» Romance » Late Last Night (Completed), Kenzie . [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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I backed away from the bee slowly, trying to calm him down. But he was set on revenge. He buzzed and speed towards me and then he stung my nose.

"Shit!" I cried.

It felt like a very sharp needle. I gently rubbed my poor nose trying not to cry.

"Nadya?" Marc asked.

I cringed and looked over at him. "Oh hey Marc, what's up?"

"Where you spying on me?"

"No!" I yelled. "I was talking to a fly that turned out to be a bee, that's all."

"I saw you."

"Not possible." I said. My ninja powers are to bad ass.

He shook his head and stepped closer to me. I held my breathe trying not to let my eyes wander downwards. Nope, I am a good virgin, no wandering eyes hear. I looked up into his eyes as he moved my hand from my nose.

"Are you allergic?"

"To what abs?" I asked in a daze.

Marc smirked at me and laughed. "No bee stings."

"I don't know, this never happened to me before." I mumbled, blushing. I looked down at my shoes instead of the boy before me.

"Come on we need to get the stinger out." he said. He looked over at Coach Bell who waved us off. Marc took my hand and dragged me off the football field. Passing the cheerleaders, and the hater Hillary, Marc lead me into the abandoned school.

We walked into the girls bathroom and ignored the giggling cheerleaders. I gave them a look and they scurried out of there.

Marc didn't say anything as he held my face in his hands. He stepped closer and looked me dead in the eye. My heart thumped erratically. holy shoes, he's going to kiss me. He stepped closer again until his bare chest was on mine. My tee shirt was soaked and I probably smelled like sweat.

Holding my breathe I waited for gim to lean in.

But he never did. Instead he carefully took the stinger out my nose. I cringed a little and pouted.

He smiled and took up some soap and rinsed it with water.

"How do you know so much about bee stings?"

"I used to get stung a lot as a kid." he shrugged gently scrubbing my nose.

"I can do it you know."

"This is my excuse to being so close to you."

Narrowing my eyes, waited for him to finish. When he set the soap down.

"Then why won't you just kiss me already!" I asked. "And what's with the cold shoulder today?"

Shrugging he leaned onto the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. "I was jealous."

I snorted. "Of Lucas?"

"Well he was over your house. In your bed."

"So? He was drunk. He came to my house earlier the day. I let him stay for a while."


"I don't know." I said. "I just know every time I push him away he just keeps showing up. I kicked him out when I went to bed and by morning he was back."

"That's cause he likes you."

I rolled my eyes, that's stating the obvious.

"I can't stop that."

"But I can." he smiled. He approached me and took my hand. "You need to put something on that."

There he goes again. Every time I fell like he's going to kiss me or at least something close to that, he does or says something otherwise.

Stupid Marc.

"I'll do it when I get home." I grumbled. I took my hand away and left him standing alone.

My first kiss happened a long time ago. Freshman year, when I was in a different high school than now.

His name was Tyler Hood. He was tall handsome, and goofy. A lot like Lucas, but not as annoying.

He wasn't the most liked guy in the school, with his reputation and all. My reputation was the good little virgin. Even freshman year, people expect you to be experienced.

Tyler was always my friend. He smiled at me everytime we crossed paths. And I blushed, like the fool I was. Weeks of the smiling and passing he finally came up to me and asked me out.

People warned me not to date him. But I was to happy.

We kissed months after.

It was too perfect.

January 14th, on my birthday, I was asked to join the cheer leading squad. I ran home happy with the fact I was finally being accepted despite the fact Tyler was my boyfriend.

Back then my mother was around more. A year before Max was born. I stopped short when I saw Tyler's motorcycle in the driveway. He was probably hear for my birthday. I entered the house and put down my bag.

That's when I heard a moan. I cringed, my mother was getting it on, something she's been doing a lot lately. I looked around desperately for Tyler, hoping she didn't scare him off. Not finding him downstairs i climbed the stairs and looked in every door, purposely avoiding my mom's room. When I reached my own bedroom I opened the door.

"Holy f*ck."


Tyler got off my mother and looked at me. "Why..."

I looked at him to my mother. on my bed. Half naked. With a smirk on her face.

That's when I knew for sure I hated the woman.

I tried not to think of the memory again as I took my keys. I looked at my mother's car in the driveway in disgust.

I got out the car and headed inside, standing tall ready to face her. I opened the door and groaned to myself.

