» Romance » Late Last Night (Completed), Kenzie . [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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I set him down. He walked over to Lucas and looked him up and down. "Are you Nagya's boyfriend?"

"Yes," he asnwered as I said, "No." I glared at him and he gave me the sweetest smile ever. Lucas bent down to Max's level and smiled at my brother.

"How old are you?"


"Wow, I'm 17."

"Old." Max said, shaking his head. "I know." Lucas smiled back. And it wasn't a mischievous smile that meant he was up to no good. It was a sweet smile. One that affected me more than I would care to admit. 

I couldn't even focus on the cuteness of the situation. My mother circled me and Lucas like we were the plague."I'm just here to drop off the checks." She said slowly.

I watched as she dug in her bag and I wondered what my mother actually did. We never discussed it before, not that we ever talked. Max looked back at me and my heart nearly broke at his expression. He didn't want to go.

"I got to go." Lucas said awkwardly. My mom just glared at him and I waved at him awkwardly. I never thought I'd see Lucas awkward but here we go. 

 As soon as Lucas left my mother went up the stairs not sparing me or my brother another glance. 

I sighed, looking down at Max, thinking how he doesn't deserve such a dysfunctional family. 

I bent and ruffled his hair. "You hungry?" He nodded vigorously. "Come on, I think I have some lo mien left." 


"I heard the she-devil is there." Ronnie said as soon as I called him. 

My brows furrowed. "How in the world did you know that?" 

"Lucas told Phillip who told me." he said. I rolled my eyes. People just love gossip.

"Does your boyfriend tell you everything?" I asked. I kicked off my converse ad dived onto my bed. I had been up with Max most of the night catching up while my mother was locked up in her room.

There was a pause and I thought he had hung up until he finally said something. Well I think he was trying to talk, I couldn't hear anything through the hiccups.

"Are you crying?" I asked, sitting up now. Ronnie never cried. Never. Not when his dad kicked him out when he finally came out. Not when his mom finally said he could come home again. Not when his father started beating on him. Not once, had I seen him shed a tear.

He didn't give a shit because he knew who he was and he knew he wasn't going to change. Ronnie was one of the strongest people I know, so to hear him crying, I knew something was definitely wrong.

"Honey..." I said slowly. "What's wrong? Is it your dad? Because I swear to God I'll beat the crap out of him if you'll allow me too." Remembering when Louis found out Ronnie was being abused, he was pissing mad ready to confront Ronnie's father, but Ron said he would handle it. No one told Amy, though, her temper is too short and she'd go after the man no matter what.

"No..." he hiccupped again. "I had sex with Phillip."

I blinked a couple times. "Okay... I thought that would be a good thing."

When he didn't reply I said, "Your not pregnant are you?"

"Oh God I wish." he muttered. He took a deep sigh. "Look, Nadya, you can't say anything."

"I won't." I said. "Come on, Ron your scaring me."

"I mean it Nady, not Marc, not Lucas, Louis or Amy."

I didn't mention I wasn't talking to Amy or Louis at the moment.

"Tell me Ronnie." I was gripping the phone by now, my heart beating out of my chest. Please let him be okay, I prayed silently. Please make it be him overreacting like always. I seriously couldn't deal with another best friend drama.

"I think Phillip infected me." he finally said. I dropped the phone and cursed so much I think I woke Max up.


I looked at my phone on the floor and picked it up. "Sorry, I was just in shock."

"How do you think I feel?" he snapped.

"Oh my God, Ronnie what are you going to do?" I asked. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." he whispered back.

I closed my eyes and thought of everything. Amy and Louis. Ronnie and Phillip. Marc and I. Lucas and I.

Everything was so effed up.

"I'm here for you Ronnie." I finally said. I said the only thing I could say to my best friend in a moment like this. "I'll be there with you through everything. I promise."



Chapter 21::Stay::Rihanna


    Three weeks later, and my mother is still here. I watch her warily as she sips on her coffee. I was so used to being alone in the morning, that her loud excessive slurps were grating on my nerves.

     "May I help you?" she finally asked, annoyed with my glaring. I stood up from the island and walked away. I didn't feel like dealing with my mother today. I had tried asking her why she was still here yesterday and she nearly chewed my face off. Literally.

     I grabbed my car keys, praying that my car would start and I wouldn't have to a beg a ride. I'd rather walk. I closed the front door behind me, descending the steps tot he driveway when I stopped.

     Louis was in my driveway, propped up against my car.

     I hadn't talked to Louis since the 'incident'. I've purposely sat on the other side of the classroom to prove my point. I was mad at him. So mad. And with everything going on with Ronnie right now, him refusing to go to the clinic, seeing Louis' face just mad me want to punch him.

     "What do you want?"

