» Romance » Eternal love Book 1, Sami.leigh [i can read with my eyes shut .TXT] 📗

Book online «Eternal love Book 1, Sami.leigh [i can read with my eyes shut .TXT] 📗». Author Sami.leigh

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I’d awoke that morning to the sun penetrating my window, pouring warm light into my room and covering me like a blanket.

Snuggling further into my bed, I was reluctant to move, being completely content, enjoying the comfort of my bed and basking in the sun’s rays.

As my eyes opened timidly, I automatically let out a yawn while stretching out my body. Pulling my limbs as far as they could reach trying to detangle the knots in my muscles that had seized up while I slept, instantly feeling that bit more refreshed and a lot more awake.

Taking a peek at the time, it showed it was still quite early morning. So relaxing once again I closed my eyes. Not too long I warned myself as I started to dream. Pictures of James flooded my mind, with his pale smooth complexion, big blue eyes and unruly black hair, he was gorgeous. This was my best friend James. He was perfect.

Perfect smile, perfect personality and simply just perfect everything.

Smiling as the memories of us flowed through my mind as clearly as a picture show, taking me back to the first day I met him, the day we became inseparable.

I’d been perched on the edge of a plastic school chair, wearing my favourite red dungarees and my wild blonde hair scooped up into uneven pigtails. I was painting my Christmas picture when the boys came over to tease me.

It was something that had happened daily starting the first day I came to Alton road nursery school. Term had just started in September and id been missing my mummy and started to cry, since then they made fun of me or teased me, I’d sit on my own as the others didn’t want to be friends with the girl the bigger boys teased.

So that day they decided to hide my brushes and take my paints, Just as I started to get upset, James appeared, he was the new boy that had started this week.

‘’Leave her alone’’ He snapped at them crossly.

‘’What you going to do about it little weed?’’

That was said by Tom, he was the biggest in the class and everyone was scared of him, and with his skin head hair cut it made him look even meaner.

‘’ You got a problem with her, you go through me first, im not scared of you’’ the new boy had said.

Making me think he was so brave to be standing up for me like that, I really hoped he didn’t get hurt.

Showing his fist Tom growled ‘’ how about… I give you a piece of my mind?’’

James just stood there with a silly lop sided grin on his face and smiled, ‘’ dare ya! ‘’

He looked like he was invincible, like a lion in the body of a Five year old.

Then it was all over quickly, I remember being scared for James knowing that Tom was going to hit him, but I had to double take as it was tom on the floor and James stood over him, demanding that he left me alone, or else.

‘’They won’t tease you anymore’’ he assured me giving me one of the lop sided grins that I became to fall in love with.

Grabbing the brushes off the floor he began helping tidy up the painting area. We didn’t say anything to each other for a little while after that, I didn’t have any friends and didn’t wish to scare away the one person that may actually be friends with me, I decided it would be wise to keep the outrageous list of questions I had for him to myself and we just cleared up the paints and got out new paper in silence.

‘’ You’re all set to start again ‘’

‘’ Thank you ‘’ I just about managed to say, although I tried to sound confidant it came out in a whisper.

‘’ Don’t mention it, I’m James ‘’ he said whilst offering out his hand to me, smiling.

‘’ My names Alyssa, nice to meet you.’’ This came out a little louder as I shook his hand.

And Just like that we became ‘’the bests of friends’’, sharing lunches, playing play ground games together, even going through the rest of school in most of the same classed, and no one teased me because they were scared of James.

Sleepily opening my eyes and glancing over to the clock on my wall, suddenly sitting up, my eyes wide awake and my heart pumping fast, he would be here any minute and I wasn’t ready.

Leaping from my bed all sense of tiredness fell away from me replacing it with excitement. Reaching for my wardrobe handle I yanked unintentionally opening it a bit too heavy handed resulting in the door slam against the wall. Wincing with the banging noise I attempted to rummage through the mountains of clothes that I owed, wondering what to wear.

Finally on what seemed to take a decade, I settled on wearing a plain summery play suit, something cute and girly but without saying ‘’look at me, look at me’’
Rushing around brushing my teeth while splashing water on my face, I was almost ready.

Stood looking at my reflexion after brushing the tangled strands out of my hair bringing it back to its straight and shiny glory, then gliding on some lip gloss and adding a touch of mascara transforming me into a doe eyed girl. I smiled widely, ‘good as new’ I told myself.

