» Romance » Late Last Night (Completed), Kenzie . [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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on!" he said. He stripped off his jeans.

"I am not going in there." I said, shaking my head even more. Lucas looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, don't be a bore." he groaned.

"I'm sorry if I have morals."

Lucas sauntered over to me and I took a couple steps backwards. He cocked his head to the side. "I tell you what. Since your so uncomfortable, how 'bout we play a different game instead."

"I don't feel like playing games."

"Promise, this is fun." he smiled that Cheshire smile, the one that spelled trouble.

Okay so maybe I shouldn't have made a bet with the devil himself, I thought as I looked at the pool. My hands were covering my intimate parts, though that didn't hide much.

"Jump." the devil said. "You lost babe." He wiggled his eyebrows. From where he was in the pool he looked far away. But he was a fast swimmer. He'd reach me so fast I wouldn't know what's going on.

I took a deep breathe and jumped.

"I can't believe I allow you to do this." I shivered.

"I can't believe you did half that stuff." he snickered. I shook my head.

"You better not tell nobody!" I warned.

Lucas laughed. I jumped, he got so close to me so fast. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled my closer. I tensed up, very aware of the fact all I had was a bra and a panty.

The alcohol from the truth or dare game made me dizzy.

I pushed Lucas away. "Okay that's it."

'Whoa whoa, where you going."

"To safety." I said. Lucas swam up and grabbed me around the waist. He lifted me up in the air and then let go. I felt the air whip all around me then I fell into the water.

Lucas laughed as I jumped up, "You ass!" I splashed him with as much water I could. He snorted at me and splashed me back.

"Are you tryna make a freaking wave?" I yelled. But I was laughing, actually having fun.

"Your just jealous of my muscles."

"Ha!" I snorted.

"You dare make fun of me." he yelled. I swam up to him and showed him my muscles. "Now take a look at these babies." I said smugly. I look up at him and grinned. Lucas wasn't looking at my guns though. He was looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

He took my hand and laced his fingers in mine. I wrinkled my eyebrows. "What is wrong with you?"

Lucas wrapped his other arm around me again. His blue eyes were searching mine as he leaned closer to me.

If I didn't know better I would have thought he was going to kiss me.

But then we heard someone enter the building. "Is there anyone here?"

"Shit." Lucas muttered. He dragged me out the pool.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked. Lucas cursed again and picked up his clothes and mine.

"Lucas!" I yelled.

"Shut up, woman!"

I glared at him. "Your so rude. You can't talk to me like that." Lucas rolled his eyes and dragged me from the pool.

"We gotta go."

"I thought you said this was fine," I hissed.

"I never exactly used those exact words." he replied. We were running down a dark hallway. Our wet feet slapping against the cold tile.

I had no idea what I got myself into. I was still shivering form the pool.

I gasped when I heard heavy footsteps behind us. I looked back and saw a man with a flashlight. He shone his light down the hallway. "You there! Stop!"

"Come on!" Lucas yelled. He started running faster. I was stumbling over my feet, trying to keep up. We pushed past the double doors.

"Oh my God. I think my head is going to explode." I panted.

"We're not done yet." Lucas replied, not even panting.

My eyes widened. "How the hell are you still breathing?"

"Football team." he deadpanned.

"Oh yeah."

"Let's go." he said.

I shook my head, "My side hurts." Lucas cursed for the thousandth time and scooped me up in his arms.

"Your supposed to be fit, lil' miss cheerleader." he muttered.

"Whatever." We made it to the car just as the security guard got out of the building.

Lucas rolled down the window and gave the guard the finger, "Sucker!" He started up the car and drove off into the night.

Chapter 15::Can't Be Friends::Trey Songz

My head was killing me. I groaned and covered my eyes with my arm. I can't remember the last time I've been hungover. I could feel my heartbeat in my head and every time it pulsed I cringed.

"Will you stop moving?" a male voice said.

I stilled. What the hell?

"Thank you." then the owner of the voice wrapped his arm around me. I jumped up so fast I gave myself a head rush.

"What the hell?" I yelled. Lucas jumped up also, "I should be asking you that question."

I thanked my lucky stars, we were both fully clothed. God knew what a drunk Nadya would do. Lucas rubbed his head and groaned.

"You are crazy woman." he laid back in my bed. I put my hand over my pounding heart.

"I didn't know it was you." I said. "Wait what are you doing here?"

