» Romance » Late Last Night (Completed), Kenzie . [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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Late Last Night


© 2015 M. J. All rights reserved. No part of this book, Late Last Night, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.


Please, if there is any reading site out there where someone has decided to use my story for any reason other than a Wattpad account I have under the username sodawasted, let me know. I worked hard on this story while it's not the best it still means a lot to me.

Thanks for reading this story, I appreciate comments and ways I could improve.

Thanks and enjoy.


CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN (8.27.2016) may be taken down



 ::Chapter One::Like a Virgin::Madonna

"But this dress is so gorgeous." Amy said. She really wanted me to go to that party ith her, huh? Even though it was nine days away.

"No." I said flatly.


"Hells no." I added.

Amy put up the short black dress against my body and I took a step back.

"B*itch move one more time and it will be me and you on the floor, wrestling." Amy hissed. Her nostrils flared and she took a dangerous step towards me.

Amy Little is well, little, but she's scary as hell. I gulped once and stuck my chin in the air, ready to retaliate, when another voice cuts me off.

"Woo! Girls wrestling. That's sexy!"

Amy and I gave our best friend, Ronnie, a look.

"Is there going to be mud?" Louis asked.

Louis was another one of my best friends. I only have four, Amy, Ronnie and Louis. Amy was what we called the bitch. Ronnie was the gay sl*t and Louis was... sl*t number two. 'Sept he was straight.

Amy grabbed a hanger and threw at him. "Shut the hell up."

"Ow! It was just a joke!" Louis cried. Ronnie batted his eyelashes at Louis.

"I can kiss it better." he said. Louis rolled his eyes.

"I rather Nadya kiss it than you." Louis shrugged. I blushed at that even though I knew he was joking.

"Aww." Ronnie cooed. "She's blushing." I rolled my eyes as the cooed at me. I huffed and pushed myself on the Amy's bed.

"Let's face it. I have nothing to wear. So I might as well not go!" I said. Amy growled-a habit of her's- and tackled me off the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"I'm wrestling you." she laughed maliciously and pinned my arms down. I grunted and bit her arm. She Drew back and I tackled her.

"Who's laughing now!" I jeered. My victory was short lived because she pushed me off and then punched me in my breast.

"You mofo!" I yelled. She laughed at me and pointed.

"Don't mess with the king, b*tch!"

"Whatever," I grumbled, still rubbing my precious boob.

That sounded so wrong.

Louis laughed at us, "You guys are so hot when you wrestle. Do it again."

"Shut up, Louis!" Amy and I shouted in union. We both got up and sat back down on the bed.

My favorite part of this room was the picture that Amy took. She was into art, and she painted, drew, or took photos of everything that meant something to her. On the left side of her square shaped bedroom was a picture of all of us. Louis' arm was around Amy's waist and his other arm was around Ronnie's shoulder. Louis had one of those dimpled grins that we rarely see. His blond hair had tints of brown in it and his hazel eyes were sparkling. Ronnie had his arm around mine and was kissing my cheek. His black hair was covering my eyes and forehead. I remember telling him to move because I couldn't see. The camera only saw my lips that were formed into a smile and my blush.

Amy had rushed to put the timer on and run back to be in the photo. Her eyes were on Louis and she had a smile on her face. She was really gorgeous in that picture, the smile lit up her face. She claims it was because he said something funny but I knew that she was really in love with Louis.

Despite the fact that I can't stand my friends sometimes, I really loved them.

Amy gave me a smile when she caught me looking at the photo again. She knew I loved it.

"Can you please just wear the dress?" she begged. She gave me her puppy dog eyes. I shook my head at her and sighed.

"I better not get raped."

Amy screamed and jumped around. "Victory is mine bitch! Suck on that!"


The next day my heart was pounding frantically.

My crush, Marc Daniels, was running towards me-shirtless.

I couldn't help it. My hormones controlled my eyes and let it wonder all over that glorious bod. Hot damn, I thought.

"Hey Nadya," Marc smiled. "How you doin'?"

I tried not to smile to hard, but I couldn't believe it. He remembered my name! Suck on that!

I really need to stop hanging out with Amy.

"I'm fine. You?" I politely asked.

"I'm better now," He grinned. My heart fluttered-literally. This must be a dream.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you..." he said. He lifted his hand and picked at a stray strand of hair that fell in front of my eyes. This boy just wanted me to die from a heart attack.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You going to the party next Friday?" he asked. Damn him, he was taking too long to ask me out.