     "I wanted to talk to you." he pushed himself off my car, leaving a smudge on it from those black boots he always wore. Louis blonde hair grew longer over the past month and I realized he looked bigger. Like in muscles.

     "Have you been working out?" I asked absentmindedly, forgetting my anger for a second. Louis frown and looked down at himself.

     "Um, yeah, I guess." he shrugged. He shook his head an walked coser to me. When he was too close to comfort I backed away.

    He grapped my waist and pulled me to him, my face hitting his chest. Even that seemed bigger than usual. "What are you going to kiss me, too?"

     "I knew you saw." he groaned. His grip on my waist tightened and he looked down at me. "Look Nadya, I didn't cheat on Amy."


     "Listen." he said. "I like her. I like her a lot." My eyes narrowed at the lie. "It was her idea. Not mine."

     "Her idea for what?" I asked, confused. "Louis let go of me, please."

    "No. Not until you listen." he said. "I would never hurt Amy unless she hurt me first." I scoffed. "She cheated on me, Nadya."


     "It was her who cheated." he repeated. He watched my face and sighed. "You don't believe me?"

     "Why would the ladies man get cheated on?" I asked sarcastically. Tired of his bull I tried pushing him off me. He tightened his grip even more, making my sides ache.

     "Louis stop, your hurting me." I shoved at his chest.

     "I'm not the bad guy, Nadya." he growled, not releasing his grip. "Your best friend isn't as innocent as she seems."

     "Then why did she cry when I told her you cheated on her?" I asked. "And if you like her so much why would you talk so bad about her?"

     "I don't have to deal with this." he let go of me, practically shoving me. He let g so fast you wouldhave thought I was a disease. "I still like her, you idiot but I'm done with Amy Little, she's too much for me. But your still my best friend. I don't want our friendship to end over some misconception."


    "Call me when your really ready to listen." he said, cutting me off. He turned around and trudged down my driveway, leaving me with my mouth literally open. "Oh and while your at it, ask your best friend what really happened."

     And then he was too far away for me to even reply.

     It's like my life has stepped into an episode of Degrassi or something and I can't get out. I sighed and looked at my watch. I was definitely too late for first period, so might as well skip. I walk over to my car and climb in, trying to start it up.

     My car sputtered and groan in protest. "Oh no. Not now, please not now." I begged. I turned the key in the ignition again but it replied with the thing. "Crap!" I jumped out of the car and slammed the door.

    "This just isn't my day at all." I groaned. I took my bag from the back seat and locked up. I locked my car and headed in the direction for school, which was a good thirty minutes away.

     Just thank my lucky stars its not raining.

   But my lucky stars weren't on my side. Because as soon as I thought that it was like a bucket was thrown on me.

    Just... great.


     I reached school at around the end of second period, earning my self a demerit. I didn't even curse this time. I was too mad. My hair was drenched and soaping against my cheeks, my clothes were wet uncomfortable and clingy and my shoes were still wet from that puddle I tried to avoid.

     "Hey where have you been? I've been looking all over for you to remind you of our dress shopping date." I heard Amy say. I looked over to my small friend bounding up to me, her hair of curls bouncing along. "You look like hell." Amy said stopping as soon as she saw me at my locker. Seeing her reminded me of everything that happened this morning.

    "Your boyfriend."

     Her body tensed and her eyes narrowed. "He is not my boyfriend."

     I paused and looked at Amy. Ever since I told her about Louis she apparently dumped him and moved on. But that's what the rumors say. I could tell she wasn't moving on. This was the girl who was in love with Louis since forever. The girl who was mad at me for actually having a crush on Louis at one time.

     "What happened between you two?" I asked.

     "Nothing, why did he say something?" she asked hastily. "Because he's a liar. A bastard."

     "Yeah well according to him, your the one who's at fault here." I said pointedly. I searched my locker for my brush and I picked it up running it through my hair. This is going to be hell to wash later.

     "Me!" she yelled. "I'm the one at fault. You saw him yourself Nadya. He was kissing another girl."

    I don't know why I never noticed before but her reactions seemed kind of... forced. Like she was making this up as she went along. Trying to keep my face neutral I asked her again. "What really happened Amy... and don't lie to me."

     She looked down at her pink converses and sighed. "I can't tell you, Nady. You'll hate me forever."

     I put my hand on her shoulder, "I would never." Amy shook her head.

    "It's too horrible." she took my hand of my shoulder and stepped back. "I got some leave in conditioner in my locker that can get those tangles straight out."

     I could tell the conversation was done, but I wasn't. Why was everyone hiding from me? Why did they think I couldn't handle the truth?

     Whatever it was, I knew I was going to find out.


      Later that day, I walked into my house to find my mother, still there. Max was no where to be found.


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