» Romance » Jeff the Lover?!, Kelly Bui [best motivational books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Jeff the Lover?!, Kelly Bui [best motivational books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Kelly Bui

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Chapter 1: There's a Killer in Town

Kelly's POV 10:38 pm

Ugh. My sister is SO annoying... I'm Kelly Bui. I'm 17 years old while my other sister is 19. Her name is Grace. She's not even my sister though. She is REALLY annoying like dear god, let me take a knife and slit your throat. I ALWAYS have the urge to kill her. Anyways... She keeps on fangirling which really pisses me off.


"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE SECOND?!" I screamed, as she squealed watching the news as they talked about Jeff.


"You're just jealous I'm hotter than you and Jeff will stab your ugly face if he sees you and fuck with me instead."


I rolled my eyes at her retarded remark and got on Instagram. My face cringed as I looked at all the photoshopped pictures that Danielle, the slut of the school, posted of her and Jeff kissing or him "pretending" to kill her. I was thinking What the actual fuck? It really annoyed me so I turned off my phone and went upstairs. I sat at my computer and put on my headphones, getting ready to play some League of Legends. I cracked open my Coke and sipped before I clicked "Play" on the screen. I called my friends on skype and we played together for about 4 hours or so. 


"Haha! Beat you guys, 4 vs 1 AGAIN!" I laughed. 


"Shut up Kelly!" said Ian.


"Yea! I'm still not very good!" complained Jeremy.


"This isn't fair!" yelled Asuna.


"I want a rematch!" Kirito exclaimed.


"Sorry guys, I have to do homework now."


"Awwww!" They all whined.


"Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow." I ended the call and chugged down the rest of my Coke. I took off my headphones and replaced them with my earbuds. I plugged it into my phone and listened to the band "Get Scared", my favorite band. I took out my math homework and started to work. I did about like 4 problems and got really bored so I doodled around the edges. Suddenly, the lights went out and I heard a scream. 


"Ahhhhhhhh!" screamed Grace. 


I ran downstairs as fast as could.


"He's here! He's HERE!" My sister screamed again.


I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a big cutting knife. Looking around, I found her sitting in a corner. I ran to her side to see if she was okay. When I touched her shoulder, she looked up and was smiling with her red lipstick, covering all her lips and a smile drawn on her cheeks. I yelled, "YOU FUCKTARD!" She just laughed.


"Hahaha! You should've seen your face!" She yelled, still laughing in my face.


"You're so immature for a 19 year old... When are you gonna move out?" I asked, sighing.


"Don't know. Anyways, I didn't cut the power but I'm not checking." 


"Yes, you are." I replied before she got up.


"Rock, paper, scissors?" She asked.




We played rock, paper, scissors and I lost. Rock to paper. 


"Ugh..." I groaned as my sister stuck out her tongue and laughed. I walked out the back door with a flashlight. I put the flashlight in my mouth, as I opened the electrial box. The switch was on "Off", and I pulled it up to "On". I waited 5 seconds but nothing happened. I sighed and checked the cords. They were cut. I groaned again and pulled out my phone. I dialed my parents number and my phone started to ring. As I put the phone up to my ear, I heard a twig snap. I turned around and kept the flashlight in my mouth. I pulled the knife out as well as I tried to stay calm and look around. There was a shadowy figure under a tree in my yard. I stared at it. It wasn't moving. It was silent. Still. Motionless. I couldn't keep my eyelids open any longer so I blinked and once my eyelids opened again... The figure was gone. I was scared, so I went inside. 


I locked all the doors and windows and double checked once I finished. I walked upstairs and checked on my sister. She was fast asleep in her room so I locked her door and closed it. I yawned as I walked back to my room. I walked in and locked my windows as well as my door. I sat on my bed and started my homework again. But I couldn't focus. Questions kept running through my mind. Who was that figure? What do they want? Could it be Jeff the Killer? I got really tired again and stretched. I heard a trash can get knocked over. I looked out my window and there on the street, was that figure again. This time, I could see it better. It was a male. He was wearing a white hoodie with some red stains on it, black dress pants, and black shoes. He had snow white skin, a carved smile on his cheeks, black rings around his eyes, and black hair thats down to his shoulders. My eyes widened as he smiled at me and waved with a knife covered in freshly drawn blood. He had a crazy look in his eyes. I got scared and closed my curtains and hid under my covers shaking. That was him alright. The man in my backyard. I tried to stay awake all that time but I couldn't. I eventually fell asleep. Right before I feel asleep though, a shadow showed up from my window. But it was too late to do anything...

