He announced proudly and I just rolled my eyes and walked inside our new mansion.

“Hey, come back here and grab your things.” He shouted behind me.

I ignored him and continued walking until I reach the porch and open it revealing a clean and very shiny marbled floor. A big chandelier with candles and diamonds hanging on it was placed at the ceiling in the middle of the house. A white piano was designed professionally in the centre between the two stairs from left and right up the second floor.

I felt my body’s slowly shutting down, so I decided to go up to my room and sleep. Since we move bought this place a month earlier and move in our things earlier before, I don’t need to pack up and I can easily found my way up to my room.

I slammed at my soft master bed like a walking dead and snuggled closely to my pillow. I feel my eyes slowly drop and I let the darkness welcome me.


I was waken up rudely for a second time in one day but this time, Mrs Carmen walks into my room and prepare my bath. I sat up lazily and practically dragged myself to the bathroom that connected to my room and stripped my dress before sinking in the warm water. I decided to put my pair of headphone in my ear and played one of my favourite songs, ‘Wings’ by Birdy. I stayed in the bath for a couple of minutes before wrapping myself a clean towel and walked outside my bathroom.

I approach my walk in closet and look for a dress for tonight. I know you might think why I’m looking for a dress and let me fill you in. I love fashion. I really do and because of that, I love dressing up either I’m inside the house or outside the house. Anyways, my mum introduces me to her world when I was still a kid, so here I am.

I walked down stairs and head to the kitchen. I found my brother, mother and father talking to their phones and they looked up at me and send me creepy smiles as soon as they feel my presence. My eyebrows met together and I give them my questioning look.

My brother just ignored me and finally my mother hangs up her phone first and spoke for my benefit.

“Oh you’re here. Take a seat, sweetheart,” she beamed happily and I just rolled my eyes.

As soon as I took a seat, I look up to my mother and asked her, “Ok… so, what’s up?”

My mother took a seat as well and intertwined her hands together in front of her like she was on some important business. “Well you see, since we move out here and we’re new to this city, your father, brother and I decided to invite our friends to have a little dinner welcome party with us in our house tomorrow night. So, we started contacting them to join us.” She explained happily.

My eyebrow went up high. “How come? I’ve never heard you guys have friends here in Canada?”

My mum opens her mouth but my brother beats her, “It’s because you hate socialising with people and every time we have a party in France, you never walks out of your room.” He said like he was stating the obvious – which is true.

I nod in understanding and decided to serve myself a food. I slowly munching my dinner and after I finished, I gave mum and dad a kiss in the cheek and give

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