» Romance » Late Last Night (Completed), Kenzie . [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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                I pulled Lucas closer to me and looked into his gorgeous blue-green eyes. “No. Don’t you dare blame yourself.”

                “Marc blamed me.” He said. “He blamed me for year and we were finally getting along. And then you happened.” My eyebrows furrowed. Lucas smiled at me and caressed my cheek. “You are so incredible and you don’t realize.”

                “I really like you Nadya Sterling. I have since you that day in the cafeteria. You know after I got over the death of my apple juice.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes. Him and apple juice.

                “You have an obsession.” I grinned. Lucas smiled back and we hugged each other. WE stayed like that for a long time, just too broken people holding onto each other and trying to forget reality.

But of course reality had to ruin our moment. Again. The home phone was ongoing and Lucas reached over for it. He handed it over to me and I looked at the caller ID. My breath hitched it was the hospital.

I answered the phone and held my breath, hoping for the best. 


Chapter Twenty-Five


            The hospital was still cold and smelt of cleaners. I took my time walking in. I told Lucas to go home. He has already done so much for me. And it was time for me to face it alone.

            The automatic doors closed behind me and the nurse behind the desk looked up at me. She recognized me automatically and waved me over. I walked over hesitantly and put my hands on the desk.

            “Nadya Sterling, right?”

            I nodded.

            “Doctor Carrey will be out to see you in a minute. Wait here.” I almost chucked something at her. Waiting. It always comes down to waiting.

            It felt like I was waiting forever. I watched the tile under my feet with disinterest.

            About five minutes later, a man came to stand in front of me his dress shoes gleaming in the fluorescent lighting.  “Ms. Sterling.” I looked up at him. He was an aging man who had peppering hair and smile lines going across his cheeks. He wasn’t smiling now, though.

           “Will you come with me please?” He motioned behind him. I got up slowly and together we walked past the receptionist. She gave a sad smile, and I knew that it wasn’t good news. We continued walking until we reached a private all white room. The doctor paused at the door and motioned me in first then closing the door behind us.

            “My name is Dr. Sparrow.” He smiled warily. “I treated both your mother and your brother.” I nodded, urging him to get on with it. “Your brother is fine, my dear.”  He started to explain that because of his seatbelt he suffered minimum damage, just bruising in his ribs and broken leg. Clean break, easy to fix.

            “What about…” I gulped. “My mother?”

 He looks down for a second before looking back up into my eyes.

            “I’m so sorry.”

            And then I felt my world crumble in ways I’ve never known possible.


            The problem with grief is that there is no real way to approach it. With my father, it was the hardest time of my life, trying to get over the unfairness of it all. In a way, I have already mourned my mother, when she stopped being a mother towards me. But I realized that this was true grief.

            I was an orphan. Max lost his mother.

            And I have no idea what to do.

            The doctor left me in the private room by myself. I guess that’s why he took me away from everyone, he knew I’d need to be on my own. But I wasn’t on my own for long.

            “Nadya,” A familiar voice called. I looked up at Ronnie as he reached arms wide open.  “Oh babe, I’m so sorry.” I fell into his arms as he rocked me.

            “How did you know?”

            “Lucas called.” He said. “And Tyler is outside.” Ronnie was the only one who knew what my mother did to me. Well know Lucas knows.

            “Okay.” I took a deep breathe. “He Is here for Max.” Without my mother, he would want custody. “Oh, God. He cannot have him. He doesn’t know the first thing about Max.”    

            “So you will fight him for it.” Ronnie said simply. “Do not let him win; you will fight for your brother. And I will help you every step of the way.”

            I nodded and we intertwined hands. I decided to go find Max. I found him in the pediatric ward hooked up to different devices. His little hand reached towards me and he gave me a small smile.

            “Oh Max.” I let go of Ronnie and went towards my little brother. I took his hand first and caressed his cheek. He looked so little and vulnerable. “I’m so sorry baby.” I kissed his cheek.

            “Where’s mommy?” he asked slowly. I clenched his tiny fist in mine. Ignoring his questions I asked him how he was feeling. “Tired.” He replied in a little voice.

            “Don’t worry, we’ll be home soon okay?”

            “Mommy, you and me.” He said hopefully. I sighed and kissed his cheek.  I heard some commotion from outside the hospital room. It was Ronnie and he was yelling at someone to stop.

            “You cannot go in there!” he said forcefully. I saw his body block the door jamb from the unwanted intruder.

            “You can’t stop me from seeing my son,” Tyler said. He pushed against Ronnie, but he was an unmoving rock. “Get out of my way. Nadya, tell your boyfriend to move!”

            I got up from my position and walked over till I was behind Ronnie. I put my hand on his shoulder, silently telling him to back down. “Tyler, now is not the time.”

