» Romance » ETERNAL SOULMATES, Lisa Ann [free novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «ETERNAL SOULMATES, Lisa Ann [free novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisa Ann

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CH. 1 Going To The Beach

Marty could hear what was going through everyone's minds.

Ever since her and Jer became soulmates and got closer her powers have gotten stronger and so has Jer.

She knew from the minute that Noah and Dom looked at Kat and Emma that their was something going on between them.

Marty could tell that Noah wanted to spend some time alone with Kat to get to know her better and also that Dom wanted to get to know Emma better too.

"Here's your jacket Kat," Em handed Kat her jacket.

"Hey Kat do you mind if I walk with you to the beach?" Noah asked stepping closer to her side.

Kat smiled and held out her hand, "Thanks Noah! Just hold out your arm for me cause it's the best way for me to get around."

So Noah held out his arm for Kat to take. She felt around until she got hold of his arm. Then she snaked her arm around his left arm holding on tightly.

"Let's get going then guys," Gaven demanded.

Marty and Jer walked with their fingers intwined together, while Dom walked along side Emma talking up a storm with her.

As Noah and Kat walked beside Jer and Marty, Noah could feel sparks run up his arm from Kat's touch.

He knew that there was something about Kat they kept pulling him in.

When everyone got to the beach there was a beach party going on.

Then Kat heard all the guy yell that there was a party happening on the beach and she couldn't help but smile.

Noah looked down at Kat who was smiling like crazy.

"So what's got you smiling so much?"

Kat turned her head in his direction, "Your friends are funny because they are getting so excited over a beach party."

"Oh really miss smartypants? Well just so you know, I can tell that your pretty excited too," Noah laughed knowing what he said was true.

Kat smiled at what he said, "Ok, you got me there. I'm pretty excited becaues this would count as my first real beach party."

Noah squeezed her hand that was resting on his forearm and pulled her along.

Kat felt sparks crawl up her arm as Noah tugged her along in the sand. She could feel the cool air against her skin and could smell the ocean.

Marty watched how Noah was so gentle with Kat. Whenever you look at Noah, he looks like someone who can do some real damage if you piss him off or hurt someone he loves.

Then Marty heard a familiar voice in her head. It was Reece. He was here at the part with Adam, Caleb and two other guys she didn't know.

Jer felt Marty stop abruptly next to him. He looked down at her only to notice that she was shaking.

"Marty what's wrong?" Jer asked in serious tone.

She took a deep calming breath, "Reece is here with his friends. There down at the party and don't know that we're here either."

"Let's go find the guys and see what they want to do about it," Jer put his arm protectively around Marty's waist and went to find the guys.

CH. 2 Beach Party Problems

Jer headed over to where Dom, Emma, Noah and Kat were standing by the water.

Dom could sense something was wrong from the way Jer had his arm around his siter's waist.

When Marty and Jer got closer Dom asked, "What's going on Jer?"

"Marty says that Reece is here with Adam, Caleb and two others that I don't know,"

"Did you say Reece was here?" Noah asked angrily from behind Dom.

Kat could feel Noah stiffen next her as he talked with Dom and Jer about this Reece guy.

"Noah take a deep breath," Kat soothed him.

Noah looked at Kat and couldn't figure out how she could calm him down so quickly.

"Do you guys want to stay here or go do something else?" Emma sqeezed Dom's hand.

"Yah let's get out of here," Noah agreed.

They started walking back up the beach towards where the party was when Reece saw them.

"Well look who decided to show their face around here," Reece looked at Jer.

Marty heard a low growl come from Jer. She looked up to see Reece coming closer to them.

Jer then pushed Marty protectively behind him so that Reece couldn't touch her.

"If you want your head to stay attached to you shoulders then I suggest you keep back," Jer threatend.

"Hey Reece, who are these party crashers?" a guy with dark hair asked.

Kat regconized that voice of this guy. It was her ex boyfriend Dustin.

