» Romance » Trigger, Marie Lee Lee [romance book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Trigger, Marie Lee Lee [romance book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Marie Lee Lee

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“Explain to me again, why my,” Tristan coughed over his unfinished sentence, “our product is not working?” Gordon fixed himself knowing that Tristan was very intent on working together to finish the project and wanted half of the credit pointed at him for being involved. 

The tall, pale, lanky male hovered over the lab rat, watching with such ferocity, he thought the rat might have exploded just from the intensity of his stare.

Examining his partner, he wondered why Tristan always wore the color white. He assumed it was to make him appear as more of a ghost, knowing every supernatural were almost transparent. His white-blonde hair has been pushed back in a fashionable manner while he wore his infamous suits. The only contrast were the white tennis shoes he’d seem to choose other than dressing ones to match. Those icy aqua eyes met his as he began to speak.

“I’ve been thinking…”

“Ah, here we go again.” Gordon spoke, loudly interrupting the bloodsucker, he continued. “This thinking of yours has led to no success in the past ten years we made this product!”

He admitted to himself he needed Tristan’s knowledge and strength, therefore leaving him as an ally. He stuck to his side while they built this facility, hidden underground in the most populated city of the US.

His ideas were always unthinkable, successful, yet during these past ten years, he never said a damn thing. Just watched closely and nodded his head as he sauntered over to his office. Possibly writing ideas and notes into his handbook he kept with him at all times during lab works.

Gordon inhaled deeply. The aroma of blood and fear were resilient in his office. He could smell the sweat that trickled down one of the scientist’s nape as she knocked on the door.

The short brunette hesitated after he commanded her to speak. “The fusing with the antibiotic added before and after had failed. Though, the record was passed. It lasted two weeks. The cause of death; extreme degree burns.”

Gordon rubbed at the back of his neck in frustration. His idea had failed, once again. A never ending cycle since he started in 2010. He’d always wanted to fuse animal and supernatural DNA, creating mixed species. After he completed the fuse, he tested it on a lab rat only to find out, after seven days of injection, the test subjects insides had boiled to an extreme temperature. In minutes, it exploded in thousands of bloody pieces.

The next thing he did shouldn’t be unexpected. Whenever he entered rage mode, he always found a way to suffice it. To kill. Yanking the female scientist by the neck, he threw her across his office, her body crashing against his glass wall. The smell of fresh blood had his nostrils flaring. The young girl was trembling, fear now giving a tingle of taste on his tongue in her rich aroma.

Tristan had watched entertained, while Gordon drained every ounce of blood she had left in her body. He dropped her lifeless form in disgust as he wiped his mouth clean with one of his handkerchiefs he kept in his jean pocket.

“So about that idea you had.” It wasn’t a question. He wanted to know now or else he would his patience with Tristan next.

“Mental. Emotions. Brain. Put it together and you have yourself a successful test subject.” Tristan answered, short clipped words as he took his handbook out his pocket and began writing.

Gordon put the pieces together and considered it a possibility. If this did work—most likely it would he assumed. Tristan had never failed him before, he doubt he would start now. His smile was cold.

“Lack of emotions, more survivability. I got it.”

Gordon opened his door. As he entered the base, his workers halted and looked up at him. Silence.

“We’re shifting course of direction. No more antibiotics, no more venom. I decided that we are going to change the mental area of the brain instead. Keep our subjects lifeless as they’re supposed to be.”

He caught movement in the corner of his eye to see Tristan heading towards the supply room to get more lab rats. He called him.

Tristan turned, his eyes a cold blank stare. No spark of life inside those irises. Just the way he wanted his army.

“We won’t need those anymore. If you’re right, we might need something a little bigger. Someone bigger.”

Tristan raised an eyebrow, amusement evident in his eyes.


Chapter One




Naya rolled her eyes at Youth’s exaggerated roar. “Hold still.” That was an order. She might not be Alpha, but she sure knew when dominance was needed.

Youth had gotten into another physical fight this week. The first time she came in, there were a few minor cuts and bruises. Now, there was a huge gash on her left leg. She pressed on the wound, putting pressure to stop the bleeding, adding a few antibiotics and now she was stitching her up. She didn’t speak ‘til after she was done.

“What in the world had gotten you into trouble this time?”

Youth’s pained expression turned cold in an instant. “That damn bitch smashed my lunch food onto the floor!”

Naya narrowed her eyes at Youth. “Watch your mouth, young lady. You might be pack but you will respect your elders.”

Youth scoffed and stormed out the room. She could hear a frustrated scream follow right after. Naya sighed, grabbing her mint flavored green tea. Inhaling its calming aroma, she drank.