            “Let me see him.” Tyler replied through clenched teeth. Ronnie’s shoulders tensed. I bit my lip and told Ronnie to step aside. Tyler walked in, not even thanking me and headed over to Max.

            “Hey buddy.” He said. It was the softest voice I’ve ever heard him speak in. “How are you?” Max looked up at the man before him with innocent eyes.

            “Who are you?” he asked. Tyler’s shoulder’s tensed.

            “I’m your f-”, I stepped up and cut him off. “He’s a friend, Max.” I gave Tyler a meaningful look. Max thought his Dad was dead, he thought his father was my father. I don’t think he would be able to understand if we revealed to him his true parentage. I was surprised when Tyler did not try to correct me.

            “I like meeting Nagya’s friends.” He grinned. “I’m Max.” Tyler smiled and told him that he knew. Ronnie made his way over to me and watched Tyler like a hawk. It was all a little surreal, Tyler actually caring for Max.

            But it was too good to be true, I knew it, and soon things would get out of my control.


            When Max was finally discharged, I told Tyler I’d think about letting him see him again. I was still hesitant about what to do with this whole “Tyler’s your dad” situation. My mother died, and left me with this to deal with by myself.

            But despite all of the hate she left Max to me, and I could see it burned Tyler. Truthfully, what does he expect? To Max, he is a complete stranger. Tyler’s parents did not take the news any better, and I was scared that they might take me to court for it. Tyler came from old money, his parent’s never really liked me and they liked me less when they found out he impregnated my own mother. They felt like it was my fault their son was a father so young. But their argument would never hold up in court and they knew it. If they were really concerned about Max’s wellbeing, why did they choose to ignore his existence up until now?

            It was all very confusing and messy but in the end I came home with my brother and Ronnie. Max was sleeping in my arms and I made my way upstairs. I opened the door to his unused room and put him in the bed. I tucked him in bed and kissed his hair. Leaning back I looked down at my brother who was only here on earth for a short time. I’ve personally known him for an even shorter time.

            I don’t even know how to raise a kid. It’s difficult enough raising myself. And oh God, I have to get a job. And I doubt I could still go to college.

            “Oh, God.” I whispered to myself. “I can’t do this.” Max stirred in hi bed and I left before I could disturb him even more.

            Downstairs Ronnie was cooking something, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and he had his hair pushed back. He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. “Hey, is Max still sleeping.”

            I nodded and leaned over the island and sighed. I put my cheek on the cool granite and tried to breathe. I felt so overwhelmed at the moment; I don’t know how I can handle all of this. I felt a hand on my back and I looked up to Ronnie.

            “Listen. I’ll help you out okay? We can do this together.” He said firmly. I pushed back his hand and shook my head, I knew he meant well but realistically, how much could Ronnie help, he was just a kid himself.

            “I think I’m going to be around a lot more often now.”

            “What why?”

            Ronnie avoided eye contact and went over to his pot. He mixed the food around a few times and set the spoon down. “My dad-uh- kind of kicked me out.”


            “And my mom defended him.” He shrugged, still facing the stove. “He was hurting her and the first time I actually stood up to the bastard, I get kicked out.” He was gripping the counter harder now. I walked over to him and put my arm around his shoulder.

            “I’m so sorry Ronnie” I sighed. Especially after everything that has happened with his health, I wish this would have happened to anyone other than him.

            But life wasn’t fair. And after everything that happened to me, I’m realizing that it’s getting worse by the day.


“You know you can always stay with me right?” I asked. I took his hand and he gripped mine so hard I winced. But I did not let go.

            “I wasn’t going to ask. I have a key you know.” He smirked. But I could tell he wasn’t serious. It was hard seeing my best friend going through things that I couldn’t do anything about. But the least we could do was be there for each other.

            “I love you Ronnie.” I smiled sadly. Ronnie rolled his eyes and put his arms around me.

            “I love you too girl. You and me, you hear.” He put his head ontop of mine and I smiled a little.

            “Yeah.” I said.


                        The morning came to fast. Max woke me up screaming about a nightmare he had, even though he forgot most of it by the time I got to him. I stayed with him until he fell back asleep and then I went to my own bed. Not before passing one of the bedrooms that Ronnie was curled up in. I sighed and closed his bedroom door.

            My head hit the pillow for all but a minute until I heard my cell phone ring. I grouaned and rolled over. I took up my cell.

            “Hello.” I answered with a groggy voice.

            “Nadya.” Lucas said. I automatically got up.

            “Oh hey,” I said a little louder after clearing my voice. “What’s up?” I asked.        

            “Did I just wake you up?” he asked. Yes.

            “No.” I lied. I didn’t mind that he woke

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