"Don't you remember?" he asked. He put on that damned smile again, so I knew whatever words that came out of his mouth is pure bull. "We had sex."

I shook my head and sat on the ground. "You really need some help." Lucas crawled across the bed and looked down to where I was. I peered up at him. Something was different.

"I am perfectly fine." he said seriously.

"Holy! Your eyes!"

"What?" he asked. "I was looking at your face." No he wasn't.

"They're two different colors." I yelled. Then regretted it. I hate drinking.

"Oh, yeah. I must have taken off the contact last night." he muttered. I scooted closer to Lucas and peered into his eyes, one green one aqua blue. It was weird and strangely beautiful.

"Why the contacts?" I asked. Lucas smirked.

"So the ladies could calm themselves, I'm already too sexy for words, my eyes would make the girls faint."

He was lying. He twitches his brow when he lies. Which is weird that I know that.

"Your eyes are beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

I swallowed. Remembering that time in the pool. Was he going to kiss me? Or was he just being Lucas.

I locked eyes with Lucas. He looked like a different person. Then I remembered, "Hey didn't you say that we were friends."

Lucas rolled on my bed, breaking our eye contact. "Yeah?"

"You broke that promise."

Lucas snorted, "No."

"Uh, yeah. Last night." I retorted.


"Yes. You did, when you were holding me like that. And looking at me like that. And when you almost kissed me!"

"I did all that, when?" he cocked his head to the side, faking ignorance. My eye twitched, he was really irritating.

"Last night, don't play dumb."

"Nope. I don't recall. Though I do believe you might be in like with me." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"What? No!" I yelled. Never. I like Marc. Not Lucas, anyone but Lucas. At least I think I still like Marc. But after last night, I'm not so sure.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Admit it." Lucas got off the bed and stalked towards me. "Come on."

I shook my head.

"Say it with me. Lucas is too sexy."

"Your not sexy." I interrupted.

"For words." he finished.

"There are no words for your ugliness."


Ronnie can be amazing at times. He is always there for me, so I'm always there for him.

But Ronnie is who he is. A very stubborn, and very very annoying son of a motherless goat. And the only times he was really annoying was when he was in a mood, his father did something... or when he has a hangover.

"I told you, you shoudl stop drinking."

Ronnie moaned, his face buried in his mom's expensive looking cheap couch.

"Come on, Ronnie, I need to talk to you!" I poked him. "Muy importante!"

"Don't poke the bear, Nady, don't poke the bear." Ronnie warned. I shok my head at him. "And you know I don't speak French"

He damn well knew it was Spanish. His mother is Spanish.

"Well if you'd get up! This is important!"

Ronnie groaned. "You are so annoying."

"Marc was at the party."

"Okay..." Ronnie said.

"No he was like at the party." I repeated. "The one he was supposed to meet me at."

"Oh the one you thought was a date."

"It was a date!"

"Stop yelling you bum!"

I sighed and held the bridge of my nose. "I saw him kissing another girl."

"Holy shit!"

"Oh so you can yell?" I asked. Ronnie shook his arms in front of his face.

"Woman, that's not important. When was this and why wasn't I told sooner."

"I.. I don't know. I just didn't want to think. So I lied to Amy, got a little tipsy and went out with Lucas to a community pool where we kind of went skinny dipping after a game of truth or dare. And then he almost kissed me and then we had to run becasue the security guard was there."

"Wait what?"

"But this morning he denied everything like the bacon stealer, house breaking, hottie he is!"

Ronnie just stared at me.

"Oh gosh. Did I just call him hot?"

Ronnie nodded.

"I must me sick!" I thought. "What is wrong with me?"

"Come on, you're a girl with eyes. The guy is fine!" Ronnie said.

"I knew he wasn't ugly, but a hottie? No."

"Yes." Ronnie chuckled. "Admittedly, Marc's sexier. I mean have you seen his biceps." I cringed.

"Sorry." Ronnie apologized.

I put my head in my hands. I do not like Lucas. Me calling him hot means bup-kiss. Yup! That's it.

Nothing changes how I feel about that idiot. Not even last night.

Chapter 16::My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark::Fall Out Boy*

April was officialy done by Sunday and Monday was the start of May. Of course, May means prom and senior trip. And more importantly, prom means dates. 

I have no date. 

Marc has been trying to talk to me for the longest. But I just ignored him. After finally telling Amy and Louis about him, they actually helped me avoid him.

Luke is another story. And ever since I admitted he was hot to Ronnie, I haven't been able

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