I wanted to scream Hell yeah. I also wanted to kiss him.

Most of all I wanted to jump his bones. Not that I’d know exactly how... But that didn't stop the urges.

Instead of doing all of those things- one I was too shy and two we were on public school grounds- I calmly nodded.

Marc grinned wider, "Awesome. I'll see you there." And with that, he sauntered away.

I couldn't help but watch his ass as he walked away. Damn the things I'd like to do to-

"Nadya!" my friend Hillary called. "Are you practicing or what?"

"What?" I asked. The girls giggled.

"Come on. Get over Marc's ass and let's practice," she laughed. I sighed, gave one last look to my fantasy man, and walked over to the rest of the squad.

I was the co-captain of the cheer leading squad at my school. We were called the "Hawks", stupid I know, but I loved cheer leading.

We got in formation and started to move to the music.

It was totally cliché. The head, alright co-head, cheerleader and the head of the football team. But I didn't care. Marc was to sexy, and sweet to let a stupid cliché stop us from going out.

Well at least I think we were going out.

Rehearsals went by quickly, and I was making my way to Ronnie. He was the wide receiver of the team, and he was pretty good. The guys really didn't care that he was gay, they kind of guessed before he came out anyways.

Phillip Daniel smiled at me as I approached. He wasn't as sexy as his brother but he was good looking, none the less. "Hey sexy." I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. I sat outside the lockers, learning last time that their actually naked in there, and wanted. Phillip smiled at me and entered the lockers.

"You don't want to join? I'm taking a shower." he winked.

I screwed up my nose. "Hell no."

"But-" Phillip got shoved before he could finish the sentence.

"Move," the boy growled. He had messy black hair and clearest blue eyes that I've ever seen. I cocked my head to the side; I've never seen him before.

The mystery boy walked off without sparing us another glance.

"Who was that?" I asked Phillip.

"An *sshole," he answers with a clenched jaw. "Do yourself a favor and stay away from him. A sweet virgin like you has no business with him."

Virigin. How the… "How do you know I was a virgin?"

"Come on Nadya. It's pretty obvious," Phillip pointed out. He gave me one last look and then walked away.

Pretty obvious.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

::Chapter Two:: Because of You::Kelly Clarkson

"You are not going to do that," I retaliated. Ronnie scoffed and nodded his head as he cruised towards McDonald's.

We just came from practice and decided to take a bite, when Ronnie decides that his next sexual encounter will be Phillip Daniel. Marc's brother.

"Phillip isn't gay, though," I said. "He hits on me all the time."

"So?" Ronnie asked. "I flirt with you all the time. Heck, everyone flirts with you."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because your a virgin," Ronnie shrugged.

"Again, what does that have to do with anything? so what I didn't have sex-not everyone had sex, yet."

"But your the biggest virgin, darling. That's the point. Your so hot and naive. A lot of the football team wants to shag you but your all about Steve."

"Who's Steve?" I asked.

"Analogy, darling. Like Sandra Bullock, your all about Marc." he stated. He cast me one of his signature 'I-know-everything' look that he reserves just for these occasions.

"I am not all about Marc." Well not enough to follow him across the damn country.

"Yes you are darling. Every time he's either mentioned or near you, you even start to drool." Ronnie says. He lolls his head to the side, cast a dreamy look at me, and deliberately started drooling.

I realized two minutes after he was supposed to be imitating me, "I do not look like that!" I slapped Ronnie and told him to move to the drive-thru.

He chuckled and drove up. "What do you want?"

"The usual," I replied. He ordered my kiddie meal and his Angus Burger. We drove up to the station where we receive our food when he spoke again.

"Why was Marc talking to you earlier?"

I blushed and looked down. "I think he kind of maybe, asked me out?"

Ronnie gasped. "Shut the eff up! When was this?"


"Don't actually answer that. I'm just surprised." Ronnie said. I scrunched up my nose, what a hot guy can't ask me out?

"If you haven't notice Marc is kind of shy." Ronnie told me. "So I'm just suprise he had the guts."

"Excuse me," the cashier asked, looking like he's been waiting for a long time. "Here's your order." Ronnie turned his head towards the guy and literally eye-shagged him. I shook my head, he has no shame.

"Thanks darling," Ronnie smiled.

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