Noah felt Kat press herself closer to his side like she was trying to stay out of sight.

"Kat what's wrong?" he asked grabbing her hand.

"Can we please go somewhere else?"

Noah hugged her closer whispering in her ear, "Yah, we can do that."

Dustin looked at Noah then his eyes drifted to his arm around Kat's waist.

"What's wrong Kitty? You don't want to play with the dogs anymore? Not even with your old boyfriend?" Dustin smirked

Kat moved away so that she was standing behind Noah who's body was tense with anger.

"Why can't you just leave my cousin alone Dustin? Ya'll aren't dating anymore cause you cheated on Kat with my best friend," Emma said aloud.

This cause Dustin to start walking towards them with his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

When Dom stepped in front of Emma to protect her, Emma then grabbed Kat pulling her behind Dom as well when Noah suddenly stood almost touching noses with Dustin.

As soon as Kat was pulled safely behind Dom with Emma, Noah was ready to fight if he had too.

He could tell that Dustin was also a werewolf from another pack. He was in the same pack as Reece and his boys were.

That's why Jer and Dom reacted the way they did because Reece was trying to fight on their land.

"If I see you anywhere near Kat or Emma you'll regret ever messing with me," Noah growled.

Dustin stepped even closer, "We'll see about that."

Then he turned walking away with Reece, Adam and Caleb following behind towards the party.

CH. 3 There Watching You

As they were leaving the beach Marty had this feeling like something was going to happen later on, but she wasn't sure.

"Em, would you and Kat like to come over to our house to hang out and have dinner?" Marty smiled happily.

Emma looked at Dom who was smiling and so was everyone else.

"That would be so great. Thank you Marty," Emma almost shouted because she was happy that her and Kat had new friends to hang out with.

Then Emma looked over at Kat wanting to know if she liked the idea.

Kat could feel all eyes on her as Noah squeezed her hand softly.

"Would you mind if I came Noah?" Kat asked shyly.

"Yeah I would love it if you and Emma came. That means I would get to spend more time with you so we could get to know eat other better," Noah excitedly.

Marty knew her dinner idea was a good way from everyone to get to know each other.

Bryce and Gaven went on home while the rest of them went to get food at the store.

When they finally got to the store everyone went up and down every row looking for whatever kind of foos they wanted to eat.

Emma was walking with Dom while he was holding her small hand in his. She has never felt happier in her entire life than she does right now.

She knew that she was liking Dom more and more the longer she was with him.

It was like she had known Dom forever. She could feel this pull towards him like she's never felt before.

Eventually Emma and Dom found the rest of the guys who were ready to pay and leave.

Emma could tell from the way Kat stood by Noah that she was happy.

It was the first in a long time that Emma has seen her cousin this happy around anyone she became blind.

From what Emma could tell, Noah was a great guy and Kat deserved to have someone like him.

"Em I need to use the restroom before we leave," Kat murmured from Noah's side.

"I can show you and Emma where it's at," Marty replied.

"While ya'll do that we'll go pay for the food and then meet you down there. Don't forget that I love you," Jer smiled kissing her softly on the lips.

"I love you to. I'm gonna take them to the restrooms where the back exit is," Marty answered kissing him back.

As Kat let go of Noah's arm so she could take Emma's she felt Noah pulled her back.

Noah kissed Kat on her cheek softly. Kat felt her face go red as she blushed.

"Don't be gone long cause I'm hungry. Oh, just so you know, your're cute when you blush," he whipsered in her ear.

Then Noah let her go and watched as Kat grabbed onto Emma's arm and walked away.

At that moment, Noah knew what it felt like for Jer to be away from Marty.

When they got to the restrooms had this feeling of someone watching them.

"I'll wait out here for ya'll," Marty mumbled to Emma.

Emma and Kat went inside while Marty waited for them.

Kat ended up finishing before Emma and decided to

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