Chapter 2: What the Hell is Going on?!

Kelly's POV 9:30 am

I woke up, thinking I was dead but I wasn't. I peeked from under the covers and everything was normal. I sighed with relief and went to the restroom to brush my teeth. As I did, I noticed a letter showing on my neck right above my collar bone. Confused and curious, I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed out my mouth. When I finished putting up my toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouth wash, I pulled my hair back and held it up with one hand. I pulled down my shirt to reveal my collarbone with the other. My eyes widened. There was these three words written in blood on my neck. "Go to sleep..." I almost screamed but I didn't want to wake Grace up. So I quickly washed off the dried blood on my neck and checked to see if there was anything else on my body that I didn't know about. 


I left the bathroom and walked downstairs so then I could make breakfast. Normally, that's my mom's job but my parents are on a buisness trip for a month. Yeah, it's really long but since I'm 16 and Grace is 19, we can both drive, go to work and pay for food. I got out the pancake mix and started to make pancakes. I hummed a little as I cooked. When the pancakes were done, Grace walked in yawning.


"Good morning..." She said sleepily.


"Morning" I replied, getting out the peanut butter, butter, and syrup. I stretched when I sat at the table, ready to dig in. Suddenly, I got a really big headache. "Agh...." I groaned as I held my head. My heart beat faster and I started to sweat. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins and I clentched my hair. 


"You okay?" Asked Grace, with a mouth-full of pancakes and peanut butter. That irratated me a lot. I looked up at her the best I could and smiled weakly.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache." I replied.


"Oh, okay then. Dig in! We've got work today."


She was right. I had to finish before I was late for work. I stuffed my mouth with pancakes, almost choking as I ran up the stairs to get ready. I changed into a black polo and black dress pants while still chewing my pancakes. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on some mascara before grabbing my bag and running out the door to my car. I got in and started the engine, getting ready to drive off. Once I did, I double checked to see if anything was missing. Nope. I drove off and headed to work for the day. Turning around a corner, I jerked to a stop as someone walked across the street. It was a male wearing black pants, shoes, and a white hoodie with some red stains on it. It all looked really familiar. My eyes widened as he stopped in the middle of the walkway and looked in my direction. His hood was covering his eyes but I could still feel them burning my forehead. He gave me a big grin and put one finger over his lips. I thought I was just seeing things so I rubbed my eyes and blinked. He was still there grinning, with the shadow of his hood, covering his eyes. I was terrified and couldn't think. 


He walked around to the drivers side of the car and opened the door. I couldn't move a muscle but my brain was trying to tell my body to run. The only thing I could do we turn to face the serial killer. Jeff the Killer. My eyes widened even more as he leaned towards me. He pulled back his hood, still smiling.


"Shhhh..." He said. "Go to sleep..."


I couldn't move still. He just started to laugh maniacally until I started to get light-headed. The last thing I saw, was his evil grin and manical look in his eyes. 



Time Skip: 2:50 pm

I woke up to a strange and unfamiliar room. There was a white ceiling and bright windows. Why am I in the hospital? Then it all came back to me. Oh right... I encountered Jeff for about the third time. I shivered at the thought. Those eyes... Along with the pale skin and carved in smile... How could Grace fangirl over HIM? There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. A doctor came in with a clip board.


"How are you feeling Ms. Bui?" He asked as he shut the door.


"I'm fine. Thank you." I replied.


"Are you sure?" He took my temperature. After that he wrote something down


"Yes, I am."


"Alright you have a slight fever and since you passed out in the middle of the road, maybe we'll have you stay one more night. You will be discharged tomorrow." 


"Alright. Thanks Doc." I said with a smile.


"No problem. Just doing my job." He replied with a smile as well.


Soon after a series of mini tests, he left the room. I started to watch some TV until there was another knock on the door. "Come in..." I sighed. The door opened and there was...

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