"Not again."

Ronnie looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh hey Nady."

I glared at him and Philip on top of my best friend.

"This is not yourfreaking bedroom man. I told you not to bring any of that business in my house."

Ronnie laughed and pushed Phillip off him. At least they were clothed.

"Marc's in the back." Ronnie smiled. I wrinkled my nose and walked past them.

"Don't mess up my coach." Phillip actually blushed at that. My backyard wasn't huge or impressive in anyway. I had a hot tub to the far corner a garden that I never cared for.closer to the Glass double doors I was standing in, was the seating area and a grill.

My mom worked hard to keep her image.

I walked out the back door and looked at Marc talking furiously with Lucas. Does Ronnie let everyone in the house!

I looked to right of them and saw Louis and Amy kissing each other. Full out tongue sword fight.


I looked back into my house and sighed. "Hey guys." Amy pulled away from Louis and gave me a smile. I raised an eyebrow and nodded at her and Louis, I remember when she said she never liked him. Sure.

Marc smiled at me and started walking towards me. Lucas grinned at me too, and then ran towards me.

"Racy Lacy, was up?" His grammer was still awfull.

"Why do you keep calling her that?" Marc asked, looking really frustrated. I gave Marc a look, remembering us from the bathroom.

"Cause he's an idiot." I replied.

"Maybe I should start calling you Rudolf." he smirked, pointing to his nose. "Did Hilary finally b*tch slap you or what?"

I pouted and covered my nose, "A failed ninja mission." Lucas chuckled and shook his head. He patted me on my shoulder.

"That's because you ain't a beast." I smacked his hand away and then punched his jaw. He snapped his head back with impact and rubbed his jaw.

"Damn," Marc smiled. Lucas chuckled again.

"I don't know why your so cheery, you posted pictures of us on the fudging internet."

"You fell into that one." he smirked. "Trust me there's only more to come." I glared at him as he walked away.

"You got a wicked right hook," Marc laughed. He hugged me to him and looked at me in a way I've always dreamed of.

I shoved him. "I'm still mad at you."

"For not wanting to kiss you in a smelly bathroom?" he asked.

"Well we were alone. For once." I retorted. I stepped away from him.

"We could be alone. Tonight." Narrowing my eyes.

Is he suggesting what I think he's suggesting?

Chapter 12::I Do Not Hook Up::Kelly Clarkson

All my friends, plus my crush, the annoying brother and cousin, sat at my dining table as I brought in the pizza.

Louis and Lucas cheered when they smelt the food. Sadly, they are a lot alike, so they tag teamed on picking on me.

"You should try wearing those short sexy maid outfits." Lucas said, waggling his eyebrows. Louis laughed and high fived him. Amy shook her head and elbowed him, which I could tell she didn't mean because she was laughing, too. I put the pizza down and pushed him off the chair. Everyone laughed when he toppled over and I took his old seat. Marc smirked at me and took three slices.

I avoided him for hours now, not wanting to actually do what he wanted me to.

I really wasn't ready to lay down on my back, for anyone. The one guy I was ready to do it with was ready to do my mother. I shuddered.

Amy narrowed her eyes and looked between the two of us. I raised an eyebrow at her hand in Louis.

"I'm freaking starving," Philip said. He grabbed five slices and noticed Ronnie flinch. He was on a strict no fat diet. He said he was not gonna look like some fat bitch on graduation. Obviously Philip didn't have the same concern.

"You want some babe?"

I snorted and covered my smile with my hand. So Phillip can't resist Ronnie.

Ronnie smiled at him and shook his head. "I am not gonna be some fat rachet bitch at graduation."

"You look good in anything."

Ah! I looked around to see if anyone else was hearing this. Amy and Louis were wrapped up in there own little bubble. Lucas was standing in the corner eating his pizza. And Marc was staring at me, laughing at my expressions.

I pointed to Philip with my eyes. He chuckled and shook his head.

"He decided to come out the closet." he said out loud. Phillip shrugged at me and smiled.

"Ha! I knew it!" I cheered. "I should have bet some money."

"Shut it Rudolf," Ronnie laughed. "I told you, you were convinced he was straight."

"Well with the flirting and the-"

"Everyone flirts with you, woman." Marc snorted. "I for one always knew."

Lucas snorted. "Um, I knew before you. My mom was the one who convinced him that it was okay to be gay."

Amy decided to say since she was
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