Giving myself a moment to take in the image reflecting back at me, Id changed, no longer the girl with the dungarees and wild blonde pigtails with a face full of dirt or paint. Id transformed like caterpillar to butterfly. Id long blonde shimmery hair, a body with curves in the right places, neither overweight nor stick thin, make up in place of paint, I looked like a lady. At 21 id grown my proverbial wings.

Taking once last look at my appearance checking for stray toothpaste finding its way in my hair and making sure that I wore matching pumps, because even though we had been friends for most of our lives, and never indicating I was more to him than a friend, or looking after me like he would a sister, I loved him.

A feeling of nausea thundered through me landing in the pit of my stomach, It made me feel sick just thinking that he didn’t like me in that way, wouldn’t love me back in the way of a lover.

I mentally shook myself, feeling a bit silly for getting so wound up, James was gorgeous and had plenty of girls after him, so he wouldn’t look twice at me, plus like a told myself a million and one times, it was a crush on my best friend that will go away soon, stopping me from feeling envious and jealous of those model perfect girls he takes out, pulling my mind away from the taboo thoughts of him I walked towards my door deciding I looked great, opening my bedroom door I made my way downstairs.

Descending down the stairs hopping from one step to another with a little spring in my step, making my way to the kitchen, I passed my brother, Matt.

‘’ Morning ‘’ I chirped as I skipped by, chuckling to myself after hearing a grunt reply from him, he really wasn’t a morning person, preferring to sleep in till noon then hang around his rooms playing video games or listening to music with his friends.

Reaching the third step from the bottom, I stopped, measuring the distance in my mind, feeling a bit childish, I jumped.

‘Whoa!!, watch it ‘’ she laughed, as I bumped into my mum.

‘’ your juice and toast is ready on the table.’’

Grinning ‘’Thanks, mum!’’

‘’ Ooo someone’s in a good mood this morning …seeing James are we’’

I felt my face go red as she mentioned his name, ‘’what makes you think that?’’

‘’well… let me see..’’ she stated, counting off on her fingers, ‘’ good mood, girls clothes, early morning, and make up… can only equal James.’’

My face started burning as I could feel myself blush, was I that obvious? Grabbing my juice, I hoped the coldness would calm down my rouged cheeks.

‘’ you know im only joking with you’’ putting her arms around me, ‘’ but you got to admit he is cute’’

‘’gee mum, embarrassing much?’’ I laughed nervously hoping she wouldn’t guess that I knew he was cute, and how much I felt for him more than anyone knew.

‘’ It’s only me’’

I heard a voice come from the porch
My stomach felt full of butterflies doing somersaults and goose bumps every inch of me, my body’s reaction from just hearing his voice.

‘’ the doorbell broke again’’ mum shouted as he popped his head around the door.

‘’Oh is that what that thing is’’ James said, with a shocked expression which quickly transformed into one of his lopsided grins.

They played this little charade a lot, my parents were that used to him coming around since nursery school, when we both turned 16, my parents gave both of us a house key, knowing they could trust him.

Mum walked into the other room laughing, ‘’ I shall see you two love birds later’’ she called.

‘’morning’’ he ruffles with my hair laughing as he saw the scowl I wore on my face; he knew how much I hate him doing it. ‘’ hurry up with your breakfast slow coach’’

Munching a slice of toast and finishing off my juice in Olympic record time, we set off to the shopping centre.

Reaching our destination, the DIY store, we parked the car and headed in.

Putting in my pound coin to release one of the shopping trolleys, I wheeled it over to where James was waiting for me at the doors, ‘’ let’s get ready to shop’’ I thought, pushing the trolley through the main doors.

Moments later I was surrounded by assortments of timber, power tools and other DIY equipment. Wheeling the shopping trolley across the floor dodging boxes of nails and screws while, James filled it with sheets of different sized wood, and a box of nails.

Adding a few other bits like hammers and sandpaper, we decided it was everything we needed so went over to the tills to pay.
After purchasing our goods, we started to fill up the car with it all.

Taking the bags which contained the smaller items, I placed them in the boot as he put the back seats down to make room for the wood.

‘’ I’ll do it ‘’ I said practically shouting to him over the car roof, stood on my tip toes at the passenger’s side so I could see him.

‘’ I’ll let you try ‘’ he grinned

Taking the first sheet I tried lifting it, wow these things were heavier than they look, placing it back down as casually as I can, standing up I tucked the stray hairs

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