Working at an all Animal High school was something she loved doing. She met wonderfully talented students. Learned that there were more unique abilities out there. The only problem was not being able to control Youth’s stubbornness. She knew the girl was fifteen and still learning but that mouth of hers was unacceptable.

The door slid open and she turned her head from gazing out the window. “You have another one. Nosebleed.” Nurse Red said, closing the door shut after the young boy entered.

Naya motioned him to come sit in the chair next to her. Before she opened her drawer, she caught movement in the corner of her eyes. Turning her head back to window, she sensed for any emotions. None. Blank.

Odd. She could’ve sworn she saw something by that tree. A whine brought her back to her senses and she apologized for abandoning the boy.

“What happened to cause this nosebleed?”

“I slipped and went face forward while playing dodge ball.” The boy answered, his cheeks flushing red in embarrassment as he turned his head. Naya smiled.

“Another?” She replied. Making sure there was no need for discomfort.

“This happens often?”

Naya nodded. “All the time.” She let go from putting pressure on his nose.


The boy smiled. “Thanks.”

“Be careful!” She shouted after he ran out back towards the gym.

Swinging her chair back toward the window, she searched one more time. Still nothing. She felt a chill crawl up her spine. There was something out there. She could sense it. She just couldn’t see or feel it.

It didn’t matter anyways. Naya was in pack territory and this was a children’s school. No one would be that stupid to try to harm her or anyone else knowing that her pack was the strongest in the state—out ruling seven others.

Her pack was the best home she could’ve ever wish for. Her home was straight perfection. Ryder Pack might be superior and full of strength but they were also loving and caring. Not only that but they owned most of the land here in Manhattan, including the other famous parts of New York.

The bell rang, and seconds later there were loud conversations in the hallways and outside at the entrance. She watched the kids leave, ensuring their safety from the buzz of warning she felt earlier.

Naya caught sight of Youth messing around with a boy she saw a couple of times holding hands with her in the halls during class time. Her dark long waves flowed in the wind as she bounced up and down, probably excited from being asked out on a date for the first time. She knew Youth never went out due to her snippy attitude towards Feral. She’ll enjoy herself while it lasts. Memories were always important.

As soon as everyone was gone, she began to lock up. Picking up an important letter she received yesterday and read this morning, she folded it into her handbag. Naya was eager to run to her pack to alert them with the good news. She’d finally been accepted as a part-time nurse at Lockwell Hospital. Feral had been waiting for an update and now she could give him one.

Entering Ryder Headquarters, she saw Rose and Bren taking a walk with their only child Xian. Warmth filled her gut as she watched how the mates gazed at each other. Rose might’ve been in her early forties, but her face still held the looks of a young adult. Her dirty blond bob styled hair gleamed in the light. Her sun-kissed skin giving an illuminating shimmer while her golden eyes sparkled with love and affection as she kissed Bren. They broke apart in laughter as Xian demanded to be kissed to. Bren was a handsome man, being as tall as most men in the wolf pack, he showed more kindness than dominance. His short black hair and pale blue eyes was an attractive trait to all females, regardless their race.

Rose picked up red headed Xian and he gave a big peck to her lips. “Don’t make daddy jealous now.” Bren spoke after. Naya drew their attention by laughing at his comment.

“Naya!” Xian called out in joy. His smile so big, it crushed her heart. He was just pure cuteness.

“Don’t set her on fire!” Rose ran up to them as she spoke.

“Why would he?” Confusion evident in Naya’s expression.

“It happens when he’s excited, like he is now.”

Naya shook her head. Although, she did feel a little tinge of fear from being burned alive while cuddling an adorable cub. Rose laughed at Naya’s thought.

Since blood bonding with the pack, everyone was now able to read other’s thoughts. Usually strong ones were clearer to see.

She put Xian down and thought about going to Feral’s office to let him know about her acceptance letter from the Lockwell Hospital.

Rose’s eyes widen with joy and she smiled. “Really? Congradulations!”

“Thank you.”

“You’re right. You should go and alert him with the good news. He’s going to be so proud of you.”

Naya agreed. She should let him know right away.

It had been five years since they moved into the headquarters. Five years since they run the supernatural out the state and became the most dominated pack in the city.

Walking into Feral’s office, she saw him scolding Ezra—his baby sister. Ezra’s pout didn’t seem to work anymore on her older brother since he continued to yell at her. Ezra pulled her head down in defeat, strands of lavender escaping her side ponytail. Her pale blue eyes almost looked worn, sad. Her little frame doing her more justice to her torn expression.

Feral’s fierce green eyes turned soft moments later as he put a frustrated hand into his golden hair. His deep caramel skin glowed in the bright light of his office. His expression would’ve made him look defenseless due to the two large

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